Preparation Service Sample observation and image analysis
The Sample Preparation, Observation and Image Analysis (SPOT) service is dedicated to imaging and sample preparation for observation andmicroscopy analysis.
The Morpho service covers a wide field of investigation, producing images ranging from landscapes to cellular microstructures.
The team masters all the techniques and adapts them to specific requests in support of IMBE research projects. This department has the following tools at its disposal image production (drone, binoculars, optical and electronic microscopes) and techniques for preparing objects for observation (photogrammetry, petrography, pollen preparation, histology, cytology).
The aim is to provide technical support and advice to staff working on landscape evolution, life cycles, taxonomy, morphological and cellular structure. The team also trains users in the department's various techniques.
The service is spread over two sites: theArbois and the Endoume marine station in Marseille. It has sorting, preparation and observation rooms.