Soumis & en préparation
AUBERT C., GANDOUIN E., BRISSET E., NADERI-BENI A., LAHIJANI H., POURMAND A., SHARIFI A., ALINEZHAD K., PONEL P., ANDRIEU-PONEL V., GAMBIN B., DJAMALI M., in major revision. Chironomids revealing Holocene climate variability in Northwestern Iran. Quaternary Research.
MAGNE G., BROSSIER B., GANDOUIN E., PARADIS L., DROBYSHEV I., KRYSHEN A., HELY C., ALLEAUME S., ALI A.A., in minor revision. Lacustrine charcoal peaks provide an accurate record of surface wildfires in a North European boreal forest. The Holocene.
PONEL P., GUITER F., GANDOUIN E., PEYRON O., DE BEAULIEU J-L, soumis. Late-glacial palaeotemperatures and palaeoprecipitations in Aubrac (French Massif Central), reconstructed from multiproxy analyses (coleoptera, chironomids and pollen). Quaternary International, QUATINT_2019_346.
VAISSIÈRE A., CASTANET C., GAUTIER E., VIRMOUX C., GANDOUIN E., DEVELLE-VINCENT A-L., MOKADEM F., SAULNIER-COPARD S., SABATIER P., DEPRET T., CARCAUD N. in prep. Long-term readjustments of sinuous river under climate and human forcing during the second half of the Holocene (Cher River, France). Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.
[27] AUBERT C., DJAMALI M., JONES M., LAHIJANI H., NADERI-BENI A., SHARIFI A., PONEL P., GANDOUIN E., in press. A major hydrobiological change in Dasht-e Arjan Wetland (SW Iran) during the late glacial-early Holocene transition revealed by subfossil chironomids. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences.
[26] BAJOLLE L., LAROCQUE-TOBLER I., ADAM A. A., LAVOIE M., BERGERON Y., GANDOUIN E, 2019. Reconstructing Holocene temperature using chironomids in a shallow boreal lake : potentials and pitfalls. Journal of Paleolimnology,61, 69-84.
[25] BRISSET E., MORTEZA D., BARD E., BORSCHNECK D., GANDOUIN E., GARCIA M., STEVENS L., TACHIKAWA K., 2019. Late Holocene hydrology of Lake Maharlou, southwest Iran, inferred from high-resolution sedimentological and geochemical analyses. Journal of Paleolimnology. 61, 111-128.
[24] DJAMALI M., GONDET S., ASHJARI J., MARRINER N., AUBERT C., BRISSET E., LONGEREY J., MARRINER N., MASHKOUR M., MILLER N., NADERI-BENI A., POURKERMAN M., RASHIDIAN E., RIGOT J-B., SHIDRANG S., THIÉRY A., GANDOUIN E., 2018. Karstic-spring wetlands of the Persepolis Basin, SW Iran : unique sediment archives of Holocene change and human impacts. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences,55, 1158-1172.
[23] GIAIME M., MAGNE G., GANDOUIN E., MARRINER N., MORHANGE C., BIVOLARU A., in press. Halmyris : geoarchaeology of a fluvial harbour on the Danube Delta (Dobrogea, Romania). The Holocene.
[22] BAJOLLE L., LAROCQUE-TOBLER I., GANDOUIN E., LAVOIE M., BERGERON Y, ALI A. A, 2018. Major postglacial summer temperature changes in the central coniferous boreal forest of Quebec (Canada) inferred using chironomid assemblages. Journal of Quaternary Sciences,33, 409-420.
[21] DEHGHANI, M., DJAMALI, M., GANDOUIN, E., AKHANI, H., 2017. A pollen rain - vegetation study along a 3600 m mountain - desert transect in the Irano-Turanian region ; implications for the reliability of some pollen ratios as moisture indicators. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 247, 133-148.
[20] AUBERT, C., BRISSET, E., DJAMALI, M., SHARIFI, A., PONEL, P., GAMBIN, B., AZIRANI, T.A., GUIBAL, F., LAHIJANI, H., BENI, A.N., BEAULIEU, J.-L. de, POURMAND, A., ANDRIEU-PONEL, V., THIÉRY, A., GANDOUIN, E., 2017. Late glacial and early Holocene hydroclimate variability in northwest Iran (Talesh Mountains) inferred from chironomid and pollen analysis. Journal of paleolimnology 58, 151–167.
[19] PONEL P., GUITER F., GANDOUIN E., PAILLES C., RIOUAL P., DJAMALI M., ANDRIEU-PONEL V., LEYDET M., VAN DER PUTTEN N., de BEAULIEU J-L. 2016. Novel insights from coleopteran and pollen evidence into the Late glacial/Holocene transition in Aubrac, French Massif Central. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 463, 83-102.
[18] GANDOUIN E., RIOUAL P., PAILLES C., BROOKS S. J., PONEL P., GUITER F., DJAMALI M., ANDRIEU-PONEL V., BIRKS H.J.B., LEYDET M, BELKACEM D., HAAS J-N., VAN DER PUTTEN N., BEAULIEU J-L., 2016. Environmental and climate reconstruction of the Late-glacial - Holocene transition from a lake sediment sequence in Aubrac, French Massif Central : chironomid and diatom evidence. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 461, 292-309.
[17] FERNANE A., PENAUD A., GANDOUIN E., GOSLIN J., VAN VLIET-LANOË B., GOUBERT E., LE CADRE V., 2015. Human settlement versus Holocene climates over the last 7,000 years cal BP in Southern Brittany coast (NW France). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 435, 136-144.
