Cecile Albert

Chargée de Recherche (CNRS)
Institut Méditerranéen de Biodiversité et d’Ecologie Marine et Continentale (IMBE)
Aix-Marseille Université, UMR CNRS 7263
Bât. Villemin, Europole de l’Arbois - BP 80
F-13545 Aix-en-Provence cedex 04, France
Tel. : [+33]-7-80-98-39-81
e-mail : cecile.albert -at- imbe.fr

crédit photo : Daniel Kapikian


I am a researcher working at the interface between landscape ecology, ecological modelling, biogeography and plant functional ecology.

My research aims at linking existing knowledge in these complementary fields in order to understand how biodiversity and ecosystem services could change under global change pressure.

Searching for an internship or a PhD project ? Do not hesitate to email me directly.

Thématiques de recherche

Disantangling the effects of habitat loss and fragmentation
on biodiversity

Habitat loss is arguably the greatest threat to the world’s biodiversity. As human activities involve increasing transformed areas, options to preserve large extents of natural habitats get reduced. The spatial organisation of the remaining habitats (configuration) and the potentiality for organisms to move among habitat remnants in the landscape (matrix permeability) thus appear as critical variables. But the window of opportunity offered by the management of theses variables (configuration and matrix permeability) along with the amount of habitat has been the subject of debate among scientists since the 1970s, thus limiting the possibilities for decision support in spatial planning. The EU-funded SCALED project aims to solve this debate by combining modelling and empirical approaches at various spatial scales and for multiple organisms.

Modeling the impact of climate and land use change in a fragmented landscape

Anthropogenic land use change, caused by increasing needs for energy and resources, is driving dramatic changes in biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and consequently ecosystem services, such as water quality or crop pollination. New quantitative tools are needed to refine our understanding and projections of these processes into the coming century. My current research aims at developing such a tool by adapting and coupling BIOMOVE (Midgley et al. 2010), an existing landscape modelling shell, to North America cold temperate forests in order to simulate landscape and biodiversity dynamics in the Monteregie (a case study region in south west Quebec), a biodiversity-rich area with a highly fragmented landscape.
More info can be found on this project here.

Intraspecific trait variability

Intraspecific functional variability is a highly timely issue in functional ecology. Deciding whether it has to be accounted for in trait-based studies is an open debate. While analysing the trait dataset I collected on alpine plants, I found strong intraspecific trait variability (ITV). This variability was lower than the interspecific one, but not negligible, and resulted partly from environmental effects and could be explained by species distribution models ; ITV also strongly altered the calculation of functional diversity indices. From my results that are published in Biology Letters, Journal of Ecology, Functional Ecology, Oikos and PPEES. I conclude that ITV should be considered more often to strengthen current trait-based approaches.

Development of a modelling shell

BIOMOVE is a landscape modelling shell that simulates, in a spatially and temporally explicit frame, plant species’ geographic range shifts in response to climate, habitat structure and disturbance, at annual time steps. How to couple models (hybridize) for more accurate assessments of vegetation dynamics (species’ ranges) occupied a large part of my past research (Albert et al. 2008a, Thuiller et al. 2008, Midgley et al. 2010, Gallien et al. 2010). The development of such hybrid models is crucial towards the development of biodiversity scenarios in the context of global changes as they provide outstanding tools to overcome past limitations of predictive models (e.g. species distribution models).

Sampling in Ecology

Sampling is a key issue in ecology. Using virtual simulations (collaboration with N.G. Yoccoz), I’ve demonstrated the inefficiency of common sampling designs (e.g. random) to estimate models or complex parameters that are common in ecology (e.g. response curve estimation). I’ve also revealed the importance of selecting appropriate sampling space (e.g. geographic vs. climatic space) and sampling design, and the value of using prior knowledge of the study system (e.g. response-surface methodology) to reveal underlying ecological patterns. These results are published in a special issue of Ecography ; subsequently I was invited to develop these ideas in a book chapter about sampling in landscape genomics. I believe that these findings are crucial for the establishment of strong sampling in ecology and for the development of new theoretical tools aimed towards finer description of ecological patterns.

