Liste des publications

Dernières publications parues depuis 2018 :

Consultez l’ensemble des publications produites entre 1992 et 2024 sur ma page Researchgate


  • 130. Mahy G, Torok P, Bischoff A, Kiehl K, Dutoit T 2024. Common and unique challenges for biodiversity conservation and restoration across the diversity of European grasslands - Editorial. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (in press)
  • 129. Saby L, Buisson E, Blight O, Vidaller C, Dutoit T 2024 Restoring a Mediterranean steppe by replacing the natural stone cover and sowing the dominant grass: global impacts on soils and vegetation in the middle term. Restoration Ecology (in press).
  • 128. Mutillod C, Buisson E, Mahy G, Jaunatre R, Tatin L, Dutoit T 2024 Ecological restoration and rewilding: two approaches with complementary goals? Biological Reviews 13046
  • 127. Mutillod C, Buisson E, Tatin L, Mahy G, Dufrêne M, Mesléard F, Dutoit T 2024 Managed as wild, horses influence differently grassland vegetation than domestic flocks. Biological Conservation 110469
  • 126. Pacé M, Bonis A, ……. Dutoit T,….Chabrerie 0 2024 Identifying generic proxies for assessing ecosystem properties and conservation status of semi-natural grasslands. Ecological Indicators 111586
  • 125. De Almeida T, Arnan X, Capowiez Y, Hedde M, Mesléard F, Dutoit T, Blight O 2024 Ants in restoration ecology: why, what’s and the way forward. Land Degradation and Development 5006.

Non-indexées 2024

  • Dutoit T., Blight O., Ramone H., Bérard A. Doussan C. 2024. Sous le béton, la steppe ? Le Courrier de la Nature, juin 2024 (in press)
  • Dutoit T, Mutillod M, Buisson E, Tatin L 2024 Restaurer ou réensauvager la nature ? The Conversation, 06 mars 2024.
  • Dutoit T, Séférian R 2024 Regards croisés sur les concepts d’ingénierie environmentale et d’ingénierie climatique. In “Construire le droit des ingénieries climatiques”. Langlais A et Lemoine-Schonne M (Eds.) UGA éditions, Grenoble, pp. 17-29.
  • Dutoit T, Bulot A, De Almeida T, Mesléard F, Blight O 2024 Utiliser des fourmis pour restaurer la nature ? in « Les innovations en Ecologie et en Sciences de l’Environnement ». CNRS editions (in press)
  • Buisson E, Hess MCM, Blaya R, De Almeida T, Huberson N, Melloul E, Mutillod C, Rocher L, Alignan JF, Dutoit T, Mahy M, Blight O 2024 Ecological and habitat restoration. Chapter 15: in « Routledge Handbook of Insect Conservation », Pryke J., Samways M., New, Cardoso P & Gaigher R (eds) (in press)


  • 124. Vidaller C, Jouet A, Van Mechelen C, De Almeida T, Cortet J, Rivière L, Mahy G, Hermy M, Dutoit T 2023. Coexistence and succession of spontaneous and planted vegetation on extensive Mediterranean green roofs: Impacts on soil, seed banks, and Mesofauna. Land, special issue “Green Roofs in Arid and Semi-arid Climates” 12(9), 1726
  • 123. Bulot A, Bourru E, Ruy S, Dutoit T 2023 Soil transfer impacts restored soil profiles and their hydrodynamic properties. CATENA 231, 107308
  • 122. Rivière L, Sellier A, Dutoit T, Vidaller C, Buisson E, Mahy G 2023 The contribution of seedbank to the dynamic of a green roof plant community analogous to semi-natural grasslands. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11, 1152319
  • 121. Jaunatre R, Buisson E, Le Borgne E, Dutoit T 2023 Soil fertility and landscape surrounding former arable fields drive the ecological resilience of Mediterranean dry grassland plant communities. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11, 1148226
  • 120. Blaix C, Chabrerie O, Alard D, Catteroub M, Diquelou S, Dutoit T et al. 2023 Forage nutritive value shows synergies with plant diversity in a wide range of semi-natural grassland habitats. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 347, 108369
  • 119. Gerrits GM, Waenink R, Aradottir A, Buisson E, Dutoit T et al. 2023 Synthesis on the effectiveness of soil translocation for plant community restoration. Journal of Applied Ecology 14364
  • 118. Saatkamp A, Falzon N, Argagnon O, Noble V, Dutoit T, Meineri E 2023 Calibrating ecological indicator values and niche width for a Mediterranean flora. Plant Biosystems, 104399

Non-indexées 2023

  • Dutoit T, Gauquelin T, Perez T, Tatoni T 2023 Les Echos-Logiques. Actes Sud, Arles, 128 pages.


