Liste des publications scientifiques IMBE 2022

Liste des publications scientifiques de l’unité IMBE classée par année.

Cette liste de publications n’est pas exhaustive, seuls les articles dans une revue sont présentés. Les articles sont classés par date de dépôt dans les archives ouvertes HAL.

231 results
Jérémie Solère, Jean-Yves Meunier, Jean-Yves Meunier, Jean-Pierre Hébrard, Laurent Grima, Lucie Schurr, Jocelyn Claude, Thomas Lebard, Sophie Gachet, Gabriel Nève
Faune entomologique du site de la Feuillane, Fos–sur–Mer (Bouches–du–Rhône, France)
Bulletin de la Société Linnéenne de Provence, 2022, 73, pp.129-151
Kurt Villsen, Emmanuel Corse, Emese Meglécz, Gaït Archambaud-Suard, Hélène Vignes, Alexander Ereskovsky, Rémi Chappaz, Vincent Dubut
DNA metabarcoding suggests adaptive seasonal variation of individual trophic traits in a critically endangered fish
Molecular Ecology, 2022, 31 (22), pp.5889-5908. ⟨10.1111/mec.16698⟩
Arthur Fauviau, Mathilde Baude, Nicolas Bazin, William Fiordaliso, Alessandro Fisogni, Laura Fortel, Joseph Garrigue, Benoît Geslin, Jérémie Goulnik, Laurent Guilbaud, Nina Hautekèete, Charlène Heiniger, Michael Kuhlmann, Olivier Lambert, Dominique Langlois, Violette Le Féon, Carlos Lopez-Vaamonde, Grégory Maillet, François Massol, Nadia Michel, Alice Michelot-Antalik, Denis Michez, Hugues Mouret, Yves Piquot, Simon G. Potts, Stuart Roberts, Lise Ropars, Lucie Schurr, Colin van Reeth, Irène Villalta, Vincent Zaninotto, Isabelle Dajoz, Mickaël Henry
A large-scale dataset reveals taxonomic and functional specificities of wild bee communities in urban habitats of Western Europe
Scientific Reports, 2022, 12 (1), pp.18866. ⟨10.1038/s41598-022-21512-w⟩
Laurent Grima, Jean-Yves Meunier, Jean-Pierre Hébrard, Sophie Gachet, Gabriel Nève
Les Coléoptères Scarabaeoidea coprophages du mas de Gonon (Fos-sur-Mer, Bouches-du-Rhône)
L'Entomologiste, 2022, 78 (6), pp.401-408
Mickael Hedde, Olivier Blight, Maria J.I. Briones, Jonathan Bonfanti, Alain A. Brauman, Margot Brondani, Irene Calderón Sanou, Julia Clause, Erminia Conti, Jérôme Cortet, Thibaud Decaëns, Amandine Erktan, Sylvain Gérard, Arnaud Goulpeau, Maeva Iannelli, Sophie Boulanger-Joimel, Pascal Jouquet, Nicolas Le Guillarme, Claire Marsden, Camille Martinez Almoyna, Christian Mulder, William Perrin, Julien Pétillon, Benjamin Pey, Anton Potapov, Sara Si-Moussi, Wilfried Thuiller, Jean Trap, Alan Vergnes, Andrey Zaitsev, Yvan Capowiez
A common framework for developing robust soil fauna classifications
Geoderma, 2022, 426, pp.116073. ⟨10.1016/j.geoderma.2022.116073⟩
Rayane Hedna, Hervé Kovacic, Alessandra Pagano, Vincent Peyrot, Maxime Robin, François Devred, Gilles Breuzard
Tau Protein as Therapeutic Target for Cancer? Focus on Glioblastoma
Cancers, 2022, 14 (21), pp.5386. ⟨10.3390/cancers14215386⟩
Jean Nicolas Haas, Hervé Cubizolle, Jacqueline Argant, Jacques-Louis de Beaulieu, André-Marie Dendievel
The Late Quaternary flora, vegetation and landscape of the Massif Central (France) under climatic and anthropogenic constrains
Quaternary International, 2022, 636, pp.1-8. ⟨10.1016/j.quaint.2022.08.009⟩
Cesar Ruiz, Alexander Ereskovsky, Thierry Perez
Zootaxa, 2022, 5200 (2), pp.128-148. ⟨10.11646/zootaxa.5200.2.2⟩
Léo Rocher, Romane Blaya, Chloé Blaise, Armin Bischoff, Olivier Blight
Species and functional responses of ants to inter-row tillage and vegetation in organic Mediterranean vineyards
Basic and Applied Ecology, 2022, 65, pp.126-135. ⟨10.1016/j.baae.2022.11.009⟩
Pietro Lo Cascio, Philippe Ponel
The beetle fauna of the coastal lagoon of Punta Lingua (Salina island, Aeolian Archipelago), half century later
Onychium, 2022, 15, pp.81-90
Jean-Baptiste Rigot, Sébastien Gondet, Marie-Laure Chambrade, Morteza Djamali, Kourosh Mohammadkhani, Edit Thamó-Bozsó
Pulvar River changes in the Pasargadae plain (Fars, Iran) during the Holocene and the consequences for water management in the first millennium BCE
Quaternary International, 2022, 635, pp.83-104. ⟨10.1016/j.quaint.2021.05.012⟩
Apolline Auclerc, Léa Beaumelle, Sandra Barantal, Matthieu Chauvat, Jérôme Cortet, Tania de Almeida, Anne-Maïmiti Dulaurent, Thierry Dutoit, Sophie Joimel, Geoffroy Séré, Olivier Blight
Favoriser l'utilisation des caractéristiques des invertébrés du sol pour rétablir le fonctionnement des écosystèmes
Geoderma, 2022, 424, pp.116019. ⟨10.1016/j.geoderma.2022.116019⟩
Christel Vidaller, Chloé Malik, Thierry Dutoit