Vertical Ecology

In collaboration with Patrick Saccone, Sébastien Ibanez, Sébastien Lavergne, Julien Roy, Hanna Secher-Fromell, Roberto Geremia, Jean-Christophe Clément & the Parc National des Ecrins.

High altitude (> 3000 m.a.sl.) cliffs shelter specific biotic communities that are organized around cushion plants (key-stone species such as Androsace helvetica) and include plant, insect and micro-organisms species. These communities established in climatically extreme habitats (broad temperature range, high levels of solar radiation, violent winds…) are characterized by fragmented populations (only on high summits) and are self-sustained ecosystems (the soil on which they grow essentially comes from their own biomass decomposition). The Vertical Ecology project aims at better understanding the functioning of this interesting system. Our research is organized around two main questions : (1) What is the colonization history of high altitude populations of cushion plants in the Alps since the last glaciation ? (2) What is the consequence of the genetic differentiation between populations on cushion ecosystem functioning (associated biodiversity & biochemical cycles) ?

See the TV reportage here
and the project’s page on the Parc National des Ecrins’ web site.




[51] Ponchon, A. ; Choquet, R. ; Martins, A. ; Ruiz-Miranda, C. ; Albert, C.H. ; Romano, V. (preprint) Yellow fever outbreak temporarily changes dispersal patterns in an endangered primate. Preprints 2024, 2024030832. https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints202403.0832.v1
[50] Challéat S. et al. (submitted), Silent Cities dataset : acoustic measurements from soundscapes collected worldwide during the COVID-19 pandemic


[49] Argote-Deluque K., Albert C.H., Geslin B., Biryol C., Santonja M. (2023) Effects of litter quality on foraging behaviour and demograpic parameters in Folsomia candida (Collembola), Ecology and Evolution, DOI : 10.1002/ece3.10420
[48] Blight O., Geslin B., Mottet L. & Albert C.H. (2023) Advantages and limits of radio tracking for the conservation of small ground-dwelling beetles : a case study in a Mediterranean dry grassland, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, DOI : 10.3389/fevo.2023.1040931
[47] Hamonic F, Couetoux B, Vaxès Y, Albert CH (2023) Cumulative effects on habitat networks : How greedy should we be ?, Biological Conservation, Volume 282. read


[46] Hamonic F, Albert CH, Couetoux B, Vaxès Y (2022) Optimizing the ecological connectivity of landscapes with generalized flow models and preprocessing etworks, 2022, pp.1-16. 10.1002/net.22131. hal-03578088v1
[45] Aurel D, et al. (2022) Biodiversity, climate change and adaptation in the Mediterranean, Volume13, Issue4, e3915. READ


[44] Urban M et al. (2021) Coding for Life : Designing a platform for projecting and protecting global biodiversity. Bioscience.Volume 72, Issue 1, January 2022, Pages 91–104
[43] Albert CH, Cabrera C, Marty E, Verdier L (2021) Caractérisation des communautés d’oiseaux et de chauves-souris dans les parcs urbains d’Aix-en-Provence, Ecologia Mediterranea, 47 (1) : 17-33. READ


