
par DUMAS Estelle

Since the 1970s, the ecological questions have investigated various disciplines because of technologies that have modified the ecological dynamics and changed the geological era. These changes have raised some questions about our links to Nature. More precisely, the uniformization of ecological dynamics come from drivers imposed by human activities. Anthropogenic activities take place within biogeochemical cycles like any other variable and alter them. To preserve biodiversity, resources used by human activities must be returned within the biogeochemical cycles in an effort to ensure their balance. In this context, the concepts in ecology reflect in other disciplines in a field called “Écologie Globale”. Goals are no longer political choices but a responsible commitment.

Crutzen P. J. and Stoermer E. F. 2000. International Geosphere - Biosphere Programme NewsLetter. The Anthropocene, p 17
Hache E. 2013. De l’univers clos au monde infini, Ed. Dehors, 252p
Hans-Love L. 2006 Cours particulier de philosophie, « le principe de responsabilité, Hans Jonas » Ed. Belin, 304p