Amandine Gasc

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Chargée de Recherche IRD

Institut Méditerranéen de Biodiversité et d’Écologie Marine et Continentale (IMBE)
UMR 7263 CNRS, IRD 237, Centre IRD Nouméa, Aix-Marseille Université, Avignon Université
Europôle Méditerranéen de l’Arbois, Pavillon Villemin
BP 80 - 13545 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 04 France
Bureau 0-20
Tel : (+33) 4 42 90 84 73
email :


Mon travail s’intègre dans les domaines de l’écologie et de la biologie de la conservation avec un intérêt particulier pour la composante acoustique des environnements naturels. Grâce à un financement doctoral CNRS INEE, j’ai participé au développement d’outils acoustiques pour l’estimation et le suivi de la biodiversité, thèse effectuée au Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (France). J’ai continué cette recherche pendant trois ans à Purdue University (Indiana, USA) grâce à un financement NSF, au sein du Center for Global Soundscapes. J’y ai abordé la question de l’analyse des paysages sonores pour la détection de perturbations de l’environnement et de leur impact sur les communautés animales.

Aujourd’hui, mon objectif est que ces outils soient suffisamment développés, testés et critiqués pour qu’ils puissent être un réel outil d’aide à la gestion des espaces naturels. En effet, l’analyse des paysages sonores, ou ambiances sonores, permet un accès unique aux communautés animales avec des mesures non invasives, multi-taxa, réplicables, avec une résolution spatiale et temporelle fine. Les récentes études montrent que cette approche permet d’avoir des informations sur la biodiversité, sa dynamique naturelle (rythme à la journée, à la saison, variations entre écosystèmes) et les modifications des communautés animales dues à une perturbation extérieure (espèces invasives, activités humaines, feux, etc..)


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English version

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Research thematics

Biodiversity assessment—analysis and monitoring of animal biodiversity using passive acoustics

Biodiversity measurement is an urgent and challenging task. I am interested in using acoustic methods—especially the global acoustic method—to evaluate and monitor biodiversity. This recent method, proposed first in Sueur et al., PLos ONE, 2008, aims to infer local biodiversity through acoustic diversity indices calculated on animal community sounds or biophony. Non-invasive, inexpensive and fast, this method could be really powerful as a concrete biodiversity assessment program.

Part of my research focuses on the acoustic diversity indices (publication of these indices has greatly increased since 2008). I am testing these indices to determine what kind of biodiversity information can be extracted through a global analysis of acoustic complexity

Ecological dynamics regarding soundscapes

As an important component of complex interactions between biological, geological, and human dynamics, soundscapes greatly impact the lifestyles of innumerable animal species. Soundscapes are highly variable depending of time of the day, time of the year and location. Many of these variations are linked to natural cyclical processes, and these phenological parameters of soundscapes are still not well described.

The soundscape dynamics study will improve knowledge of the processes at the origin of theses dynamics and of the interaction between these processes. It will also allow us to monitor the change of these dynamics due to disturbances.

Disturbances—the impact of wildfire, invasive species, and habitat degradation on acoustic communities

A better knowledge of both acoustic diversity and soundscape dynamics would help us to improve both detection of disturbances and evaluation of their impacts. I am involved with several current studies concerning this topic, and I am also really interested in monitoring restoration processes of a soundscape after disturbance.

Evolution and phylogeny—co-evolution of acoustic, morphologic, and molecular variables

Another interesting research area is the evolutionary part of these acoustic animal communities. Indeed, if the theories of acoustic niches and habitat filtering are known as potential drivers of acoustic diversity, reconstructing the phylogeny of sound-producing species while considering molecular and morphological data could help us to understand the evolution of song parameters.


par Amandine GASC

Through different research projects, I recorded the soundscape of different ecosystems : tropical forest, temperate forest, terrestrial freshwater and desert. All these trip were wonderful for science but also for human knowledge, I would like to thanks all my fieldtrip partners !