[d] Hervé M*, Tatoni T, Vanpeene S, Albert CH (2020) Mieux prendre en compte les enjeux de biodiversité et les continuités écologiques dans les territoires grâce aux scénarios prospectifs, Sciences, eaux et territoires READ
[c] Silvain JF, Goffaux G, Soubelet H, Sarrazin F, Abbadie L, et al. Mobilisation de la FRB par les pouvoirs publics français sur les liens entre Covid-19 et biodiversité. FRB. 2020, 54 p. ⟨hal-02951526⟩ read
[42] Albert CH*, Hervé M*, Fader M, Bondeau A, Leriche A, Monnet AC, Cramer W (2020) What ecologists should know before using land-use/cover change projections for biodiversity and ecosystem service assessments, Regional Environmental Change, 20, Article number : 106 (*Both authors contributed equally to the paper)
[41] Kupler J et al. (2020) Global gradients in intraspecific variation in vegetative and floral traits are partially associated with climate and species richness, Global Ecology and Biogeography, 29 : 992-1007, https://doi.org/10.1111/geb.13077
[40] Kattge J et al. (2020) Twelve years of TRY – towards a third generation of plant trait data assimilation and sharing, Global Change Biology, 26:119-188, DOI : 10.1111/gcb.14904


**** Ripple et al. (2019) World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency, BioScience, biz088, https://doi.org/10.1093/biosci/biz088 - [L’appel des 11 000...] pour éviter des « souffrances indescriptibles » (le Monde 7 Nov.)
[39] Schiesari L. et al. (2019) Towards an applied metaecology, Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation, 17 : 172-181, doi.org/10.1016/j.pecon.2019.11.001
[38] Xavier-Jordani Mainara, et al. & Albert CH (2019) Intraspecific and interspecific trait variability in tadpoles metacommunities from Atlantic Forest, Ecology & Evolution, 9 : 4025-4037, read


[37] Meurant M, Gonzalez A, Doxa A & Albert CH (2018) Selecting surrogate species for connectivity conservation, Biological Conservation, 227 : 326-334, featured on http://conservationcorridor.org
[36] Roy J, Lavergne S, Choler P, Bonneville J-M, Boleda M, Rioux D, Albert CH, Ibanez S, Clément J-C, Saccone P, Geremia RA (2018) Differences in the fungal communities nursed by two genetic groups of the alpine cushion plant, Silene acaulis, Ecology & Evolution, 8 : 11568-11581, read
[b] Albert CH (2018) La Ceinture verte du Grand Montréal : des voies réservées pour la nature, Nature sauvage Québec
[a] Albert CH & Chaurand J (2018) Comment choisir les espèces pour identifier des réseaux écologiques cohérents entre les territoires ? Sciences, eaux et territoires no 25 read
[35] Martins KT, Albert CH, Lechowicz MJ & A Gonzalez (2018) Complementary crops and landscape features sustain wild bee communities, Ecological Applications, 28(4), 1093-1105. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/eap.1713
[34] Ait mouheb H, Kadik L, Albert CH, Berrached R & Prinzig A (2018) How do steppe plants follow their optimal environmental conditions or persist under suboptimal conditions ? The differing strategies of annuals and perennials. Ecology & Evolution, 8 : 135–149 read


[33] Doxa A, Albert CH, Leriche A & A Saatkamp (2017) Prioritizing areas for the conservation of coastal biodiversity under high urbanization pressure, Journal of Environmental Management, 201, 425-434
[32] Martín Queller E, Albert CH, Dumas P-J & A Saatkamp (2017) Islands, mainland and terrestrial fragments : how does isolation shape plant diversity ? Ecology & Evolution, 7 : 6904–6917, read
[31] Albert CH, Rayfield B., Dumitru M. & Gonzalez A. (2017) Applying network theory to prioritize multi-species habitat networks that are robust to climate and land-use change. Conservation Biology, 31 : 1383–1396, read here
-> Editor’s pick for December 2017 CB issue & featured on conservationcorridor.org & recommended in F1000 ! & presented to the World Economic Forum
-> Among Conservation Biology’s top 20 most downloaded paper in 2017
[30] Brudvig LA, Leroux SJ, Albert CH, Bruna EM, Davies KF, Ewers RM, Levey DJ, Pardini R & Resasco J (2017) Evaluating conceptual models of landscape change. Ecography, ’Fragmentation Special Issue’, 40 (1), 74-84, read
-> Among Ecography’s top 20 most downloaded paper in 2017
[29] Leroux SJ, Albert CH, Lafuite A-S, Rayfield B, Wang S, Gravel D (2017) Structural uncertainty in models projecting the consequences of habitat loss and fragmentation on biodiversity. Ecography, ’Fragmentation Special Issue’, 40 (1), 36–47, read


