Anne-Marie Farnet Da Silva

Associate Professor in Microbial Ecology
Maître de Conférences Hors Classe- Habilitée à Diriger les Recherches

Institut Méditerranéen de Biodiversité et d’Ecologie Marine et
Continentale (IMBE)
IMBE - UMR CNRS 7263 - IRD 237
Campus Etoile
Case 441 Avenue Escadrille Normandie Niemen 13397 Marseille Cedex 20


I am a microbial ecologist who has been working on soil microbial communities and their functioning in various ecosystems, mainly forests, shrublands, agrosystems, in the Mediterranean. I use gradients at various scales to decipher the impact of climate change : at a local scale (distance from the sea, Northern vs southern faces), at a regional scale (sub humid vs humid climate) or at the scale of the Mediterranean basin (France, Algeria, Greece, Lebanon). I interact since the begining of my studies with chemists (infrared spectroscopy, NMR of 13C) to precisely determine the dynamic of organic matter decomposition and the effect of plant chemical composition on such process. I am also interested in the effect of soil landuse legacy which has been poorly investigated in soil funcitoning. Finally, I have also extensively worked on changes of agricultural practices using transdisciplinary approaches : production of biocontrol compounds using solid-state fermentation of Trichoderma and determination of the effect of such molecules on the main phytopathogens of Vitis sp and the soil-plant continuum.


-Hors classe, section CNU 67 promue à l’échelle nationale en mai 2017

Recrutement au sein d’Aix Marseille Université et rattachée à l’IMBE, UMR CNRS 7263 en septembre 2000 en tant que Maitre de conférences

Fonction passée  : ATER à Aix-Marseille Université de janvier 1999 à septembre 2000

Formation universitaire

novembre 2011 : Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches, Transformation microbienne de la matière organique récalcitrante d’origine végétale et de certains polluants aromatiques en contexte méditerranéen. Rôle fonctionnel du polymorphisme des laccases fongiques.
JURY : Pr Ph. Goulas, Université de Pau et du Pays de l’Adour, Rapporteur, Pr. G. Saucedo, UAM, Mexico, Mexique, Rapporteur, Dr C. Steinberg, DR INRA, Dijon, Rapporteur, Dr J.M. Savoie, CR INRA, Bordeaux, Examinateur, Dr D. Guiral, DR IRD, Marseille, Examinateur, Pr Th. Tatoni, Université Aix Marseille, Examinateur.

1994-1998 : Doctorat en sciences, spécialité Microbiologie
Variabilité phénotypique et génétique chez Marasmius quercophilus, basidiomycète colonisant une litière de chêne vert’ ,Soutenue le 18 juin 1998, à l’Université Paul Cézanne, Aix-Marseille III.
JURY : M. BARBERO Pr Aix-Marseille III, Examinateur, Président du Jury, J.C. DEBAUD, Pr Lyon I, Rapporteur, J.M. OLIVIER, DR INRA Bordeaux, Rapporteur, C. CHAIX, Pr Aix-Marseille III, Examinateur
F. GOURBIERE, CR Lyon I, Examinateur, J. LE PETIT, Pr. Aix-Marseille III (Directeur de thèse).

1993-1994 : DEA Chimie de l’environnement et santé, Option Santé
‘Différences phénotypique (antibiotypie, biotypie) et génétique (ribotypage, RAPD) entre souches de Stenotrophomonas maltophilia isolées dans divers écosystèmes’ Laboratoire de Microbiologie, Hygiène et Epidémiologie Hospitalière du Professeur De Micco (Hôpital Salvator, Marseille), Université Aix-Marseille II.

Thématiques de recherche

Key words:soil microbial communities, organic matter decomposition, climate change, landuse, functional diversity
Systems : forests, agrosystems, shrublands