  • United States of America, Indiana, 2015. Management of the 2015 soundscape collection for the Tippecanoe long-term monitoring program.
  • United States of America, Nebraska, April 2015. NSF grant. Field work support for the Plate Basin Time-Lapse project.
  • Costa Rica, La Selva Biological Station, January 2015. NSF grant. Starting a long-term acoustic survey in order to study the seasonal dynamic of the soundscape in a tropical forest environment
  • United States of America, Maine, April 2014. NSF grant. Starting of a long-term acoustic study in the Wells Reserve on 11 sites in order to study tidal dynamic impact on soundscape.
  • United States of America, Arizona, February 2014. NSF grant. Starting of a long-term acoustic study in the Chiricahua National Monument on 27 sites in 4 different habitat to study the impact of wildfire severity level on the soundscape.
  • New-Caledonia, October-November 2013. ATM MNHN grant. Collecting recordings in 24 tropical sites (forest, para-forest and maquis habitats). The acoustic method will be used to try to detect cricket’s community structure regarding both habitat degradation level and invasive ant presence.
  • India, Western Ghats, February 2011. FRB BIOSOUND grant. Collecting recordings in two types of agroforests (coffee plantation with native trees, coffee plantation without native trees) and in native forests.
  • French Guyana, November 2010. CNRS grant. Collecting recordings using a microphone 3D network in the tropical forest of the CNRS research station « Inselberg ».
  • France, Parc Naturel de la Haute Vallée de Chevreuse, summer 2010. CNRS INEE grant. Collecting recordings using three hydrophones to explore ponds biodiversity.
  • New-Caledonia, May 2010. ANR BIONEOCAL grant. Collecting recordings in three tropical forest sites. The acoustic method will be used to try to detect community structure.
  • Bahamas, May 2009. Dartmouth University grant. Collecting Lizard biologic material for molecular analysis.

Collaborations - Acknowledgements

par Amandine GASC


Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Fédération pour la Recherche sur la Biodiversité (FRB)
National Science Foundation (US-NFS)
ATM form (MNHN)


Chiricahua National Monument (Arizona)
Centre d’Ecologie et de Sciences de la COnservation-UMR 7204-Museum national d’Histoire naturelle de Paris (France)
Center for Global Soundscapes (Purdue University)
Parc Naturelle de la Haute Vallée de Chevreuse (PNR de Chevreuse)
Institut de systematique, evolution et biodiversite-UMR 7205-Museum national d’Histoire naturelle de Paris (France)
Perkins school for the blind (Massachusetts, USA)
Wells reserve at Laudholm (Maine, USA)


Challéat, S., Farrugia, N., Froidevaux J.S.P., Gasc, A., Pajusco N, Silent Cities project consortium* (2024). A dataset of acoustic measurements from soundscapes collected worldwide during the COVID-19 pandemic. Scientific Data, 11:928

Bradfer-Lawrence, T., Duthie, B., Abrahams, C., Adam, M., Barnett, R.J., Beeston, A., Darby, J., Dell, B., Gardner, N., Gasc, A., Heath, B., Howells, N., Janson, M., Kyoseva, M-V., Luypaert, T., Metcalf, O.C., Nousek-McGregor, A.E., Poznansky, F., Ross, S.R.P.-J., Sethi, S., Smyth, S., Waddell, E., Froidevaux, J.S.P. (2024). The Acoustic Index User’s Guide : A practical manual for defining, generating and understanding current and future acoustic indices. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 00:1–11.

Ross, S., O’Connell, D., Deichmann, J., Desjonquères, C., Gasc, A., Phillips, J., Sethi, S., Wood, C., Burivalova, Z. (2023) A fresh look at fundamental ecological questions with passive acoustic monitoring. Functional ecology, 37:959–975.

Anso, J., Gasc, A., Bourguet, E., Desutter-Grandcolas, L., Jourdan, H. (2022). Crickets as indicators of ecological succession in tropical systems, New Caledonia. Biotropica, 54:1270–1284.

Barbaro, L., Sourdril, A., Froidevaux, J.S.P. Cauchoix M., Calatayud F., Deconchat M., Gasc A. (2022). Linking acoustic diversity to compositional and configurational heterogeneity in mosaic landscapes. Landscape Ecology.

Ghadiri Khanaposhtani M, Gasc A, Francomano D, Villanueva-Rivera LJ, Jung J, Mossman MJ, Pijanowski BC (2019) Effects of highways on bird distribution and soundscape diversity around Aldo Leopold’s shack in Baraboo, Wisconsin, USA. Landscape and Urban Planning, 103666.

Bellisario KM, VanSchaik J, Zhao Z, Gasc A, Omrani H, Pijanowski BC (2018) Contribution of MIR to soundscape Ecology. Part 2 : Spectral timbral analysis for discriminating soundscape components. Ecological Informatics, 51:1-14.