[28] Hervé M, Albert CH, Bondeau A (2016) On the importance of accounting for agricultural practices when setting priorities for regional conservation planning, Journal for Nature Conservation, 33, 76-84
[27] Guiller C, Affre L, Albert CH, Tatoni T & Dumas E (2016) How do field margins contribute to the functional connectivity of insect-pollinated plants ? Landscape ecology, 31 (8), 1747–1761


[26] Mitchell MGE et al. (2015) The Montérégie Connection Project : Linking landscapes, biodiversity, and ecosystem services to improve decision-making, Ecology & Society, 20 (4), art. 15. This paper is available here & featured here and on Future Earth
[25] Siefert A et al. (2015) A global meta-analysis of the relative extent of intraspecific trait variation in plant communities, Ecology Letters, 18 (12), 1406–1419, DOI : 10.1111/ele.12508
[24] Albert CH (2015) Intraspecific trait variability matters, Journal of vegetation science, 26 (1), 7-8, read


[23] Jung V, Albert CH, Violle V, Kunstler G, Loucougaray G & Spiegelberger T (2014) Intraspecific trait variability mediates the response of subalpine grassland communities to extreme drought events, 102 (1), 45-53, doi : 10.1111/1365-2745.12177/abstract


[22] Cadotte MW*, Albert CH* & Walker SC* (2013) The ecology of differences : Assessing community assembly with trait and evolutionary distances. Ecology Letters, 16 (10), 1234-1244, doi : 10.1111/ele.12161 (*All authors contributed equally to the paper)
[21] Roy J, Albert CH, Ibanez S, Saccone P, Zinger L, Choler P, Clement JC, Lavergne S & Geremia RA (2013) Microbial perspective of ecosystem engineering by an alpine cushion plant. Frontiers in Terrestrial Microbiology, 4 : 64, doi : 10.3389/fmicb.2013.00064
[20] Boucher FC, Thuiller W, Arnoldi C, Albert CH & Lavergne S (2013) Unraveling the architecture of functional variability in wild populations of polygonum viviparum L. Functional Ecology, 27 (2), 382-391, doi : 10.1111/1365-2435.12034


[19] Violle C, Enquist BJ, McGill BJ, Jiang L, Albert CH, Hulshof C, Jung V & Messier J (2012) Viva la variance ! A reply to Nakagawa & Schielzeth. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 27, 475-476
[18] de Bello F, Lavorel S, Lavergne S, Albert CH, Boulangeat I, Mazel F, & Thuiller W (2012) Hierarchical effects of environmental filters on the functional structure of plant communities : a case study in the French Alps. Ecography, 36 (3), 393–402
[17] Violle C, Enquist BJ, McGill BJ, Jiang L, Albert CH, Hulshof C, Jung V & Messier J (2012) The return of the variance : intraspecific variability in community ecology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 27, 244-252
[16] Barbet-Massin M, Jiguet F, Albert CH & Thuiller W (2012) Selecting pseudo-absence for species distribution models : how, where and how many ? Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 3, 327-338
[15] Albert CH, de Bello F, Boulangeat I, Pellet G, Lavorel S & Thuiller W (2012) On the importance of intraspecific variability for the quantification of functional diversity. Oikos, 121, 116-126


