Conferences et colloquia

by Berangere Leys

Invited Colloquia

Centre Européen de Recherche et d’Enseignement en Géosciences et Environnement – 2019 (CEREGE, France). Fire is an enigmatic disturbance leading to both destruction and renewal of plant life. Climate and Environment Group.

University of Bern – 2017 (Bern, Switzerland). Consequences of nutrient availability on long-term vegetation dynamics. Institute of Plant Sciences.

Kansas State University – 2017 (Manhattan, KS, USA). Fire in grassland systems: millennial time scale of fire history reconstruction and consequences on nutrient cycling. Department of Biology, seminar in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.

University of Oregon – 2016 (Eugene, OR, USA). Consequences of nutrient cycling on dynamics of vegetation at millennial time scale. Department of Geography, Environmental Change Research Group.

Kansas State University – 2015 (Manhattan, KS, USA). Use of handheld XRF and XRD techniques to assess long-term nutrient dynamics from lake sediment of Mirror Lake, NH. Department of Geology.

University of Utah - 2015 (Salt Lake City, UT, USA). Long-term fire ecology: processes and consequences on ecosystems. Department of Geography.

Centre of Functional and Evolutionary Ecology - 2014 (CEFE-CNRS, Montpellier, France). Alpine and Mediterranean paleo-fires: human- or climate-induced disturbance?, Science Day of the Department of Functional Ecology.

Contributed conferences:

BES Festival of Ecology - 2020 (virtual) Leys B., Marlon J., Umbanhowar C., Vanniere B. Fire history of grassland biomes.

AGU - 2019 (San Fransisco, USA) Sayedi S., Abbott B.W., Vannière B., Leys B., Daniau A.-L., Colombaroli D., Gil Romera G., Słowiński M., Aleman J. C. Expert assessment of past and future changes in global fire regimes

SFE2 - 2018 (Rennes, France) Leys B., Marlon J., Umbanhowar C., Vanniere B. Fire history of grassland biomes.

Rencontres Archéobotaniques – 2018 (Besse-en-Chandesse, France) Leys B., Finsinger W., Carcaillet C. Les fortes fréquences de feux ne sont pas le point sensible du Pin noir, Laricio corse au cours des derniers 12 000 ans.

Past Global Changes (PAGES) Open Science Meeting – 2017 (Saragossa, Spain) Leys B., Higuera P., McLauchlan K.K., and Dunnette P. Wildfires and geochemical change in a subalpine forest over the past six millennia.

American Quaternary Association – 2016 (Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA) Leys B, Brewer C.S., Mueller J., McConaghy S., McLauchlan K.K., and Marlon J. Fire history reconstruction in Grassland ecosystems.

Ecological Society of America - 2015 (ESA, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 2015) Leys B., Brewer S., Mueller J. McConaghy S. and McLauchlan K. Calibration of charcoal measurements for fire history reconstruction in grassland ecosystem.

European Palaeobotany and Palynology Conference - 2014 (EPPC, Padova, Italy) Leys B., Finsinger W. and Carcaillet C. Historical range of fire frequency is not the Achilles’ heel of the Corsican black pine ecosystem.

Models in Evolution and Ecology - 2014 (Montpellier, France, 2014) Leys B., Curt T and Elkin C. Impact of fire regime on Corsican black pine ecosystem: paleo-fire frequency reconstructed and fire behavior modeled.

FIREMAN UE project annual meeting - 2013 (Tallberg, Sweden) Leys, B. Impact of fire regime on Corsican black pine ecosystem during the Holocene: paleoecological and modeling approaches.

Tours 2012 - 2012 (Tours, France) Leys B., Finsinger W., Carcaillet C., 18,000 years of vegetation and fire history of Mediterranean mountain of Corsica (Lac de Creno), France.

Medpine 4 - 2011 (Avignon, France) Leys B., Carcaillet C., Long term fire and vegetation histories in Mediterranean mountain of Corsica, France.

Ecoveg 7 - 2011 (Lausanne, Switzerland) Leys B., Carcaillet C. Histoire des feux et de la biodiversité végétale méditerranéenne: étude d’un lac montagnard Corse.

GMPCA - 2009 (Montpellier, France) Leys B., Bremond L. et Favier C. Densité du couvert arboré tropical mesurée par l’indice foliaire et enregistrée par les phytolithes.