Simmler Charlotte

Simmler Charlotte

CR-Charge de Recherche


Biodiversité, Écosystèmes, Changements globaux

I am a natural product chemist working at the interface between marine chemical ecology and pharmacognosy.

My research projects involve metabolomic analyses with natural product chemistry methods to characterize marine chemodiversity in sustainable ways and access to marine chemical diversity from seawater. To that end, our team developped the I-SMEL instrument (In Situ Marine moleculE Logger), see the photo below.

My research activities also aim at addressing various biological questions from the metabolic changes of benthic invertebrates (e.g. sponges, bryozoans) facing anthropogenic pressures (MARINDIV project), to the study of chemical exchanges and communication between species through the analysis of their specialized (exo)metabolites (SESAM & MARRIO project)

I am also co-managing a shared facility dedicated to Metabolomic analyses and Natural Product Chemistry (abb. MSN).

  • 2019 up to now – CR CNRS – IMBE, Marseille, France
  • 2015-2018 – Research assistant – UIC, college of Pharmacy, Chicago, Illinois
  • 2011-2015 – Post-doctoral research associate – UIC, college of Pharmacy, Chicago, Illinois
  • 2010 – Doctorat en Sciences (PhD) – Université de Strasbourg
  • 2006 – Doctorat en Pharmacie – Université de Strasbourg
  • Natural Product Chemistry
  • Metabolomics
  • Chemical Ecology

You can check here the SESAM (Sponges Exometabolites as Sources of AntiMicrobials) project, which aims at capturing and characterizing the diversity of sponge’s exometabolites from the Mediterranean sea. Most of the research activities within SESAM will continue through the international program MARRIO (coordinated by Drs. T. Pérez [IMBE-NEMO] and M. Klautau [Brazil]).