Short C.V.

par BOUTIN Nathalie

In brief :

  • Nathalie Boutin is a researcher in CERGAM the unit research in management of Aix-Marseille University, where she is conducting a doctoral research to be defended in 2016 and funded by full scholarship from the Labex OTMED (Laboratoire d’Excellence : Objectif Terre-Méditerranée), an interdisciplinary project of the University focusing on the Mediterranean area major changes caused by climate change, human activity, and economic development. She teaches environmental management at IMPGT (Institute of Public Management and Territorial Governance of Aix-Marseille University). Her interests bear on biodiversity management, public management, corporate social responsibility, man environment interactions, and ecosystems services. In partnership with researchers at IMBE (Mediterranean Institute of marine and terrestrial Biodiversity and Ecology – AMU/CNRS/IRD), her current research includes an investigation of biodiversity concerns through two projects : a big alumina plant rejecting wastes in the Mediterranean sea, and a power plant to be converted from coal to biomass. Her project includes other cases along the Mediterranean shores. Her background is in management (Bachelor) and ecological engineering (Master). For her research, she also may rely on practical knowledge of management based on executive positions in private and public institutions during twenty years.