Quelques publications


Brisset E., Guiter F., Miramont C., Revel M., Anthony J. E., Delhon C., Arnaud F., Malet E., De Beaulieu J.-L., 2015. Lateglacial/Holocene environmental changes in the Mediterranean Alps inferred from lacustrine sediments, Quaternary Science Reviews, Volume 110, p. 49-71.

Cartier R., Brisset E., Paillès C., Guiter F., Sylvestre F., Ruaudel F., Anthony E.-J., Miramont C., 2015. 5000 years of lacustrine ecosystem changes from Lake Petit (Southern Alps, 2200 m a.s.l.) : Regime shift and resilience of algal communities. The Holocene, 25, 1231-1245.


Brisset E., Miramont C., Guiter F., Arnaud F., Anthony E., Delhon C., Guibal F., Cartier R., Poher Y., Chaumillon E., 2014. Données nouvelles sur la chronologie de la déglaciation dans la vallée du Haut Verdon (Lac d’Allos, Alpes Françaises du Sud). Quaternaire. 25(2), p. 145-153.

Walsh K., Court-Picon M., de Beaulieu J.-L., Guiter F., Mocci F., Richer S., Sinet R., Talon B., Tzortzis S., 2014. A historical ecology of the Ecrins (Southern French Alps) : Archaeology and palaeoecology of the Mesolithic to the Medieval period, Quaternary International, 353, 52-73.


Brisset E., Miramont C., Guiter F., Poulenard J., Anthony E. J., Tachikawa K., Arnaud F., Delhon C., Meunier J.-D., Bard E., Sumera F., 2013. Non-reversible geosystem destabilization at 4200 cal. BP : sedimentological, geochemical and botanical markers of soil erosion recorded a Mediterranean Alpine Lake. The Holocene, 23, (12), p. 1861-1872.

Beaulieu de J.-L., Tzedakis P.C., Andrieu-Ponel V., Guiter F., 2013. Pollen Records, Late Pleistocene | Middle and Late Pleistocene in Southern Europe, In Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science (Second Edition), edited by Scott A. Elias, Cary J. Mock, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2013, Pages 63-71, ISBN 9780444536426.


Wilhelm B., Arnaud F., Sabatier P., Crouzet C., Brisset E., Chaumillon E., Disnar J.-R., Guiter F., Malet E., Reyss J.-L., Tachikawa K., Bard E., Delannoy J.-J., 2012. 1400 years of extreme precipitation patterns over the Mediterranean French Alps and possible forcing mechanisms, Quaternary Research, 78, Pages 1-12.

Brisset E., Guiter F., Miramont C., Delhon C., Arnaud F., Disnar J.-R, Poulenard J., Anthony E., Meunier J.-D., Wilhelm B., Paillès C., 2012. A multidisciplinary investigation of a Holocene lake sediment sequence in the southern French Alps at Lake Petit (Mercantour, 2200 m a.s.l., France) : history of a disturbed geosystem. Quaternaire, 23, (4), 309-319.


Ponel P., Court-Picon M., Badura M., Guiter F., de Beaulieu J.-L., Andrieu-Ponel V., Djamali M., Leydet M., Gandouin E., Buttler A., 2011Holocene history of Lac des Lauzons (2180 m a.s.l.), reconstructed from multiproxy analyses of Coleoptera, plant macroremains and pollen (Hautes-Alpes, France). The Holocene, 21, 565-582.


Benslama M., Andrieu-Ponel V., Guiter F., Reille M., de Beaulieu J.-L., Migliore J., Djamali M., 2010. Nouvelles contributions à l’histoire tardiglaciaire et holocène de la végétation en Algérie : analyses polliniques de deux profils sédimentaires du complexe humide d’El-Kala, Comptes Rendus Biologies, 10, 744-754.


Gandouin E., Ponel P., Andrieu-Ponel V., Guiter F., de Beaulieu J.-L., Djamali M., Franquet E., Van Vliet-Lanoë B., Alvitre M., Meurisse M., Brocandel M., Brulhet J., 2009. 10,000 years of vegetation history of the Aa palaeoestuary, St-Omer Basin, northern France, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 156, 307-318.

Djamali M., de Beaulieu J.-L., Andrieu-Ponel V., Berberian M., Miller N.-F., Gandouin E., Lahijani H., Shah-Hosseini M., Ponel P., Salimian M., Guiter F., 2009. A late Holocene pollen record from Lake Almalou in NW Iran : evidence for changing land-use in relation to some historical events during the last 3700 years, Journal of Archaeological Science, 36, 1364-1375.