Gasc A, Gottesman BL, Francomano D, Jung J, Durham M, Mateljak J, Pijanowski BC (2018) Soundscapes reveal disturbance impacts : biophonic response to wildfire in the Sonoran Desert Sky Islands. Landscape Ecology, 33:1399-1415.

Gottesman BL, Francomano D, Zhao Z, Bellisario K, Ghadiri M, Broadhead T, Gasc A, Pijanowski BC (2018) Acoustic monitoring reveals diversity and surprising dynamics in tropical freshwater soundscapes. Freshwater Biology. DOI : 10.1111/fwb.13096

Gasc A, Anso J, Sueur J, Jourdan H, Desutter-Grandcolas L (2018) Cricket calling communities as an indicator of the invasive ant Wasmannia auropunctata in an insular biodiversity hotspot. Biological Invasions, 20:1099-1111.

Gasc A, Francomano D, Dunning JB, Pijanowski BC (2017) Future directions for soundscape ecology : the importance of ornithological contributions. The Auk, 134:215-228.

Lomolimo MV, Pijanowski BC, Gasc A (2015) The Silence of Biogeography. Journal of Biogeography, 42 : 1187-1196.

Gasc A, Lellouch L, Pavoine S, Grandcolas P, Sueur J (2015) Acoustic indices for biodiversity assessment : analyses of biases on bird assemblage simulations and recommendations for field survey. Biological Conservation, 191 : 306-312.

Ulloa JS, Gasc A, Gaucher P, Aubin T, Réjou-Méchain M, Sueur J (2015) Screening large audio datasets to determine the time and space distribution of Screaming Piha birds in a tropical forest. Ecological Informatics, 31:91-99.

Desjonquères C, Ryback F, Depraetere M, Gasc A, Le Viol I, Pavoine S, Sueur J (2015) First Description of underwater acoustic diversity in three temperate ponds. PeerJ, 3 : e1393.

Legendre F, Deleporte P, Depraetere M, Gasc A, Pellens R, Grandcolas P (2015) Dyadic behavioural interactions in cockroaches Blaberidae) : ecomorphological and evolutionary implications. Behaviour, 152:1229:1256.

Sueur J, Farina A, Gasc A, Pieretti N, Pavoine S (2014) Acoustic indices for biodiversity assessment and landscape ecology. Acta Acustica, 100:772-781.

Rodriguez A, Gasc A, Pavoine S, Grandcolas P, Gaucher P, Sueur J (2014) Temporal and spatial variability of animal sound within a neotropical forest. Ecological Informatics, 21:133-143.

Pavoine S, Gasc A, Bonsall M, Mason N (2013) Correlations between phylogenetic and functional diversity : mathematical artefacts or true ecological and evolutionary processes ? Journal of Vegetation Science (Special Issue), 24:781-793.

Gasc A, Sueur J, Jiguet F, Devictor V, Grandcolas P, Burrow C, Depraetere M, Pavoine S (2013) Assessing biodiversity with sound : do acoustic diversity indices reflect phylogenetic and functional diversities of bird communities ? Ecological indicators, 25 : 279-287.

Pavoine S, Blondel J, Dufour AB, Gasc A, Bonsall MB (2013) A new technique for analysing interacting factors affecting biodiversity patterns : Crossed-DPCoA. PLoS ONE, 8:e54530.

Gasc A, Sueur J, Pavoine S, Pellens R, Grandcolas P (2013) Biodiversity sampling using a global acoustic approach : contrasting sites with microendemics in New Caledonia ? PLoS ONE, 8(5) : e65311.

Gasc A (2012) Assessing and monitoring of biodiversity using innovative acoustic techniques. PhD thesis co-supervised by Grandcolas P, Sueur J and Pavoine S, Museum national d’Histoire naturelle de Paris.

Sueur J, Gasc A, Grandcolas P, Pavoine S (2012) Global estimation of animal diversity using automatic acoustic sensors. In Le Galliard JF, Guarini JM, Gaill F (Eds), Sensors for ecology : towards integrated knowledge of ecosystems. CNRS Editions, 101-119.

Depraetere M, Pavoine S, Jiguet F, Gasc A, Duvail S, Sueur J (2012) Monitoring animal diversity using acoustic indices : implementation in a temperate woodland. Ecological Indicators, 13:46-54.

Gasc A, Duryea MC, Cox RM, Kern A, Calsbeek R (2010) Invasive Predators Deplete Genetic Diversity of Island Lizards. PLoS ONE, 5:e12061.