PhD supervisions
 Flor Regus (2021- 2024), Co supervision I. Laffont-Schwob, New practices for a sustainable viticulture : effects on the soil-plant continuum (LAbex ITEM funding) Retour ligne manuel
 Ninon Delcourt (2018-2022), Co supervision N. Dupuy, Chemical signautres and landuse legacy : which impact on current soil functioning ? (ED Chimie 250). Retour ligne manuel
 Enrique Gonzalez Bautista, (2017-2019), Co supervision E. Alarcon (Université de Xalapa), Enhancement of sugarcane bagasse dephenolisation by Pycnoporus sangineus through different biotechno-ecological strategies for bioethanol production, Conacyt Funding. Retour ligne manuel
 Maya Kheir, (2016-2020), Co supervision Ph. Roche, Mediterranean soil vulnerability under climate change : effect of preexposure to stress, litter admixture and tree species identity, Labex OT-M ED Funding. Retour ligne manuel
 Caroline Brunel, (2012-16) Co-supervision Gros, Effect of sylvicuture on soil properties : multiscale approach in the Mediterranean. ADEME Région PACA Funding. Retour ligne manuel
 Nathalie Boukhdoud, (2012-16), Co-supervision Gros, Microbial responses to agricultural practices in olive orchards in France and Lebanon : influence of climate variations. Funding CNRS Lebanon. Retour ligne manuel
 Christian Arturo Hernandez, (2013-2016), Co supervision Dr E. Alarcon Gutierrez Dynamics of transformation of agricultural by products to enhance bioethanol production. Funding MExico Government. Retour ligne manuel
 Anne Céline Chèvremont, co-supervision Pr J.L. Boudenne, Wastewater reuse after LED-UV treatment Région PACA. Début de thèse en octobre 2009. Soutenue le 18 décembre 2012. 6 publications. Devenir inconnu. Retour ligne manuel
 Leila Qasemian, co-direction Dr. D. Guiral, DR IRD, Potential of transformation of litter and PAH by soil microbial communities from coastal environments. Funding ADEME-Région PACA. Retour ligne manuel
 Laurent Goujard, co supervision Dr. E. Ferré, MCF Aix-Marseille Université, mon Syntheses of biodegradable polyesters by lipases from microorganisms isolated from cuticule, Funding EIFFAGE. . Retour ligne manuel
 Corinne Coquet, co supervision Dr. E. Ferré, MCF Aix-Marseille Université, Valorization of molecules from Mediterranean plant species in cosmetics. Funding CIFRE. Retour ligne manuel
 Marnyye Velazquez-Cedeno co-supervision Dr. J.M. Savoie, DR, INRA, Bordeaux, Competition between Pleurotus ostreatus and Trichoderma spp. on wheat-straw substrates : role of microbial communities from the substrate and of laccases from Pleurotus. Funding CONACYT.