Guiter F., Andrieu-Ponel V., de Beaulieu J.-L., Nicoud G., Ponel P., Blavoux B., Gandouin E., 2008. Palynostratigraphy of some Pleistocene deposits in the Western Alps : A review, Quaternary International, 190, 10-25.


Gandouin E., Ponel P., Andrieu-Ponel V., Franquet E., de Beaulieu J.-L, Reille M., Guiter F., Brulhet J., Lallier-Vergès E., Keravis E., von Grafenstein U., Veres D., 2007. Past environment and climate changes at the last Interglacial/Glacial transition (Les Échets, France) inferred from subfossil chironomids (Insecta), Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 339, 337-346.

Ponel P., Gandouin E., Coope G.-R., Andrieu-Ponel V., Guiter F., Van Vliet-Lanoë B., Franquet E., Brocandel M., Brulhet J., 2007.Insect evidence for environmental and climate changes from Younger Dryas to Sub-Boreal in a river floodplain at St-Momelin (St-Omer basin, northern France), Coleoptera and Trichoptera, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 245, 483-504.


Guiter F., Triganon A., Andrieu-Ponel V., Ponel P., Hébrard J.-P., Nicoud G., de Beaulieu J.-L., 2006. About the presence of Eemian peats in the Geneva basin and its implications : a reply to comments by Preusser et al., Quaternary Science Reviews, 25, 648-651.

Beaulieu de J.-L., Andrieu-Ponel V., Cheddadi R., Guiter F., Ravazzi C., Reille M., Rossi S., 2006. Apport des longues séquences lacustres à la connaissance des variations des climats et des paysages pléistocènes, Comptes Rendus Palevol, 5, 65-72.


Guiter F., Andrieu-Ponel V., Digerfeldt G., Reille M., Beaulieu de J.-L., Ponel P., 2005. Vegetation history and lake-level changes from the Younger Dryas to the present in Eastern Pyrenees (France) : pollen, plant macrofossils and lithostratigraphy from Lake Racou (2000 m a.s.l.). Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 14, 99-118.

Guiter F., Triganon A., Andrieu-Ponel V., Ponel P., Hébrard J.-P., Nicoud G., Beaulieu J.-L., Brewer S., Guibal F., 2005.First evidence of “in situ” Eemian sediments on the high plateau of Evian (Northern Alps, France) : implications for the chronology of the Last Glaciation, Quaternary Science Reviews, Volume 24, 1–2, , 35-47.

Guiter F., Andrieu-Ponel V., de Beaulieu J.-L., Ponel P., Nicoud G., Blavoux B., 2005. Palynological evidence of anthropogenic pressure on vegetation dynamics in the Évian area since the middle Neolithic : the pollen record of La Beunaz (971 m a.s.l., northern Alps, France)- Impact anthropique sur la végétation de la région d’Évian depuis le Néolithique moyen : l’enregistrement pollinique de la Beunaz (971 m n.g.f., Haute-Savoie, France), Comptes Rendus Biologies, 328, 661-673.

Beaulieu, J.-L., de, Miras, Y., Andrieu, V., Guiter, F., 2005. Vegetation dynamics in the North-West Mediterranean regions : instability of the Mediterranean bioclimate. Plant Biosystems , 139, 2, 114-126.

Triganon A., Nicoud A., Guiter F., Blavoux A., 2005. Contrôle de la construction de l’ensemble détritique de la région d’Evian par trois phases glaciaires durant le Würm. Quaternaire, 16, 57-63.

Ponel P., Coope R., Antoine P., Limondin-Lozouet N., Leroyer C., Munaut A.-V., Pastre J.-F., Guiter F., 2005. Lateglacial palaeoenvironments and palaeoclimates from Conty and Houdancourt, northern France, reconstructed from Beetle remains, Quaternary Science Reviews, 24, 2449-2465.


Guiter F., Andrieu-Ponel V., de Beaulieu J.-L., Cheddadi R., Calvez M., Ponel P., Reille M., Keller T., Goeury C., 2003. The last climatic cycles in Western Europe : a comparison between long continuous lacustrine sequences from France and other terrestrial records, Quaternary International, 111, 59-74.