[16] FERNANE A., GANDOUIN E., PENAUD A., VAN VLIET-LANOË, GOSLIN J., VIDAL M., DELACOURT C, 2014. Coastal palaeoenvironmental record of the last 7 ka BP in NW France : infra-millenary climatic and anthropic Holocene signals. The Holocene 24 : 1785–1797.
[15] GOSLIN J., VAN VLIET-LANOË B., STÉPHAN P., DELACOURT C., FERNANE A., GANDOUIN E, HENAFF A., PENAUD A., SUANEZ S. 2013. Holocene relative sea-level changes in western Brittany (France) between 7600 and 4000 cal. BP : Reconstitution from basal-peat deposits. Géomorphologie : Relief. Processus. Environnement 19 : 425-444.
[14] DJAMALI M., MARINER N., GAMBIN B., ANDRIEU-PONEL V., GAMBIN T., GANDOUIN E., MEDAIL F., PAVON D., PONEL P., MORHANGE C. 2013. Vegetation dynamics during the early to mid-Holocene transition in NW Malta, human impact versus climatic forcing. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 22 : 367-380.
[13] PONEL P., COURT-PICON M., BADURA M., GUITER F., BEAULIEU J-L., ANDRIEU-PONEL V., DJAMALI M., LEYDET M., GANDOUIN E., BUTTLER A (2011). Holocene history of a high altitude alpine lake (Lac des Lauzons, Hautes-Alpes, France), reconstructed from multiproxy analyses (Coleoptera, plant macroremains, pollen). The Holocene 21 : 565-582.
[12] DJAMALI M., BEAULIEU J-L., ANDRIEU-PONEL V., BERBERIAN M., MILLER N.F., GANDOUIN E., LAHIJANI H., SHAH-HOSSEINI M., PONEL P., SALIMIAN M. & F. GUITER 2009. A late Holocene pollen record from Lake Almalou in NW Iran : evidence for changing land-use in relation to some historical events during the last 3700 years. Journal of Archaeological Science 36 : 1364-1375.
[11] GANDOUIN E., PONEL P., ANDRIEU-PONEL V., GUITER F., BEAULIEU J-L., DJAMALI M., FRANQUET E., VAN VLIET-LANOË B., ALVITRE M., MEURISSE M., BROCANDEL M. & J. BRULHET 2009. 10,000 years of vegetation history of the Aa palaeoestuary, St-Omer Basin, northern France. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 156 : 307 – 318.
[10] GUITER F., ANDRIEU-PONEL V., BEAULIEU J.-L., NICOUD G., PONEL P., BLAVOUX B. & E. GANDOUIN 2008. Palynostratigraphy of some Pleistocene deposits in the Western Alps : a review, Quaternary International 190 : 10–25.
[9] MAASRI A., FAYOLLE S., GANDOUIN E., GARNIER R., FRANQUET E. 2008. Epilithic chironomid larvae and water enrichment : is larval distribution explained by epilithon quantity or quality ? Journal of the North American Benthological Society 27 : 38-51.
[8] MAASRI A., DUMONT B., CLARET C., ARCHAMBAUD-SUARD G., GANDOUIN E., FRANQUET E. 2008. Tributaries under Mediterranean climate : their role in macrobenthos diversity maintenance. Comptes rendus biologie 331 : 547-558.
[7] VERES D., WOHLFARTH B., ANDRIEU-PONEL V., BJORCK S., BEAULIEU J-L., DIGERFELDT G., PONEL P., AMPEL L., DAVIES S., GANDOUIN E. & S. BELMECHERI 2007. The lithostratigraphy of the Les Echets basin, France : tentative correlation between cores. Boreas 36 : 326 – 340.
[6] PONEL P., GANDOUIN E., COOPE R. G., ANDRIEU-PONEL V., GUITER F., VAN VLIET-LANOE B., FRANQUET E., M. BROCANDEL & J. BRULHET 2007. Insect evidence for environmental and climate changes from Younger Dryas to Subboreal in a river floodplain at St-Momelin, St-Omer basin, northern France. Coleoptera and Trichoptera. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 245 : 483 – 504.
[5] GANDOUIN E., PONEL P., FRANQUET E., B. VAN VLIET-LANOE, ANDRIEU-PONEL V., KEEN D. H. & M. BROCANDEL 2007. Chironomid responses (Insect : Diptera) to Younger Dryas and Holocene environmental changes in a river floodplain from northern France (St-Momelin, St-Omer basin). The Holocene 17 : 333-349.
[4] GANDOUIN E., PONEL P., ANDRIEU-PONEL V., FRANQUET E., BEAULIEU J.L., REILLE M., GUITER F., BRULHET J.L., LALLIERS-VERGES E., KERAVIS D., VON GRAFENSTEIN U. & D. VERES 2007. Past environment and climate changes at the last Interglacial/Glacial transition (Les Echets, France) inferred from subfossil chironomids (Insecta). Comptes rendus geoscience 339 : 337 - 346.
[3] GANDOUIN E., A. MAASRI, B., Van VLIET-LANOE & E. FRANQUET, 2006. Chironomid (Insecta : Diptera) assemblages from a gradient of lotic and lentic waterbodies in river floodplains of France : A methodological tool for palaeoecological applications. Journal of Paleolimnology 35 : 149-166.
[2] GANDOUIN E., E. FRANQUET, & B. Van VLIET-LANOE 2005. Chironomids (Diptera) in River Floodplains : their Status and Potential Use for Palaeoenvironmental Reconstruction Purposes. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 162 : 511-534.
[1] GANDOUIN E. & E. FRANQUET, 2002. Late glacial and Holocene chironomid assemblages in Lac Long Inférieur, south of France, 2090 m. Palaeoenvironmental and Palaeoclimatical implications. Journal of Paleolimnology 28 : 317-328.