# PROJET ALCOVE, LABEX ITEM (Institut de Transition environnementale en Méditerranée, AMIDEX), 2020-2023, AgricuLture bioControle biOfertilisant ViticulturE, 1 Doctorante, 1 post Doctorante, coordinatrice AM FARNET DA SILVA 280 k€Retour ligne automatique
# PROGRAMME AYGALADES, 2020 Potentialités écologiques d’un fleuve côtier urbain « le ruisseau des Aygalades », FINANCEMENT EUROMEDITERRANEE, AM FARNET DA SILVA / coordinatrices microbiologie des eaux et des sols. 1 Master 2 et 1 CDD IE 18 mois.Retour ligne automatique
# Projet REEVES SNCF, 2019-2024, Gestion des espèces exotiques envahissantes, Coordinateur Th Tatoni, 4 Masters 2 et 1 IR en coencadrement (50%), Coordinatrice des analyses sols : A.M. Farnet, 100 K€. Retour ligne automatique
# AOI IMBE, 2021 Caractérisation physico-chimique et microbiologique des SOLs des microREFuges de l’Observatoire bioclimatique SAINTOBS (SolRef-SAINTOBS), Coordination C. REBUFA, A.M. FARNET DA SILVA, E. MEINERI, 2.5k €, 1 Master 2. Retour ligne automatique
# AOI IMBE, 2019 La photooxydation des litières en contexte méditerranéen : un effet facilitateur de la décomposition de la matière organique, Coordination C. REBUFA, A.M. FARNET DA SILVA, 7k€ Retour ligne automatique
# PROJET FORSOILMED LABEX OT MED, 2017, ‘Forecasting the effects of climate change on soils across the Mediterranean basin’, 15 k€ Coordinatrice A.M. FARNET DA SILVARetour ligne automatique
# PROJET FR ECCOREV VACC-SOLS, 2017, La vulnérabilité aux changements climatiques des écosystèmes forestiers : rôle de la mixité forestière sur le fonctionnement des sols soumis à des stress hydriques et thermiques’. 7 k€ Coordinatrice A.M. Farnet.Retour ligne automatique
# PROJET FORECCAST LABEX OT MED, 2016, French Mediterranean forest functioning in changing environments : how will climate change affect the sustainable provision of biomass and other ecosystem services ? 100 k€ Coordination A.M Farnet, 1 Doctorante, Maya Kheir.Retour ligne automatique
# EC2CO miClimed 2013-2015, ‘La vulnérabilité aux changements climatiques des fonctions microbiennes du cycle du C est-elle structurée spatialement par les contraintes de la zone littorale méditerranéenne ?’ Coordinatrice A.M. Farnet , 45 k€, 1 Master 2.Retour ligne automatique
# Programme ECOS NORD Mexique (2014-2018), Prétraitement biologique de matériaux lignocellulosiques (bagasse de canne à sucre) et fermentation-saccharification simultanées pour une production optimisée de bioéthanol. Coordination franco-mexicaine A.M Farnet et E. Alarcon Gutierrez (Instituto de Biotecnología y Ecología Aplicada, Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico), 2 Doctorants CONACYT, Budget IMBE 30 k€ Retour ligne automatique
# Programme Jeune Equipe AIRD BHS (Biotecnologia de Hongos Superiores) Cuba (2013-2016) Diversification de la technologie de culture de Pleurotus sp à Cuba et sa diffusion dans la zone Caraïbe Coordinatrice N. Garcia Oduardo, correspondante AIRD I. Gaime Perraud Budget demandé IMBE 15 k€, AM Farnet : responsable de la caractérisation biochimique de la biomasse fongique et des activités phénoloxydases associées.Retour ligne automatique
# Programme SATT Sud Est –Entreprise BMES (Lyon)(2013-14) : Evaluation en bioréacteurs d’un nouveau procédé de désinfection des eaux usées associant UV-A et UV-C. (post doc+ fonctionnement 110 k€). 1 Post doctorante, Co responsables A.M. FARNET- J.L. BOUDENNE.Retour ligne automatique
# ANR Agasub (Programme Blanc International, France-Mexique), 2010-2012 : ‘Biology of the gourmet and medicinal mushroom Agaricus subrufescens, development of its cultivation and of new products of therapeutic interest or for diseases prevention’, A.M. FARNET leader of Work package2 (80 k€) : Ecology of development and agronomy. Porteur INRA BORDEAUX, U.R. Mycsa, Dr. J.M. SAVOIE, 1 CDD IE 12 mois, 1 Doctorant.Retour ligne automatique
# Programme DREAL Guyane ‘Biodiversité marine’. 2009-2012. ‘Fonctionnement des sols de mangroves’. A.M. FARNET responsable analyses sédiments, 1 Master 2. 10 k€Retour ligne automatique
# Financement Fédération de Recherche ECCOREV, 2010, 10 k€, Réutilisation d’eaux usées par LED-UV : impacts sanitaires et environnementaux. Co responsables A.M. FARNET- J.L. BOUDENNE.Retour ligne automatique
# EPUROLED : Efficacité et innocuité de diodes électroluminescentes ultraviolettes pour le traitement des eaux usées, Programme INGECOTECH : Chimie pour le Développement Durable, CNRS (2010-2011) Co responsables A.M. FARNET- J.L. BOUDENNE , 60 k€ (Financement fonctionnement Thèse d’A-C Chevremont).Retour ligne automatique
# Programme DIREN Guyane ‘Biodiversité marine’, 2009-2012, Coordinateur D. GUIRAL DR IRD. 1 Master 2 10 k€Retour ligne automatique
# Contrat de Recherche IMBE /Société Naturatech, 2009-10, 25 k€, Responsable A.M. FARNET, 1 Master 2.Retour ligne automatique
# Contrat de Recherche IMBE /Société Aquaprox, 2008, 18 k€, Responsable A.M. FARNET, 1 Master 2.Retour ligne automatique
#Contrat de Recherche IMBE /Fédération Française de Trufficulture, 2008, 15 k€, Co responsables A.M. FARNET-R. GROS , 1 Master 2.Retour ligne automatique
# Projet SEMAT, ‘Système d’Epuration par Macrophytes en Terre’ 2003-2006Retour ligne automatique
Partenaire Financier : Ministère de la Recherche, Partenaires Scientifiques et Opérationnels : Retour ligne automatique
Equipe Vulnérabilité des Systèmes Microbiens, IMBE, Aix-Marseille Université, Coordinatrice du projet pour les analyses microbiologiques A.M. FARNET, Financement 45 000 euros, UMR Chimie Provence, Aix-Marseille Université, Coordinatrice du projet dans l’équipe Dr P. PRUDENT (MCF, HDR), Financement 45 k€, -Parc Naturel Régional du Lubéron (Unité Mission déchets et assainissement),Société Transform ApS (Service Assainissement de l’eau), FRECAP Fédération Régionale des Elevages Caprins, E.A.R.L. Morard, Elevage de Caprins-Fromagerie.