  • 117. Chenot-Lescure J, Renaud J, Buisson E, Ramone H, Dutoit T 2022 Using various artificial soil mixtures to restore dry grasslands in quarries. Restoration Ecology, 13620
  • 116. Vidaller C, Dutoit T 2022 Ecosystem services in conventional farming systems: a review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 13593
  • 115. Auclerc A, Beaumelle L, Barantal S, Chauvat M, Cortet J, De Almeida T, Dulaurent A-M, Dutoit T, Joimel S, Séré G, Blight O 2022 Fostering the use of soil invertebrates traits to restore ecosystem functioning. Geoderma 424, 116019
  • 114. Vidaller C, Malik C, Dutoit T 2022 Grazing intensity gradient inherited from traditional herding still explains Mediterranean grassland characteristics despite current land-use changes. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 338, 108085
  • 113. Martin M, Courtial A, Génin A, Ramone H, Dutoit T 2022 Why grazing and soil matter for dry grassland diversity: new insights from multigroup structural equation modelling of micro-patterns. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10.3389

Non-indexées 2022


  • 112. Moinardeau C, Mesléard F, Ramone H, Dutoit T 2021. Grazing in temporary paddocks with hardy breed horses (Konik polski) improved species-rich grasslands restoration in artificial embankments of the Rhône river (Southern France). Global Ecology and Conservation,
  • 111. Génin A, Dutoit T, Danet A, Le Priol A, Kéfi S 2021 Grazing and the vanishing complexity of plant association networks in grasslands Oikos,
  • 110. Marchand L, Castagneyrol B, Jimenez JJ, Rey Benayas JM, Benot ML, Martinez-Ruiz C, Alday J, Jaunatre R, Dutoit T, Buisson E, Mench M, Alard D, Corcket E, Comin F 2021 Conceptual and methodological issues in estimating the success of ecological restoration Ecol Ind,
  • 109. Tarabon S, Dutoit T, Isselin-Nondedeu F 2021. Pooling biodiversity offsets to improve habitat connectivity and species conservation. J Env Manag,
  • 108. Saatkamp A, Henry F, Dutoit T 2021 Romans shape today’s vegetation and soils : two millennia of land-use legacy dynamics in Mediterranean grasslands. Ecosystems 24, 1268–1280

Non-indexées 2021


  • 107. Buisson E, De Almeida T, Durbecq A, Arruda AJ, Vidaller C, Alignan JF, Shizen TPT, Hess MCM, Pavon D, Isselin-Nondedeu F, Jaunatre R, Moinardeau C, Young TP, Mesléard F, Dutoit T, Blight O, Bischoff A 2020 Key issues in North-Western Mediterranean dry grassland restoration. Resto Ecol, doi : 101111/rec13258
  • 106. De Almeida T, Mesléard F, Santonja M, Gros R, Dutoit T, Blight O 2020 Above- and below - ground effects of an ecosystem engineer ant in Mediterranean dry grasslands. Proc Roy Soc b,
  • 105. De Almeida T, Blight O, Mesléard F, Bulot A, Provost E, Dutoit T 2020 Harvester ants as ecological engineers for Mediterranean grassland restoration : impacts on soil and vegetation. Biol Conserv, doi : 101016/jbiocon2020108547
  • 104 Moinardeau C, Mesléard F, Ramone H, Dutoit T 2020 Extensive horse grazing improves grassland vegetation diversity, seed bank and forage quality of artificial embankments (Rhône River - southern France). J Nat Conserv, doi : 101016/jjnc2020125865
  • 103. Moinardeau C, Mesléard F, Ramone H, Dutoit T 2020 Using mechanical clearing and goat grazing for restoring understorey plant diversity of embankments in the Rhône valley (Southern France). Plant Biosyst 154:746-756,
  • 102. Tarabon S, Calvet C, Delbarc V, Dutoit T, Isselin-Nondedeu F 2020 Integrating a landscape connectivity approach into the mitigation hierarchy planning by anticipating urban dynamics. Land Urb Plan,
  • 101. Vidaller C, Baumel A, Juin M, Dutoit T, Bischoff A 2020 Comparison of neutral and adaptive differentiation in the Mediterranean grass Brachypodium retusum. Bot J Linn Soc 192, 536–549,

Non-indexées 2020

  • Dutoit T., Mesléard F., Blight O, De Almeida T., 2020. Restaurer la nature, un travail de fourmis ? The Conversation, 27 septembre 2020.
  • Tarabon S., Theuriau F., Bergès L., Dutoit T., Isselin-Nondedeu F. 2020. Améliorer la prise en compte des fonctionnalités écologiques dans la séquence Éviter-Réduire-Compenser. Sciences, Eaux et Territoires . 60, article hors-série, 8 p.
  • Moinardeau C., Mesleard F., Ramone H., Romanini B., Croquet V. Brusson R., Dutoit T. 2020. L’écopastoralisme comme outil de gestion des digues artificielles : le cas de la réserve de chasse et de de faune sauvage de Donzère-Mondragon (Vaucluse-Drôme, France) Sciences, Eaux et Territoires. 63, article hors-série, 8p.


