Publications et communications orales

1. Publications

  • Sarkis, N., Meymy, C., Geffard, O., Souchon, Y., Chandesris, A., Ferréol, M., Valette, L., Recoura-Massaquant, R., Piffady, J., Chaumot, A. and Villeneuve, B. (2021) Quantification of multi-scale links of anthropogenic pressures with PAH and PCB bioavailable contamination in French freshwaters. Water Research 203, 117546.
  • Sarkis, N., Geffard, O., Souchon, Y., Chandesris, A., Férréol, M., Valette, L., Alric, B., François, A., Piffady, J., Chaumot, A. and Villeneuve, B. (2020) How to quantify the links between bioavailable contamination in watercourses and pressures of anthropogenic land cover, contamination sources and hydromorphology at multiple scales? Science of the Total Environment 735, 139492.

2. Communications orales

  • Société française d’écotoxicologie fondamentale et appliquée (SEFA), en ligne (2021)
  • Symposium for European Frehwater Sciences (SEFS), à Zagreb en Croatie et en ligne (2019 et 2021)
  • Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), en ligne (2020)