Activités d’enseignement

Enseignement, formations

1er Cycle :
Licence Homme et Milieux, Licence SVT et BUT Chimie (CM et TP)
Enseignement : Microbiologie Générale et appliquée (physiologie microbienne, génétique, exemple d’applications biotechnologiques)

2eme Cycle
  Master Biodiversité, Ecologie & Evolution
Finalité Écologie pour la gestion des villes et des territoires /Finalité Écotechnologies et bioremédiation (CM/TD et TP)
Enseignement : Ecologie microbienne des sols, Ecotechnologies

-Master Sciences de l’Eau
Enseignement : Fonctionnement des systèmes aquatiques, modalités de contrôle microbiologique des eaux (CM et TP)

- Master Sciences des Aliments
Enseignement :Biotechnologies microbiennes des fermentations en agroalimentaire (CM)


Publications in WOS

In blue PhD students.
70. HAMROUNI, R., REGUS, F., CLAEYS-BRUNO, M., FARNET DA SILVA, A.M., ORSIÈRE, T. , LAFFONT-SCHWOB, I., BOUDENNE, J.L. AND DUPUY, N., 2023. Statistical experimental design as a new approach to optimize a solid-state fermentation substrate for the production of spores and bioactive compounds from Trichoderma asperellum, Journal of Fungi,

69. DELCOURT, N., DUPUY, N. RÉBUFA, C., AUPIC SAMAIN, A., FOLI, L. AND FARNET-DA SILVA, A.M., 2023, Rapid assessment of land use legacy effect on forest soils : A case study on microarthropods used as indicators in Mediterranean post-agricultural forests, Forests, 14, 2223,

68. TOSINI L., CARTEREAU M., LE BAGOUSSE-PINGUET Y., LAFFONT-SCHWOB I., PRUDENT P.., FARNET DA SILVA A.M., MONTÈS N., LABROUSSE Y., VASSALO L., FOLZER H. 2023, Plant biodiversity offsets negative effects of metals and metalloids soil multi-contamination on ecosystem multifunctionality, Science of the Total Environment 898 (2023) 165567.

67. BRUNEL, C., FARNET DA SILVA A.M, LERCH, T.Z., GROS, R., Influence of tree residue retention in Mediterranean forest on soil microbial community’s responses to frequent warming and drying events, accepted in European journal of Soil

66. DELCOURT, N., DUPUY, N. RÉBUFA, C., FOLI, L. AND FARNET-DA SILVA, A.M., Microbial functioning in Mediterranean forest soils : does land use legacy matter ? Land Degradation and

65. DELCOURT, N., FARNET-DA SILVA, A.M., RÉBUFA, C., FOLI, L. AND DUPUY, N. 2023, Landuse legacy footprint in Mediterranean forest soils : an infrared spectroscopy approach, Geoderma, 430 : 116299

64. FARNET DA SILVA, A.M., FOLI, L., BOUDENNE, J.L., ZIARELLI, F. and REBUFA, C., 2023, Photodegradation of typical Mediterranean plant litters : variations with Quercus species and the leaf surface exposed, European Journal of Forest

63. MAROIS, J., LERCH, T. Z., DUNANT, H., FARNET DA SILVA, A.M., CHRISTEN, P., 2023, Chemical and Microbial Characterization of Fermented Forest Litters Used as Biofertilizers, Microorganisms, 11:306, 10.3390/microorganisms11020306

62. REGUS, F., LAFFONT-SCHWOB, I., HAMROUNI, R., DUPUY, N. AND FARNET DA SILVA, A.-M.  2022, Using bibliometrics to analyze the state of art of pesticide use in vineyard agrosystems : A review., Environmental Science and Pollution Research.doi : 10.1007/s11356-022-23285-1.

61. DELCOURT, N., FARNET-DA SILVA, A.M., RÉBUFA, C., PERISSOL, C. AND DUPUY, N. 2022. Does land use legacy matter for current soil functioning ? A bibliometric study (2001-2020). Environmental

60. IRKA, C. I., PRUDENT, P., THÉRAULAZ, F., FARNET DA SILVA, A.M., ASIA, L., GORI, D., VASSALO, L., DURAND, A., DEMELAS, C., HÖHENER, P. AND WONG-WAH-CHUNG, P., 2022. Treatment of Sewage Sludge Compost Leachates on a Green Waste Biopile : A Case Study for an On-Site Application, Processes, 10, 1196.