  • 100. Helm J., Dutoit T., Saatkamp A., Bucher S.F., Leiterer M. Römermann C. 2019. Recovery of Mediterranean steppe vegetation after cultivation : legacy effects on plant composition, soil properties and functional traits. Applied Vegetation Science 22, 71-84.
  • 99. Moinardeau C., Mesléard F., Ramone H., Dutoit T. 2019. Short-term effects on diversity and biomass on grasslands from artificial dykes under grazing and mowing treatments. Environmental Conservation 46, 132-139.
  • 98. Tarabon S., Bergès L., Dutoit T., Isselin-Nondedeu F. 2019. Environmental impact assessment of development projects improved by merging species distribution and habitat connectivity modelling. Journal of Environmental Management 241, 439-449.
  • 97. Tarabon S., Bergès L., Dutoit T., Isselin-Nondedeu F. 2019. Maximizing habitat connectivity in the mitigation hierarchy. A case study on three terrestrial mammals in an urban environment. Journal of Environmental Management 243, 340-349.
  • 96. Vidaller C., Dutoit T., Ramone H., Bischoff A. 2019. Reproduction of the dominant grass (Brachypodium retusum) and Mediterranean steppe diversity are positively affected by experimental burning and grazing. Applied Vegetation Science 22, 127-137.
  • 95. Vidaller C., Dutoit T., Ramone H., Bischoff A. 2019. Factors limiting early establishment of the Mediterranean grassland species Brachypodium retusum at disturbed sites. Basic and Applied Ecology 37, 10-19.

Non-indexées 2019

  • Basilico L., Jung D., Vivier A., Daloz A., Dutoit T. Gourdain Ph., Hérard K., Heckenroth A., Berthelot M.M. 2019. 10ème colloque du réseau REVER - Restauration écologique : des idées à l’action ! In « Les rencontres. Synthèse du colloque REVER 10 « Restaurer ou reconquérir », organisé par l’association REVER, le Museum national d’Histoire naturelle, l’Unité mixte de services PatriNat et le Centre de ressources Génie écologique de l’Agence française pour la biodiversité du 19 au 21 mars 2019 à Paris » 69 : 1-6.
  • Basilico L., Jung D., Daloz A., Dutoit T., Lemoine G., 2019. Chantiers, carrières, friches urbaines… Quelle gestion pour la « nature temporaire » ? In « Les rencontres. Synthèse de la journée d’échanges techniques organisée par le centre de ressources Génie écologique de l’Agence française pour la biodiversité (AFB) le 4 décembre 2018 à Paris » 64 : 1-6.
  • Dutoit T., 2019. « Nature Temporaire » ». Espaces Naturels 66, p 12.


  • 94. Alignan J.F., Debras J.F., Jaunatre R., Dutoit T. 2018. Effects of ecological restoration on beetle assemblages. Results from a large-scale experiment in a Mediterranean steppe rangeland. Biodiversity and Conservation 27, 2155-2172.
  • 93. Alignan J.F., Debras J.F, Dutoit T. 2018. Orthoptera prove good indicators of grassland rehabilitation success in the first French Natural Asset Reserve. Journal for Nature Conservation 44, 1-11.
  • 92. Buisson E., Jaunatre R., Römermann C., Bulot A., Dutoit T. 2018. Seed bank studies in a Mediterranean grassland : lessons learnt from two large restoration projects. Restoration Ecology 26 NoS2, s179-s188.
  • 91. Chenot J., Jaunatre R., Buisson E., Bureau F., Dutoit T. 2018. Impact of quarry exploitation and disuse on soil pedogenesis. CATENA 160, 354-365.
  • 90. Robin V., Nelle O, Talon T., Poschlod P., Schwartz D., Bal M.C., Allée P., Vernet J.L., Dutoit T. 2018. A comparative review of soil charcoal data : spatiotemporal patterns of origin and long-term dynamics of Western European nutrient-poor grasslands. The Holocene 28, 1313-1324.
  • 89. Saatkamp A., Affre L., Dutoit T., Poschlod P. 2018. Plant traits and population characteristics predict extinctions in a long-term survey of Mediterranean annual plants. Biodiversity and Conservation 27, 2527-2540.
  • 88. Saatkamp A., Henry F., Dutoit T. 2018. Vegetation and soil seed bank in a twenty-three year grazing exclusion chronosequence in a Mediterranean dry grassland. Plant Biosystem 152, 1020-1030.
  • 87. Vidaller C., Dutoit T., Ibrahim Y., Hanslin H.M., Bischoff A. 2018. Adaptive differentiation among populations of the Mediterranean dry grassland species Brachypodium retusum - the role of soil conditions, grazing and humidity. American Journal of Botany 105, 1123-1132.

Non-indexées 2018

  • Dutoit T., Jaunatre R., Alignan JF, Bulot A., Wolff A., Buisson E. 2018. Regards d’écologues sur le premier site naturel de compensation français. Natures, Sciences, Sociétés 26, 215-222.
  • Pellegrin C., Rodolphe S., Napoléone C., Dutoit T. 2018. Une définition opérationnelle de la nature ordinaire adaptée à la compensation écologique. Le cas contrasté des régions Centre, Champagne-Ardenne et PACA. Natures, Sciences, Sociétés 26, 170-188.
  • Moinardeau C., Roux D., Mesléard F., Brusson R., Dutoit T. 2018. Gestion expérimentale des habitats sur la Réserve de chasse et de faune sauvage de Donzère-Mondragon : impacts de l’éco-pastoralisme sur les communautés végétales. Faune Sauvage, 318 : 37-41.