[14] Albert CH, Grassein F, Schurr FM, Vieilledent G & Violle C (2011) When and how should intraspecific trait variability be considered in plant ecology ? Perspectives in Plant Ecology and Evolution, 13, 217-225
[13] Engler R, Randin C, Thuiller W, Dullinger S, Zimmermann NE, Araújo MB, Pearman PB, Albert CH, Choler P, de Lamo X, Dirnböck T, Gómez-García D, Grytnes J-A, Heegard E, Høistad F, Le Lay G, Nogues-Bravo D, Normand S, Piédalu C, Puscas M, Sebastià M-T, Stanisci A, Theurillat J-P, Trivedi M, Vittoz P & Guisan A (2011) 21st century Climate change threatens mountain flora unequally across Europe. Global Change Biology, 17, 2330-2341
[12] de Bello F, Lavorel S, Albert CH, Thuiller W, Grigulis K, Dolezal J, Janecek S & Leps J (2011) Quantifying the relevance of intraspecific trait variability for functional diversity. Methods in Ecology ad Evolution, 2, 163-174
[11] Kunstler G, Albert CH, Courbeau B, Lavergne S, Thuiller W, Vielledent G, Zimmermann NE & Coomes D (2011) Effects of competition on tree radial-growth vary in importance but not in intensity along climatic gradients. Journal of Ecology, 99, 301-312


[10] Albert CH, Thuiller W, Yoccoz NG, Douzet R, Aubert S & Lavorel S (2010) A multi-trait approach reveals the structure and the relative importance of intra- versus interspecific variability. Functional Ecology, 24, 1192–1201
[9] Albert CH, Yoccoz NG, Edwards TC, Graham CH, Zimmermann NE & Thuiller W (2010) Sampling in ecology and evolution – Bridging the gap between theory and practice. Ecography, 33, 1028-1037
[8] Albert CH, Thuiller W, Yoccoz NG, Soudan A, Boucher F, Saccone P & Lavorel S (2010) Intraspecific functional variability : extent, structure and sources of variation within an alpine valley. Journal of Ecology, 98, 604–613
[7] Thuiller W*, Albert CH*, Dubuis A, Randin C & Guisan A (2010) Variation in habitat suitability models do not always relate to variation in species’ plant functional traits. Biology Letters, 6 : 120-123. (* The first two authors contributed equally to the paper)
[6] Gallien L*, Münkemüller T*, Albert CH*, Boulangeat I* & Thuiller W* (2010) Predicting potential distributions of invasive species : where to go from here ? Diversity & Distributions, 16, 331-342. (* All authors contributed equally to the paper)
[5] Midgley GF, Davies ID, Albert CH, Altwegg R, Hannah L, Hughes GO, Ries LP & Thuiller W (2010) BioMove – an integrated platform simulating the dynamic response of species to environmental change. Ecography, 33 : 612-616


[4] Albert CH & Thuiller W (2008) Favourability functions versus probability of presence : advantages and misuses. Ecography, 31 : 417-422
[3] Thuiller W, Albert C, Araujo MB, Berry PM, Cabeza M, Guisan A, Hickler T, Midgley G, Paterson J, Shurr FM, Sykes MT & Zimermann NE (2008) Predicting global change impacts on plant species’ distributions : Future challenges. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 9 (3-4):137-152
[2] Gross N, Robson MT, Lavorel S, Albert C, Le Bagousse Pinguet Y & Guillemin R (2008) Plant response traits mediate the effects of subalpine grasslands on soil moisture. New Phytologist, 180 : 652-662, doi : 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2008.02577.x.
[1] Albert CH, Thuiller W, Lavorel S, Davies I & Garbolino E (2008) Land-use change and subalpine tree dynamics : colonization of Larix decidua in French subalpine grasslands. Journal of Applied Ecology, 45 : 659-669, doi : 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2007.01416.x

