Manuel Cartereau

Manuel Cartereau

PD-Post Doctorant


Biodiversité, Écosystèmes, Changements globaux

My research aims to describe and understand the responses of biodiversity facets (taxonomic, phylogenetic,
functional) to past, ongoing and forecasted global changes at various levels of organization (e.g., population,
community, global species pool) and spatial scales (e.g., local, regional, global). I have been working with
plants mainly, but I currently work on multiple taxa (trees, birds, mammals, butterflies, reptiles), expanding
the taxonomic coverage of my work.

  • macroecology
  • biodiversity
  • global change
  • species assemblages

Biodiversa+ INTEGRADIV: Efficient conservation of Mediterranean forests: an integrative assessment of the drivers and vulnerability of multi-taxa, multi-facet and multi-scale biodiversity patterns. (PI: Agathe Leriche)

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