Publications et communications orales

1. Publications

  • Sarkis, N., Meymy, C., Geffard, O., Souchon, Y., Chandesris, A., Ferréol, M., Valette, L., Recoura-Massaquant, R., Piffady, J., Chaumot, A. and Villeneuve, B. (2021) Quantification of multi-scale links of anthropogenic pressures with PAH and PCB bioavailable contamination in French freshwaters. Water Research 203, 117546.
  • Sarkis, N., Geffard, O., Souchon, Y., Chandesris, A., Férréol, M., Valette, L., Alric, B., François, A., Piffady, J., Chaumot, A. and Villeneuve, B. (2020) How to quantify the links between bioavailable contamination in watercourses and pressures of anthropogenic land cover, contamination sources and hydromorphology at multiple scales ? Science of the Total Environment 735, 139492.

2. Communications orales

  • Société française d’écotoxicologie fondamentale et appliquée (SEFA), en ligne (2021)
  • Symposium for European Frehwater Sciences (SEFS), à Zagreb en Croatie et en ligne (2019 et 2021)
  • Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), en ligne (2020)