Nathalie Boutin

Phd student Labex OT-Med
IMBE : Equipe Ecologie de la Conservation et Interactions Biotiques (ECIB)

Institut Méditerranéen de Biodiversité et d’Ecologie Marine et Continentale (IMBE)
Campus Arbois

Short C.V.

by BOUTIN Nathalie

In brief:

  • Nathalie Boutin is a researcher in CERGAM the unit research in management of Aix-Marseille University, where she is conducting a doctoral research to be defended in 2016 and funded by full scholarship from the Labex OTMED (Laboratoire d’Excellence : Objectif Terre-Méditerranée), an interdisciplinary project of the University focusing on the Mediterranean area major changes caused by climate change, human activity, and economic development. She teaches environmental management at IMPGT (Institute of Public Management and Territorial Governance of Aix-Marseille University). Her interests bear on biodiversity management, public management, corporate social responsibility, man environment interactions, and ecosystems services. In partnership with researchers at IMBE (Mediterranean Institute of marine and terrestrial Biodiversity and Ecology – AMU/CNRS/IRD), her current research includes an investigation of biodiversity concerns through two projects: a big alumina plant rejecting wastes in the Mediterranean sea, and a power plant to be converted from coal to biomass. Her project includes other cases along the Mediterranean shores. Her background is in management (Bachelor) and ecological engineering (Master). For her research, she also may rely on practical knowledge of management based on executive positions in private and public institutions during twenty years.

Teachning activities

by BOUTIN Nathalie

Teaching activities 2014/2015, 2015/2016, 2016/2017:

  • MASTER 2 “Quality and management of public services” and “Euro-Mediterranean and Sustainable Development Management” - In the program, responsible for the course of “Territorial Strategy and Prospective”. Institute of Public Management & Territorial Governance (IMPGT), Aix-Marseille University
  • MASTER 1 “Environmental Public Management” - In the program, responsible for the course of “Public systems and reforms in the Mediterranean and Arabic Gulf countries”. Institute of Public Management & Territorial Governance (IMPGT), Aix-Marseille University
  • LICENCE 2 “Public Management” - In the program, responsible for the course of “Relational expression and consultation”. Institute of Public Management & Territorial Governance (IMPGT), Aix-Marseille University
  • MASTER 1 “Public Management and Territorial Governance” - Guest Lecturer - Topic of the talk: “Institutionalization of environmental protection: from global to local governance.” Annual Seminar “Actors and actions of Local Authorities”. Institute of Public Management & Territorial Governance (IMPGT), Aix-Marseille University

Link to IMPGT

Academic coordination 2015/2016:

  • Coordination of the annual seminar “Actors and actions of Local Authorities” directed by Pr E. Turc. Institute of Public Management & Territorial Governance (IMPGT), Aix-Marseille University

Teaching activities abroad (2015):

  • Guest Lecturer. Topic of the talk: “International aspects of environmental protection” - “International Week on Sustainable Development”, Nürtingen-Geislingen University (Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Umwelt Nürtingen-Geislingen) (HfWU), Germany, June 8, 2015
  • Guest Lecturer. Topic of the talk: “Introduction to Global Ecology”. “International Week on Sustainable Development”, Nürtingen-Geislingen University (Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Umwelt Nürtingen-Geislingen) (HfWU), Germany, June 9, 2015

 Link to HfWU

Other activities abroad (2016):

  • Leader session (Co-chair) Track 2: “A Strategic Vision of Human Resources: What recruitment , what job, what career?”; Track 4: “Performance of public organizations: towards a new human resources management model?” Euro MENA Dialogue on Public Management Muscat, Oman, 24-27 October 2016

Field of research

Public and private management in ecology:

  • Environmental and Biodiversity Management
  • Public Management and Governance (MENA and Gulf countries, Europe, Us)
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (Environmental ethics, Political ecology)
  • Interactions man-nature (Socio-Ecological System)
  • Ecosystem Services

Mail to Nathalie BOUTIN



  • Phd Student in “Management of Biodiversity” (2013-2016 thesis supported by OT’Med Labex), CERGAM-IMPGT (Institute of Public Management and Territorial Governance), Aix-Marseille University, France
  • Master degree in Biodiversity and Ecology (Ecological expertise and management of biodiversity), Aix-Marseille University, France
  • Bachelor degree in Corporate Management from IAE-Aix at Aix Marseille University, IAE-Aix Graduate School of Management (EQUIS accredited institution)

Link to the CERGAM
Link to the IAE-Aix Graduate School of Management

Thématiques de recherche

Sujet de recherche doctorale :

Management territorial de la biodiversité dans un contexte d’urbanisation croissante et de fortes interactions hommes-milieux. Une étude multi-sites.

