Scientific responsibilities

Steering Committees

since 2013: Member of the MARS steering committee (European Marine Station network), secretary and treasurer.
since 2012: Member of Labex OT-Med (Objectif Terre - Bassin Méditerranéen) issteering committee, Marseille, France
since 2012: Member of Labex SERENADE (stands for Laboratory of Excellence for Safe(r) Ecodesign Research and Education applied to NAnomaterial DEvelopment and it is a Safe by Design project) steering committee Marseille, France
2011 - 2014: Member of the BioDivMEx (Biodiversity of Mediterranean experiment) steering committee, Marseille, France www.
since 2009: Chairman of International A. Kowalevsky medal Awarding Committee of the St. Petersburg Society of Naturalists, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Project responsabilities

2018 –Project of organisation of 4th International workshop on Atlanto-Mediterranean Deep-Sea & Caves Sponges « Atmedsponge » Soutenu par Labex OT-Med. (Coresponsable)
2017 – 2019. “Variety of morphogeneses and types of cell behavior in embryonic and post-embryonic development of animals ». Russin Scientific Foundation n° 17-14-01089.
2017 – 2018. The regenerative and recovery capacities of metazoans in marine coastal waters of Mediterranean Sea after natural or human-induced injuries. Labex OT-Med.
2017 - 2020. Variety of morphogeneses and types of cell behavior in embryonic and post-embryonic development of animals. Russian Scientific Fondation, № 17-14-01089.
2016 – 2018. Project of cooperation – CoopIntEer (CNRS – RFBR Russie) n° 216483: Integrative investigation of epizooty and unprecedented disease of endemic sponges from the Lake Baikal.
2016 – 2018. «Comparative investigation of regeneration in sponges (Porifera)». Russian Fondation for Basic Research N° 15-04-0755.
2014 (01 - 19 July): “Wnt-dependent axial patterning in Porifera: modern gene-engineering approach”. European project ASSAMBLE for the Sven Lovén Centre for Marine Science, Kristineberg, Suede
2013 – 2015. «Emergence et Innovation», SpongEX « Oscarella lobularis: a new sponge model to stimulate interdisciplinary studies in Evolution-Development and Ecology at Aix-Marseille University”. (Coresponsable of the projet with Andre LE BIVIC ). Project A*MIDEX of Aix-Marseille University, France.
2013 - 2014. “Contribution of phenology to study the impact of climate change in coastal marine environment: the octocorals as models species”.Grant Labex Ot-Med, Marseille, France.
2013 (01.10) 2014 (30.06). La Bourse du Gouvernement Français - bourse de l’Ambassade de France en Russie - “Le rôle de la voie de signalisation Wnt dans la morphogenèse lors de la régénération de l’éponges Halisarca dujardini (Spongiaires : Demospongiae)” pour Ilya BORISENKO, l’Université d’Etat de Saint-Pétersbourg, Russia
2013 - 2015. “The role of Wnt signalling pathway in embryonic and postembryonic morphogenesis in the sponge Halisarca dujardini (Porifera, Demospongiae)” Soutenu par le Russian Fondation for Basic Research № 13-04-01084.
2013 (22 juillet - 11 aout). Wnt-dependent axial patterning in Porifera: modern gene-engineering approach. European project ASSAMBLE N°227799 for The Sven Lovén Centre for Marine Science, Kristienberg, Suede
2012 (16.07 – 29.07). Biodiversity, embryology and reproductive cycles of shallow water Homoscleromorpha sponges from the Gulf of Naples. European project ASSAMBLE N° 962 for Stazione Zologique de Naples, Italy.
2012 (01.06 - 10. 10.). La Bourse du Gouvernement Français - bourse de l’Ambassade de France en Russie - “Le rôle de la voie de signalisation Wnt dans la morphogenèse lors de la régénération de l’éponges Halisarca dujardini (Spongiaires : Demospongiae)” pour Ilya Borisenko, l’Université d’Etat de Saint-Pétersbourg, Russia.

Editorial board

Since 2019. Member of Editorial Board of the Russian Journal of Developmental Biology. ISSN: 1062-3604 (Print) 1608-3326 (Online)
Since 2018. Member of Editorial Board of the Journal of Biomedical Research (JBR). ISSN 1674-8301.
Since 2018. Member of Editorial Board of the Asia-Pacific Journal of Blood Types and Genes. ISSN 2519-7916.
Since 2018. Member of Editorial Board of Journal of Embryology
Since 2009. Member of Editorial Board of the bilingual scientific journal Invertebrate Zoology (ISSN 1812-9250 ISSN 1814-0815)
2014 - 2017 Member of an Editorial Scientific Board of the Journal of Biology and Earth Sciences ISSN: 2084-3577

Guest Editor

2012 - Guest Editor for special volume Evolution & Development" 14:1, 1–2 (2012), ISSN: 1520−541X.


1. Since 1983. St. Petersburg Society of Naturalists, Russia
2. Since 2002. European Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology
3. Since 2004. International Society for Invertebrate Morphology
4. Since 2012. International Evo-Devo-Eco Network (EDEN).
5. Since 2013. Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA) of the European Commission.
6. Since 2013. GDR BioChiMar. France.
7. Since 2014. GDR d’Ecologie Chimique du CNRS “Médiation Chimique dans l’Environnement- Ecologie Chimique”, France.