Book Chapters

[4] Albert C.H., Kaldonski N., Ritan C., Van Peene S. & Tatoni T. (2024) E = RC+ : ne pas mettre tous ces E dans le même panier. In : Bonin S. (eds) INFRASTRUCTURES DE TRANSPORT CRÉATIVES. Mieux les intégrer aux écosystèmes, paysages et territoires. Collection Synthèses, Éditions Quæ, 256 pages, ISBN 978-2-7592-3812-5 réf. 02923 read
[3] Bennett EM et al. (2019) The Montérégie Connection : Understanding how ecosytems can provide resilience to the risk of ecosystem service change. In : Schröter M., Bonn A., Klotz S., Seppelt R., Baessler C. (eds) Atlas of ecosystem services. Springer, Cham. DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-96229-0_45
[2] Gonzalez A, Albert CH, Rayfield B & M Dumitru (2019) Connectivity by design : a multiobjective ecological network for biodiversity that is robust to land use and regional climate change. In : Lovejoy T.E., Hannah L. (eds) Biodiversity and climate change : transforming the biosphere. Yale University Press
[1] Manel S, Albert CH, Yoccoz NG (2012) Sampling in landscape genomics. In : François Pompanon and Aurélie Bonin (eds.), Data Production and Analysis in Population Genomics : Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 888, Springer Science + Business Media New York

Communications orales

Responsabilités administratives et d’enseignement

Research projects

2021-2025 - ERC Starting Grant (SCALED)
2020-2023 - PUCA-FRB (BiorevAix)
2020 - IMBE research Grant (MINILANDS-Pilot)
2019 - Zone Atelier Alpes - Observatoire acoustique de la biodiversité (OBSOUND)
2018-2020 - ITTECOP Project E=RC+ (copil) -> read the final report HERE
2018 - DREAL Corse - Effets cumulés dans la Plaine orientale (subcontract ECOMED)
2017-2019 - ArimNet Project DIVERCROP (participant)
2016-2018 - CESAB working group : WOODIV (participant)
2014-2017 - OT-Med Labex Project : SIMBIOSE (PI)
2013-2016 - ENPI GreatMed (participant)
2011-2014 - Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship - 7th European Community Framework Program : DYVERSE project, no. 272284 (PI)

Students & Post-docs mentoring

2022-23 - Post-doc IRD, Aurore Ponchon (1 year)
2022-2025 - coSupervisor of a PhD student, Natan Huberson (3 yr.)
2022 - Supervisor of a Mcs student (césure), Guillaume Pédenaud (6 mo.)
2022 - Post-doc IRD, Valeria Romano (1 year) congrats Valeria for your recruitement at IRD !
2022 - Supervisor of Msc1 students : V. Spataro & F. Baggioni (2 mo.)
2022 - Supervisor of a Lsc2 student, Maëlle Bourgeois (6 mo.)
2022 - Supervisor of a Msc1 student, Arun Martin (2 mo.)
2022 - Supervisor of a Msc2 student, Natan Huberson (6 mo.)
2022 - Supervisor of a Msc2 student, Tiffanie Stromboni (6 mo.)
2021-22 - Supervisor of a Mcs student (césure), Mailys Queru (6 mo.)
2021 - Supervisor of a Lsc3 student, Aurore Moulin (1 mo.)
2021 - Co-super. of 2 Msc1 students : Séléna Baury, Amandine Caron (2 mo.)
2021 - Supervisor of a Lsc3 student, Marine Rousseau (2 mo.)
2021-2024 - coSupervisor of a PhD student, Karolina Argote
2021 - Supervisor of a Highschool student, Paul Guerra (1 mo.)
2021 - Supervisor of a Lsc3 student, Nicolas Bachelier (1 mo.)
2021 - coSupervisor of a Msc2 student, Victorine Demiralp (6 mo.)
2021 - coSupervisor of a Msc student (césure), Lola Mottet (4 mo.)
2020 - coSupervisor of a Msc student (césure), Maurine Vilcot (4 mo.)
2020 - coSupervisor of a Lsc3 student, Fany Roncin (2 mo.)
2020 - Supervisor of Msc1 students, Lucile Verdier, Elsa Marty, Cédric Cabrera (2 mo.) more on their results here :