58. ALARCÓN GUTIÉRREZ, E., HERNÁNDEZ C., GARDNER, T., GARCÍA PÉREZ, J.A., CABALLERO, M., PERRONI, Y., FARNET DA SILVA, A.M., GAIME PERRAUD, I., BAROIS, I., 2021. Soil bioindicators associated to different management regimes of Cedrela odorata plantations Madera y Bosques, 27(1), e2711912

57. KHEIR M, LERCH T Z, BORSALI A H, ROCHE PH, ZIARELLI F, ZOUIDI M, FARNET DA SILVA A M, 2021 Litter microbial responses to climate change : how do inland or coastal context and litter type matter across the Mediterranean ? Ecological Indicators, 125 : 107505,

56. BORSALI, A.H., LERCH T.Z., BESBES, R., GROS, R., LAFFONT‐SCHWOB, I., BOUDENNE, J.L., ZIARELLI, F., PANDO, A., FARNET DA SILVA, A.M., 2021, Coastal environments shape chemical and microbial properties of forest litters in the Circum‐Mediterranean region, European Journal of Soil Science.1-16

55. TOSINI, L., FOLZER H., HECKENROTH A., PRUDENT P., SANTONJA, M. , FARNET A.M., SALDUCCI, M.-D., VASSALO, L., LABROUSSE, Y., OURSEL, B., LAFFONT-SCHWOB I., 2020, Gain in biodiversity but not in phytostabilization after 3 years of ecological restoration of contaminated Mediterranean soils, Ecological Engineering,157, 105998.

54. Gonzalez-Bautista E. , Alarcon-Gutierrez E., Dupuy N. , Gaime-Perraud I., Ziarelli F., Foli L., Farnet-Da-Silva, A.M., 2020, Preparation of a sugarcane bagasse-based substrate for secondgeneration ethanol : Effect of pasteurisation conditions on dephenolisation, Renewable Energy, 157, 859-866.

53. KHEIR, M., LERCH, T. Z., BORSALI A.H., ROCHE P., ZIARELLI F., ZOUIDI M., FARNET DA SILVA A. M., Effect of monospecific and mixed litters on bacterial communities’ structure and functions under contrasting Mediterranean climate conditions, Applied soil Ecology, 155:103681.

52. BRUNEL, C. FARNET DA SILVA A.M., GROS, R.,2020. Environmental drivers of microbial functioning in Mediterranean forest soils. Microbial Ecology, 80 :669-681.

51. BRUNEL, C., GROS, R., LERCH, T.Z., FARNET DA SILVA A.M., 2020, Changes in soil organic matter and microbial communities after fine and coarse residues inputs from Mediterranean tree species, Applied Soil Ecology, 149, 103516.

50. GONZALEZ BAUTISTA E., ALARCON GUTIERREZ E., DUPUY N., GAIME PERRAUD I., ZIARELLI F., FARNET DA SILVA A.M., 2020, Influence of yeast extract enrichment and Pycnoporus sanguineus inoculum on the dephenolisation of sugar-cane bagasse for production of second-generation ethanol, Fuel, 260, 116370.

49. DELCOURT, N., REBUFA, C., DUPUY, N., BOUKHDOUD N., BRUNEL C., ABADIE, J., GIFFARD, I., FARNET DA SILVA, A.M., 2019, Infrared spectroscopy reveals different soil chemical signatures depending on land use : a case study on olive orchards and typical Mediterranean forests. Accepted in Science of the Total Environment,

48. KHEIR, M., ROCHE, P., ZIARELLI, F., FARNET DA SILVA, A.M., 2019, Mediterranean coastal conditions and litter type drive litter microbial responses to drought stress, Eur. J. Soil Sci, 1-13.

47. GONZÁLEZ BAUTISTA, E., ALARCON GUTIERREZ, E., DUPUY N., GAIME-PERRAUD I., ZIARELLI F., FARNET DA SILVA A.M., 2019, Pre-treatment of a sugar-cane bagasse-based substrate prior to saccharification : effect of coffee pulp and urea on laccase and cellulase activities of Pycnoporus sanguineus, Journal of Environmental Management, 239, 178-186.

46.FARNET-DA SILVA, A.M., FERRÉ, E., DUPUY, N., DE LA BOUSSINIÈRE, A., RÉBUFA, C., 2017. Infra-red spectroscopy reveals chemical interactions driving water availability for enzyme activities in litters of typical Mediterranean tree species. Soil Biology and biochemistry, 114, 72-81.

45.HERNANDEZ, C. A. ; ZIARELLI, F., GAIME, I., FARNET DA SILVA A.M., ALARCÓN E., 2017, Chemical and Biological Pretreatments on Sugarcane Bagasse to Enhance its Enzymatic Hydrolysis, Chemistryselect, 2, 4213-4218.

44.BOUKHDOUD, N., FARNET DA SILVA A. M.  DARWISH, T., GROS, R., 2017. Olive mill waste and glyphosate-based herbicide addition to olive grove soils : effects on microbial activities and their responses to drying/rewetting cycles, Soil Use and Management, 333, 499-510.