La question de la biodiversité, apparue au premier plan des préoccupations environnementales au même titre que le changement climatique, a fait l’objet au niveau mondial d’une volumineuse littérature et de nombreux rapports plus ou moins alarmistes. Selon que l’on regarde la question du point de vue des sciences de la terre et de la vie ou des sciences de la société, on dispose de vues complémentaires mais aussi contradictoires. On envisage ici la question de la biodiversité sous l’angle de sa gestion territoriale, axée sur l’étude comparative de plusieurs cas, situés dans le Sud-Est de la France (Bouches du Rhône, France), et sur le pourtour Méditerranéen, qui ont pour point commun d’être implantés au sein d’espaces marqués par d’intenses interactions hommes-milieux qui donnent un tour spécifique et local sur l’enjeu de la biodiversité. Enfin ces espaces sont parallèlement bouleversés par un fait marquant (transition rapide) qui dessine un contexte d’intervention en partie renouvelé pour les organisations publiques et privées locales qui les gèrent. Ce projet de caractère interdisciplinaire mais inscrit dans les sciences humaines et plus particulièrement dans les sciences économiques et de gestion, entend développer un effort conceptuel et théorique important pour faire entrer dans un cadre cohérent un ensemble de données sur la biodiversité, la pression anthropique, les attentes et représentations en matière environnementales, et les décisions des organismes publics susceptibles d’affecter la biodiversité.

Rattachement ED372 : CERGAM (IMPGT), directrice de thèse, Pr Solange Hernandez
Co-direction : Dr Sophie Gachet, IMBE (UMR 7263)
Co-direction : Pr Pierre Batteau (CERGAM - EA 4225)

Thèse financée par le Labex OT-Med (Aix-Marseille University)

Lien vers le Labex OT-Med
Lien vers le CERGAM

Contacter Nathalie BOUTIN

Topic of Research

by BOUTIN Nathalie

Doctoral dissertation project

Territorial management of biodiversity in a context of growing urbanization and intense interactions man‐nature. A multi-site analysis

The issue of biodiversity, hoisted at the forefront of environmental concerns as well as climate change, has fueled a voluminous literature and many reports more or less alarmist. Depending on whether one looks at the issue from the point of view of earth sciences and life sciences versus the humanities and social sciences, there are complementary but also conflicting views. We consider here the issue of biodiversity in terms of its territorial management, focused on comparative study of several groups of cities of the Bouches-du-Rhône (France) and Mediterranean cities, which have in common being located in spaces marked by intense human-environment interactions. This which give a specific and local concern for biodiversity. Those areas, subject to rapid transition, impose a new context of intervention for public and private stakeholders. This interdisciplinary project but inspired in the humanities and especially management sciences, aims at developing an important conceptual and theoretical effort to build a coherent set of data on biodiversity, human pressure, expectations and representations in environmental matters, and decisions of public and private stakeholders affecting biodiversity.

First Academic Fastening: IMPGT-CERGAM (Supervisor: Pr Solange Hernandez)
Second: IMBE (Co-supervisor: Dr Sophie Gachet)
Third: OHM-BMP (CNRS-INEE) (Co-supervisor: Pr Pierre Batteau)

Thesis funded by the LABEX OT-Med (Aix-Marseille University)




  • Boutin N., “Three worldviews confronting in a context of intense interaction man-nature: analysis of public and private opinions and positions of stakeholders in two environmental conflicts in Southern France metropolitan area”. EDAMBA Summer Research Academy, Athens, Greece, July 17-25, 2016
  • Boutin N., “To dump or not to dump in the Mediterranean Sea? A dispute over the wastes of an alumina plant. An institutional reading (Alteo, Gardanne, France) in the National Park of the Calanques (Marseille, France)”. Doctoral Seminar, Public Governance Institute, KU Leuven, Belgium, February 1-2, 2016
  • Guest Lecturer. Topic of the talk: "Institutionalization of environmental protection: from global to local governance.” Annual Seminar “Actors and actions of Local Authorities”. Institute of Public Management & Territorial Governance (IMPGT), Aix-Marseille University, January 22, 2016