PDF - 567.3 ko

2020 - coSupervisor of a Msc2 student, Thibault Dragon
2019-2022 - coSupervisor of a PhD student, François Hamonic
2019 - coSupervisor of Msc1 students, Quentin Bremond, Margaux Derrien, Gaelle Lacoux & Anais Jouet (2 mo.) more on their project here & here
2019 - coSupervisor of a Msc2 student, François Hamonic (6 months)
2019 - coSupervisor of a Msc2 student, Léo Lusardi (6 months)
2019 - coSupervisor of a Msc2 student, Quentin Gaertner (6 months)
2018 - coSupervisor of a Msc2 student, Emile Naiken (6 months)
2018 - Post-doc, Mathilde Hervé (1 year)
2017 - coSupervisor of Msc1 students, Ilan Badaoui, Vivien Boucher, Lucas Margris & Marion Perard (2 mo.) more on their results here :

PDF - 1.6 Mo

2017 - Supervisor of Msc1 students, Delphine Bozino & Candice Chassery (2 mo.)
2017 - Supervisor of a Msc2 student, Mehdi Echehab (6 months)
2017 - Supervisor of a Msc2 student, Margaux Meurant (6 months)
2014-2018 - Co-Supervisor of a PhD student, Mathilde Hervé
Congrats Mathilde for your defense (on feb 17) !
Mathilde’s work is advertised here
2015-2016 - Post-doc, Emi Martin Queller (2 years)
2015-2016 - Post-doc, Aggeliki Doxa (2 years)
2016 - Supervisor of a professional intern (DESU), Morgane Jacob (6 months)
2015 - Supervisor of a prof. intern (DESU), Claire De Kermadeck (6 months)
2014 - Supervisor of a Msc 2 student, Mathilde Hervé (5 months)
2012 - Supervisor of a Msc 2 student, Louis Meulien (5 months)
2012 - Co-Supervisor of a volunteer undergrad student, Dominique Murray
2010 - Supervisor of a MSc 1 student, Pierre-Alain Jachiet (4 months)
2008 - Supervisor of a MSc 1 student, Florian Boucher (4 months)
2007 - Supervisor of a MSc 1 student, Alex Soudant (4 months)

Associate Editor

2014-2018 Ecology and Evolution

Reviews for international journals

Acta ecologica, Annals of Botany, Biology Letters, Current Landscape Ecology Reports, Diversity and Distributions, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Ecography, Ecological Modelling, Ecology, Frontiers in biogeography, Functional Ecology, Global Change Biology, Journal of Ecology, Journal of Vegetation Science, Landscape Ecology, Oecologia, Oikos, Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, Plos One, Science


2017-pres - Member of the scientific comittee of the French ’Fondation for research on biodiversity ’
2019-pres - Member of the scientific comitee of the « Conservatoire Botanique Alpin »
2017-pres - Member of the steering comitee of the « Zone Atelier Alpes » (CNRS) more
2018 - Member of the scientific comittee of ’Landscape 2018’ In Müncheberg
2017 - Member of the scientific comittee of the ’Rencontres d’Ecologie des Paysages’
2015-pres - Administrative council of the Société Française d’Ecologie
2015-2016 - President of the organizing comittee of Sfécologie 2016
2014-2017 - Scientific council of the Conservatoire Botanique de Corse

PhD steering comittees

2020 - Mélanie Ternesien. AMU - (2019-2022)
2018 - Lise Ropars. AMU - (2016-2019)
2017 - Lise Ropars. AMU - (2016-2019)
2017 - Claire Lorel. MNHN - (2015-2018)
2017 - Etienne Lalechère. Clermont-Ferrand 2 - (2014-2017)
2017 - Gwendoline Percel. IRSTEA-Nogent-sur-Vernisson (2015-2018)
2016 - Claire Lorel. MNHN - (2015-2018)
2015 - Etienne Lalechère. Clermont-Ferrand 2 - (2014-2017)
2015 - Gwendoline Percel. IRSTEA-Nogent-sur-Vernisson (2015-2018)