43. BRUNEL, C., GROS, R., ZIARELLI, F., FARNET DA SILVA A.M., 2017.Additive or non-additive effect of mixing oak in pine stands on soil properties depends on the tree species in Mediterranean forests. The Science of the total environment, 590-591 : 676-6855

42.HERNANDEZ C., FARNET DA SILVA A.M., ZIARELLI F., PERRAUD-GAIME I., GUTIERREZ-RIVERA B., GARCIA-PEREZ J.A., ALARCON E., 2016, Laccase induction by synthetic dyes in Pycnoporus sanguineus and their possible use for sugar cane bagasse delignification, Appl. Microb. Biotechnol., 1-13

41. NEHMTOW J, RABIER J, GIGUEL R, COULOMB B, FARNET AM, PERISSOL C, ALARY A, LAFFONT-SCHWOB I 2016, Evaluation of an integrated constructed wetland to manage pig manure under Mediterranean climate. Environ Sci Pollut Res, 23 : 16383-16395.

40. BOUKHDOUD, N., GROS, R., DARWISH, T., FARNET DA SILVA A. M. , 2016, Effect of agricultural practices and coastal constraints on soil microbial functional properties in Mediterranean olive orchards, European Journal of Soil Sciences, 67 : 470-477

39. FARNET DA SILVA, A.M , BOUKHDOUD, N., GROS R., 2016, Distance from the sea as a driving force of microbial communities under water potential stresses in litters of two typical Mediterranean plant species, Geoderma, 269:1-9.

38. HERNÁNDEZ C., SANDOVAL N., MALLERMAN J., GARCÍA-PÉREZ J., FARNET A.M., PERRAUD-GAIME I., ALARCÓN E., 2015, Ethanol induction of laccase depends on nitrogen conditions of Pycnoporus sanguineus Electronic Journal of Biotechnology 18 (4) : 327-332. doi:10.1016/j.ejbt.2015.05.008.

37. QASEMIAN L., GUIRAL, D., FARNET A.M., 2014, How do microlocal environmental variations affect microbial activities of a Pinus halepensis litter in a Mediterranean coastal area ? Science of the Total Environment. 496 : 398-205. (IF=3.163, Q1)

36. FARNET A.M., QASEMIAN L., PETER-VALENCE F., RUAUDEL F., SAVOIE J.M., ROUSSOS S., GAIME-PERRAUD I., ZIARELLI F. and FERRE F.,2014, Do spawn storage conditions influence the colonization capacity of a wheat-straw based substrate by Agaricus subrufescens ?CRAS/Biology. 337 : 443-450. (IF=1.632 Q2)

35. CHEVREMONT, A.-C., BOUDENNE,J.-L., COULOMB, B., FARNET, A.-M.,2013, Fate of carbamazepine and anthracene in soils watered with UV-LED treated wastewaters. Water Research. 47 : 6574-6584
(IF=4.655 Q1)

34. FARNET A.M., QASEMIAN L., GIL G. AND FERRÉ E., 2013, The importance of water availability in the reaction equilibrium of hydrolases in forest litters from a Mediterranean area : a study on lipases, European Journal of Soil Science, 1-6.(IF=2.651 Q1)

33. LLARENA-HERNÁNDEZ R.C., LARGETEAU M.L., FARNET A.M., FOULONGNE-ORIOL M., FERRER N., REGNAULT-ROGER C., SAVOIE J.M., 2013, Potential of European wild strains of Agaricus subrufescens for productivity and quality on wheat straw based compost, World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 29:1243-1253.(IF=1.262 Q3)

32. FARNET, A.M., QASEMIAN, L., PETER-VALENCE, F., SAVOIE, J. M., RUAUDEL, F., F., FERRÉ , E.,2013. Capacity for colonisation and degradation of horse manure and wheat-straw- based compost by different strains of Agaricus subrufescens during the first two weeks of cultivation, Bioresource Technology. 131, 266–273. (IF=4.750 Q1).

31. CHEVREMONT, A.-C., BOUDENNE,J.-L., COULOMB, B., FARNET, A.-M.,2013, Impact of watering with UV-LED-treated wastewater on microbial and physico-chemical parameters of soil. Water Research, 47, 1971-1982.(IF=4.655 Q1)

30. QASEMIAN, L., BILLETTE, C., GUIRAL, D., ALAZARD, E., MOINARD, M., FARNET, A.-M., 2012, Halotolerant laccases from Chaetomium sp., Xylogone sphaerospora, and Coprinopsis sp. isolated from a Mediterranean coastal area, Fungal Biology, 116, 1090-1098.

