Scientific responsibilities

Steering Committees

since 2013 : Member of the MARS steering committee (European Marine Station network), secretary and treasurer.
since 2012 : Member of Labex OT-Med (Objectif Terre - Bassin Méditerranéen) issteering committee, Marseille, France
since 2012 : Member of Labex SERENADE (stands for Laboratory of Excellence for Safe(r) Ecodesign Research and Education applied to NAnomaterial DEvelopment and it is a Safe by Design project) steering committee Marseille, France
2011 - 2014 : Member of the BioDivMEx (Biodiversity of Mediterranean experiment) steering committee, Marseille, France www.
since 2009 : Chairman of International A. Kowalevsky medal Awarding Committee of the St. Petersburg Society of Naturalists, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Project responsabilities

2018 –Project of organisation of 4th International workshop on Atlanto-Mediterranean Deep-Sea & Caves Sponges « Atmedsponge » Soutenu par Labex OT-Med. (Coresponsable)
2017 – 2019. “Variety of morphogeneses and types of cell behavior in embryonic and post-embryonic development of animals ». Russin Scientific Foundation n° 17-14-01089.
2017 – 2018. The regenerative and recovery capacities of metazoans in marine coastal waters of Mediterranean Sea after natural or human-induced injuries. Labex OT-Med.
2017 - 2020. Variety of morphogeneses and types of cell behavior in embryonic and post-embryonic development of animals. Russian Scientific Fondation, № 17-14-01089.
2016 – 2018. Project of cooperation – CoopIntEer (CNRS – RFBR Russie) n° 216483 : Integrative investigation of epizooty and unprecedented disease of endemic sponges from the Lake Baikal.
2016 – 2018. « Comparative investigation of regeneration in sponges (Porifera) ». Russian Fondation for Basic Research N° 15-04-0755.
2014 (01 - 19 July) : “Wnt-dependent axial patterning in Porifera : modern gene-engineering approach”. European project ASSAMBLE for the Sven Lovén Centre for Marine Science, Kristineberg, Suede
2013 – 2015. « Emergence et Innovation », SpongEX « Oscarella lobularis : a new sponge model to stimulate interdisciplinary studies in Evolution-Development and Ecology at Aix-Marseille University”. (Coresponsable of the projet with Andre LE BIVIC ). Project A*MIDEX of Aix-Marseille University, France.
2013 - 2014. « Contribution of phenology to study the impact of climate change in coastal marine environment : the octocorals as models species ».Grant Labex Ot-Med, Marseille, France.
2013 (01.10) 2014 (30.06). La Bourse du Gouvernement Français - bourse de l’Ambassade de France en Russie - « Le rôle de la voie de signalisation Wnt dans la morphogenèse lors de la régénération de l’éponges Halisarca dujardini (Spongiaires : Demospongiae) » pour Ilya BORISENKO, l’Université d’Etat de Saint-Pétersbourg, Russia
2013 - 2015. « The role of Wnt signalling pathway in embryonic and postembryonic morphogenesis in the sponge Halisarca dujardini (Porifera, Demospongiae) » Soutenu par le Russian Fondation for Basic Research № 13-04-01084.
2013 (22 juillet - 11 aout). Wnt-dependent axial patterning in Porifera : modern gene-engineering approach. European project ASSAMBLE N°227799 for The Sven Lovén Centre for Marine Science, Kristienberg, Suede
2012 (16.07 – 29.07). Biodiversity, embryology and reproductive cycles of shallow water Homoscleromorpha sponges from the Gulf of Naples. European project ASSAMBLE N° 962 for Stazione Zologique de Naples, Italy.
2012 (01.06 - 10. 10.). La Bourse du Gouvernement Français - bourse de l’Ambassade de France en Russie - « Le rôle de la voie de signalisation Wnt dans la morphogenèse lors de la régénération de l’éponges Halisarca dujardini (Spongiaires : Demospongiae) » pour Ilya Borisenko, l’Université d’Etat de Saint-Pétersbourg, Russia.

Editorial board

Since 2019. Member of Editorial Board of the Russian Journal of Developmental Biology. ISSN : 1062-3604 (Print) 1608-3326 (Online)
Since 2018. Member of Editorial Board of the Journal of Biomedical Research (JBR). ISSN 1674-8301.
Since 2018. Member of Editorial Board of the Asia-Pacific Journal of Blood Types and Genes. ISSN 2519-7916.
Since 2018. Member of Editorial Board of Journal of Embryology
Since 2009. Member of Editorial Board of the bilingual scientific journal Invertebrate Zoology (ISSN 1812-9250 ISSN 1814-0815)
2014 - 2017 Member of an Editorial Scientific Board of the Journal of Biology and Earth Sciences ISSN : 2084-3577

Guest Editor

2012 - Guest Editor for special volume Evolution & Development" 14:1, 1–2 (2012), ISSN : 1520−541X.


1. Since 1983. St. Petersburg Society of Naturalists, Russia
2. Since 2002. European Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology
3. Since 2004. International Society for Invertebrate Morphology
4. Since 2012. International Evo-Devo-Eco Network (EDEN).
5. Since 2013. Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA) of the European Commission.
6. Since 2013. GDR BioChiMar. France.
7. Since 2014. GDR d’Ecologie Chimique du CNRS « Médiation Chimique dans l’Environnement- Ecologie Chimique », France.