Communications orales

Gasc A, Sueur J, Anso J, Desutter-Grandcolas L and Jourdan H (2018) 8-years of research about the New Caledonian acoustic communities : summary and perspectives for biological conservation. European Conference of Tropical Ecology, France, 15min presentation.

Gasc A, Zhang B, Francomano D and Pijanowski BC (2016) Computational tools for biodiversity survey using soundscape recordings. Eco-acoustic conference in Michigan University, USA, 15min presentation.

Gasc A (2015) Soundscape ecology. New perspectives for conservation biology. Invited by Western Michigan University, USA, 1h presentation.

Gasc A. (2015) Perspectives of Soundscape Ecology. Global Sustainable Soundscapes Network conference, Nebraska, USA, 30 minutes presentation.

Gasc A (2014) Turn on our ears to ecosystems. Acoustic indices for ecology and biological conservation. Invited by l’université de Montréal à Trois Rivière, Trois rivière, Quebec, 1h presentation.

Gasc A, Anso J, Jourdan H, Sueur J, Desutter-Grandcolas L, Jung J and Pijanowski BC (2014) Soundscape measurements to evaluate impacts of habitat degradation on acoustic animal communities. Ecology and acoustics, Paris, France et US-International Association for Landscape Ecology Annual Symposium, Anchorage, USA, 15 minutes presentation.

Gasc A, Pijanowski BC, Anso J, Jourdan H, Sueur J, Jung J and Desutter-Grandcolas L (2014) Soundscape measurements to evaluate disturbance impacts on natural ecosystems. US-International Association for Landscape Ecology Annual Symposium, Anchorage, USA, 15 minutes presentation.

Gasc A, Julien F-J, Loïs G, Penone C, Leviol I and Kerbiriou C (2013) What scale for what species to investigate the effect of habitat on bat activity ? 16th nternational bat research conference, 15 minutes presentation.

Gasc A, Dechant B, Ayyappan N, Pélissier R, Pavoine S, Grandcolas P and Sueur J (2012) Impact of agroforest management on animal diversity : application of an acoustic method. Biodiversity Asia congress, poster.

Gasc A (2011) Estimation de la biodiversité Les points forts des méthodes acoustiques Journée de la Société Française d’acoustique (SFA), présentation 15 minutes.

Gasc A, Sueur J, Devictor V, Grandcolas P, Jiguet F, Burrow C and Pavoine S (2011) Assessing biodiversity with sound : what do acoustic diversity indices measure ? European Ecology Federation (EEF) congress, flash presentation 3 minutes.

Gasc A, Sueur J, Devictor V, Grandcolas P, Jiguet F, Burrow C and Pavoine S (2011) Assessing biodiversity with sound : what do acoustic diversity indices measure ? International Bioacoustic congress (IBAC) congress, presentation 15 minutes.

Gasc A, Pavoine S, Sueur J, Grandcolas P (2010) Biodiversity sampling using a meta-acoustic method : micro-endemsim detection in New-Caledonia. Ecologie 2010 congress, poster.

Teaching and popular science

Fête de la science 2020. Ambassadrice pour les Petits Débrouillards

Fall 2020. Des mondes au creux de l’oreille

Programmation du 28.08.2020 au 27.11.2020 pour Manifesta 13 Marseille 2020. A Soundwalk in Marseille to discover the soundscapes recorded live around the world (Japan, South Corea, USA, France, Australia...)

Propsed by OSU Institut Pythéas (CNRS, IRD, Aix-Marseille Université), IMBE, PRISM (CNRS, Aix-Marseille Université) and the Art school of Aix-en-Provence with the Locus Sonus, coustic commons, Creative Europe and Labex OT-Med.

Past projects

Soundscape lab for remote sensing courses in Purdue University, undergraduate level. Creation and teaching, 3hours. Pdf and exercises available here :

Lecture ’The use of bioacoustic in taxonomy’ in the MNHN, graduate level. Creation and teaching, 2 hours.

R - code and statistical analyses in the MNHN, PhD level. Help in the R classes, 60 hours. See

Record the Earth - the citizen science program . Scientific consultation. See

Perkins school for the blind : three days of class and activities around soundscape ecology for visually impaired students

YELLs (Your Ecosystem Listening Labs) : development of outdoor and indoor labs for kids about soundscape ecology. availbale here :

Global soundscapes - The Interactive Theater Show. Scientific consultation. see more here

iListen. an educational web-portal (in progress). Scientific consultation.