29. QASEMIAN, L., GUIRAL, D., ZIARELLI, F., RUAUDEL, F. AND FARNET, A.M., 2012, Does anthracene affect microbial activities and organic matter decomposition ? A comparative study in Pinus halepensis litters from Mediterranean coastal and inland areas, Chemosphere, 89, 548–555. (IF=3.05, Q1).

28. CISSOKHO, I., FARNET, A.-M., FERRÉ, E., BERTRAND, M.P., GIL, G. AND GASTALDI, S., 2012, Enzyme-triggered Radical Reactions : Another Approach For Tin-free Radical Chemistry, Chimia, 66, 435-438. (IF=1.58, Q2)

27. CHEVREMONT, A.-C., FARNET, A.-M., COULOMB, B., BOUDENNE, J.-L., 2012, Effect of coupled UV-A and UV-C LEDs on both microbiological and chemical pollution of urban wastewaters, Science of the Total Environment, 42, 304-310.(IF=3.190, Q1).

26. QASEMIAN, L., GUIRAL, D., ZIARELLI, F., VAN DANG, T. K., FARNET, A.M., 2012, Effects of anthracene on microbial activities and organic matter decomposition in a Pinus halepensis litter from a Mediterranean coastal area, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 46, 148-154. (IF=3.242, Q1).

25. CHEVREMONT, A.C., FARNET, A.M., SERGENT, M., COULOMB, B., BOUDENNE, J.L., 2012, Multivariate optimization of faecal bioindicator inactivation by coupling UV-A and UV-C LEDs, Desalination, 285, 219-225 . (IF=1.851, Q1).

24. PETER-VALENCE, F., LLARENA –HERNANDEZ, C., LARGETEAU, M., SAVOIE, J. M., RUAUDEL, F., ZIARELLI, F., FERRÉ , E., FARNET A.M., 2011, Chemical characterization of the biomass of edible medicinal mushroom, Agaricus subrufescens, via solid-state 13C NMR, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 59, 8939–8943. (IF=2.816, Q1).

23. QASEMIAN, L., GUIRAL, D., BELGHAZI, M., GROS, R., ALAZARD, E., FERRE, E. and FARNET A.M., 2011, Identification of various laccases induced by anthracene and contribution to its degradation in a Mediterranean coastal pine litter, Chemosphere, 84, 1321-1328. (IF=3.155, Q1).

22. FARNET, A.M., CHEVREMONT, A.C., GIL, G., GASTALDI, S, FERRE, E., 2011, Alkylphenol oxidation with a laccase from a white-rot fungus : Effects of culture induction and of ABTS used as a mediator , Chemosphere, 82, 284-289.(IF=3.05, Q1)

21. FARNET, A.M., FERRE, E., GIL, G., GASTALDI, S., 2010, A new substrate to measure laccase activities in complex environments : application to litters, Soil Biology an Biochemistry, 42, 1001-1005 (IF=3.242, Q1).

20. FARNET A.M., QASEMIAN L., GOUJARD L., GIL G., GUIRAL D., RUAUDEL F., FERRE E., 2010, A modified method based on p-nitrophenol assay to quantify hydrolysis activities of lipases in litters, Soil Biology an Biochemistry, 42:386-389. (IF=3.242, Q1).

19. FARNET A.M ;, QASEMIAN L., GUIRAL D., FERRE E.,2010, A modified method based on arsenomolybdate complex to quantify cellulase activities : application to litters. Pedobiologia,53, 159-160.

18. FARNET A.M., PRUDENT P., ZIARELLI F., DOMEIZEL M., GROS R. 2009, Solid-state 13C NMR to assess organic matter transformation in a subsurface wetland under cheese-dairy farm effluents. Bioresource Technology, 100 : 4899-4902 (IF=4.45 Q1)

17. GOUJARD L., FERRE E., GIL G. RUAUDEL F., FARNET A.M. 2009, A method to quantify transesterification activities of lipases in litters, Journal of Microbiological Method, 78:127-130. (IF=2.00 Q2)

16. FARNET A.M., GIL G., RUAUDEL F., CHEVREMONT A.C. , FERRE E. 2009, Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon transformation with laccases of a white-rot fungus isolated from a Mediterranean schlerophyllous litter. Geoderma, 149 : 247-271. (IF=2.07 Q1)

15. C.COQUET, E. FERRE, D. PEYRONEL, C. DAL FARRA, FARNET A. M., 2008. Identification of new molecules extracted from Quercus suber L. cork, Compte Rendu de l’Académie des Sciences, Sciences de la Vie/Life Sciences, 331:853-858. (IF=1.632 Q2)