  • Boutin N., “Où est passé le climat ?”. Atelier proposé par le Labex OT-Med pour la 24ème Edition de la Fête de la Science, Villa Méditerranée, Marseille (France), 10-11 Octobre, 2015
  • Boutin N. et al., “Rejeter ou ne pas rejeter en Méditerranée ? Un débat à propos des résidus d’une usine d’alumine (Alteo, Gardanne) dans le Parc National des Calanques (Marseille)”. Séminaire de restitution 2015 de l’OHM Bassin Minier de Provence du Labex DRIIHM CNRS-INEE, Cour du Château des Remparts, Boulevard Etienne Boyer, Trets (France), 5 Octobre 2015
  • Guest Lecturer. Topic of the talk : “International aspects of environmental protection” - International Week on Sustainable Development, Nürtingen-Geislingen University (Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Umwelt Nürtingen-Geislingen) (HfWU), Germany, June 8, 2015
  • Guest Lecturer. Topic of the talk : “Introduction to Global Ecology”. International Week on Sustainable Development, Nürtingen-Geislingen University (Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Umwelt Nürtingen-Geislingen) (HfWU), Germany, June 9, 2015


  • Boutin N., “Managing biodiversity in a context of increasing urbanization and intensified human-nature interaction” (Linked to “WP3. Human-environmental interaction: perception, adaptation and mitigation”, and “WP2. Impact of climate and anthropogenic changes on Mediterranean ecosystems and services they provide” of the Labex OT-Med. 2nd OT-Med Progress Meeting, Labex OT-Med, Carry-Le-Rouet (France), Nov 27-28, 2014
  • Boutin N., “Which consideration of biodiversity in the positioning and arguments of stakeholders? A dynamic analysis of secondary data. The case of the biomass power plant project (Gardanne-Meyreuil, France) " – 5th Thematic Workshop for Interdisciplinary Research (ATRI) dedicated to socio-environmental dynamics – LabexMed, OHM-BMP (CNRS), MEDENERGY - CEREGE, Aix-en-Provence (France), September 26, 2014
  • Boutin N., “How the theme of BIODIVERSITY interfere and influence DECISIONS in a context of dilemma?” – Special event for IMBE Phd Student : Present your thesis in five minutes. Faculty of science, Saint-Jérôme, Marseille, (last minute registration) July 9, 2014
  • Batteau P., Boutin N., “Human-Nature Interaction and the Awareness of Children: A Study on the Former Mining Area of Provence”. “Human-Nature Interaction and the Awareness of Children: A Study on the Former Mining Area of Provence”. 5th Seminar of the Human-Environment Observatories Network – Labex DRIIHM (INEE-CNRS), Délégation Languedoc-Roussillon (DR13), Montpellier, Jun 18-19, 2014


  • Raynal J.-C, Boutin N., Batteau P., Gachet S., Rotereau A., “Database conception with spatial approach for the Human Environment Observatory (OHM-BMP): The case of children environmental representation in the mining area of Provence”, GIS-Esri France Seminar, Versailles, France, Oct 2-3, 2013
  • Boutin et al., “Environmental awareness and relationship to scientific knowledge: the case of children in the mining area of Provence”, Human-Environment Observatory of the former mining area of Provence (OHM-BMP, CNRS), Communicating results of the survey on primary school to teachers and Aix-Marseille Academy, Resource Center of Science, Technology and Education for Sustainable Development (CRDS), Gardanne, France, May 6, 2013


  • Boutin et al., “Environmental awareness and relationship to scientific knowledge: the case of children in the mining area of Provence”. Spatial analysis and mapping of the Mining Basin territory of Provence (OHM-BMP, CNRS), OHM-BMP Seminar of presentation: call for proposals winners, European Centre for Research and Teaching of Geosciences of the Environment (CEREGE, UMR 6635), Arbois Campus, Aix-en-Provence, France, November 27, 2012