3. Abilities

by SAUNIER Amelie

Field work : Coordination of in situ experiments, implementation of sampling in natural areas (sampling of plant material).

Analytical chemistry : analyses of volatile compounds by PTR-MS and GC-MS, analyses of terpenes by GC-MS, analyses of phenolic compounds by UPLC-MS, dosages with spectrophotometry.

Vegetal ecophysiology : Use of enclosure chambers, follow-up of ecophysiological parameters (photosynthesis and stomatal conductance) with gas analysers, characterization of environmental stress, use of portable fluorimeters to dose in vivo phenolic compounds and estimate the photosynthetic activity.

IT tools : Microsoft office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Endnote (bibliography), R and Statgraphics (statistical analyses), Chemstation and Compass (analytical chemistry).

Languages : French (mother) ,English