14. VELAZQUEZ-CEDENO M., FARNET A.M., G. MATA, J.-M. SAVOIE, 2008. Role of Bacillus spp. in antagonism between Pleurotus ostreatus and Trichoderma harzianum in heat-treated wheat-straw substrates, Bioresource Technology, 99 : 6966-6973. (IF=4.45 Q1)

13. FARNET A.M., PRUDENT P., CIGNA M., GROS R., 2008. Soil microbial activities in a constructed reed-bed under cheese-dairy farm effluents, Bioresource Technology, 99 : 6198-6206. (IF=4.45 Q1)

12. FARNET A.M. GIL G., FERRE E., 2008. Effects of pollutants on laccase activities of Marasmius quercophilus, a white-rot fungus isolated from a Mediterranean schlerophyllous litter, Chemosphere, 70 : 895-900. (IF=3.05, Q1)

11. VELAZQUEZ-CEDENO M., FARNET A.M., BILLETTE C., MATA G., SAVOIE J.-M. 2007. Interspecific interactions with Trichoderma longibrachiatum induce Pleurotus ostreatus defence reactions based on the production of laccase isozymes, Biotechnology Letters, 29:1583-1590. (IF= 1.595)

10. COQUET C, BAUZA E, OBERTO G, BERGHI A, FARNET AM, FERRE E, PEYRONEL D, DAL FARRA C, DOMLOGE N. 2005. Quercus suber cork extract displays a tensor and smoothing effect on human skin : an in vivo study. Drugs Experimental and Clinical Research, 31 : 89-99. (IF = 1.152 Q2)

9. FARNET A.M., CRIQUET S., CIGNA M., GIL G. AND FERRÉ E., 2004, Purification of a laccase from Marasmius quercophilus induced with ferulic acid : reactivity towards natural and xenobiotic aromatic compounds, Enzyme and Microbial Biotechnology 34:549-554 (IF= 1.705 Q2)

8. VELÁZQUEZ-CEDEÑO M.A., A.M. FARNET, E. FERRÉ, J.M. SAVOIE, 2004, Variations in lignocellulosic activities in dual cultures of Pleurotus ostreatus and Trichoderma longibrachiatum on non sterilized wheat straw. Mycologia, 96 : 712-719 (IF= 1.525 Q2)

7. CRIQUET S., FERRÉ E., FARNET A.M. AND LE PETIT J. 2004. Annual dynamics of phosphatase activities in an evergreen oak litter : influence of biotic and abiotic factors, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 36, 7:1111-1118. (IF=3.242, Q1).

6. FARNET A.M., CRIQUET S., POCACHARD E., GIL G. AND FERRE E. 2002. Effect of an induced laccase on aromatic compounds. Purification of a new isoform of laccase from a Marasmius quercophilus strain isolated from a cork oak litter (Quercus suber L.), Mycologia, 94 : 735-740. (IF= 1.525 Q2).

5. CRIQUET S., FARNET A.M., AND FERRE E., 2002, Protein measurement in forest litter, Biology and Fertility of Soils , 35 : 307-313. (IF=1.143)

4. FARNET A.-M., CRIQUET S., TAGGER S., GIL G., AND LE PETIT J., 2000, Purification, partial characterization and reactivity with aromatic compounds of two laccases from Marasmius quercophilus strain 17, Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 46:189-194. (IF= 1.150).

3. CRIQUET S, FARNET A-M., TAGGER S., LE PETIT J. 2000. Annual variations of phenoloxidase activities in an evergreen oak litter. Influence of certain biotic and abiotic factors. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 32 : 1505-1513. (IF=3.242, Q1).

2. FARNET A.-M., TAGGER S., AND LE PETIT J., 1999, Effects of copper and aromatic inducers on the laccases of the white rot fungus Marasmius quercophilus, Compte Rendu de l’Académie des Sciences, Sciences de la Vie/Life Sciences, 322:499-503. (IF= 1.199 Q2).

1. FARNET A.-M., ROUX M., AND LE PETIT J., 1999, Genotypic variations among isolates of Marasmius quercophilus, a white-rot fungus isolated from evergreen oak litter, Canadian Journal of Botany,77:884-890. (IF=1.058 Q3).


CHEVREMONT A.C. , FARNET A.M., COULOMB, B., BOUDENNE J .L. Utilisation de diodes UV électroluminescentes pour l’abattement de charges microbiennes d’indicateurs fécaux, 2011, Brevet n° FR 11 00547, Institut National de Protection Industrielle.

LAPADATESCU, C., BARBE, E. , PETER-VALENCE, F., FERRE, E., FARNET, A.M , Procédé de traitement de composés aromatiques polluants, 2011, Institut National de Protection Industrielle.

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