Le gradient d'intensité de pâturage hérité de l'élevage traditionnel explique toujours les caractéristiques des prairies méditerranéennes malgré les changements actuels d'utilisation des terres
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2022, 338, pp.108085. ⟨10.1016/j.agee.2022.108085⟩
Leticia Lazinski, Guy Royal, Marc Maresca, Romain Haudecoeur, Maxime Robin
Bioactive Aurones, Indanones, and Other Hemiindigoid Scaffolds: Medicinal Chemistry and Photopharmacology Perspectives
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2022, 65 (19), pp.12594-12625. ⟨10.1021/acs.jmedchem.2c01150⟩
Térence Legrand, Anne Chenuil, Enrico Ser-Giacomi, Sophie Arnaud-Haond, Nicolas Bierne, Vincent Rossi
Spatial coalescent connectivity through multi-generation dispersal modelling predicts gene flow across marine phyla
Nature Communications, 2022, 13, ⟨10.1038/s41467-022-33499-z⟩
Jérôme Moreau, Juliette Rabdeau, Isabelle Badenhausser, Mathieu Giraudeau, Tuul Sepp, Malaury Crépin, Agathe Gaffard, Vincent Bretagnolle, Karine Monceau
Pesticide impacts on avian species with special reference to farmland birds: a review
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2022, 194 (10), pp.1-48. ⟨10.1007/s10661-022-10394-0⟩
Dounia Dhaou, Virginie Baldy, Dao van Tan, Jean-Rémi Malachin, Nicolas Pouchard, Anaïs Roux, Sylvie Dupouyet, Stéphane Greff, Gérald Culioli, Thomas Michel, Catherine Fernandez, Anne Bousquet-Mélou
Allelopathic Potential of Mangroves from the Red River Estuary against the Rice Weed Echinochloa crus-galli and Variation in Their Leaf Metabolome
Plants, 2022, 11 (19), pp.2464. ⟨10.3390/plants11192464⟩
Ludivine Laffon, Armin Bischoff, Hélène Gautier, Florent Gilles, Laurent Gomez, Françoise Lescourret, Pierre Franck
Conservation Biological Control of Codling Moth (Cydia pomonella): Effects of Two Aromatic Plants, Basil (Ocimum basilicum) and French Marigolds (Tagetes patula)
Insects, 2022, 13 (10), pp.908. ⟨10.3390/insects13100908⟩
Elodie Quer, Susana Pereira, Thomas Michel, Mathieu Santonja, Thierry Gauquelin, Guillaume Simioni, Jean-Marc Ourcival, Richard Joffre, Jean-Marc Limousin, Adriane Aupic-Samain, C. Lecareux, Sylvie Dupouyet, Jean-Philippe Orts, Anne Bousquet-Mélou, Raphaël Gros, Marketa Sagova-Mareckova, Jan Kopecky, Catherine Fernandez, Virginie Baldy
Amplified Drought Alters Leaf Litter Metabolome, Slows Down Litter Decomposition, and Modifies Home Field (Dis)Advantage in Three Mediterranean Forests
Plants, 2022, 11 (19), pp.2582. ⟨10.3390/plants11192582⟩
Karolina Argote, Beatriz Rodríguez-Sánchez, Marcela Quintero, Wendy Francesconi
One Tree at a Time: Restoring Landscape Connectivity through Silvopastoral Systems in Transformed Amazon Landscapes
Diversity, 2022, 14 (10), pp.846. ⟨10.3390/d14100846⟩
Lazare Sidjui Sidjui, Desiré Soh, Gaëtan Herbette, Rufin Marie Kouipou Toghueo, Gabriel Ngosong Folefoc, Valerie Mahiou-Leddet, Béatrice Baghdikian, Muhammad Shaiq Ali
Antiplasmodial and cytotoxic activity of lanostane type triterpenoids isolated from Leplaea mayombensis
Phytochemistry Letters, 2022, 51, pp.50-56. ⟨10.1016/j.phytol.2022.06.010⟩
Maxine Thorel, Pierre Marmonier, Céline Bertrand, Cécile Claret, Stéphanie Fayolle, Maxime Logez, Jean-Michel Olivier, Benjamin Oursel, Antonin Vienney, Hervé Piegay, Evelyne Franquet
Does hydrological connectivity control functional characteristics of artificial wetland communities? Evidence from the Rhône River
Aquatic Sciences - Research Across Boundaries, 2022, 84 (4), pp.66. ⟨10.1007/s00027-022-00889-w⟩
Pietro Lo Cascio, Giovanni Altadonna, Philippe Ponel
Diversity and distribution of beetles in a Mediterranean volcanic archipelago: an updated checklist of the Coleoptera of the Aeolian Islands (Sicily, Italy)
Biodiversity Journal, 2022, 13 (3), pp.531-585. ⟨10.31396/Biodiv.Jour.2022.13.3.531.585⟩
Benjamin Adroit, Friðgeir Grímsson, Jean-Pierre Suc, Gilles Escarguel, Reinhard Zetter, Johannes M Bouchal, Séverine Fauquette, Xin Zhuang, Morteza Djamali
Are morphological characteristics of Parrotia (Hamamelidaceae) pollen species diagnostic?
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2022, 307, pp.104776. ⟨10.1016/j.revpalbo.2022.104776⟩
Elodie Quer, Manon Helluy, Virginie Baldy, Annie Desrochers
Does natural root grafting make trees better competitors?
Oikos, 2022, 2022 (12), ⟨10.1111/oik.09666⟩
Elise Buisson, Thierry Dutoit
Les sites de restauration sur la côte californienne ont des histoires écologiques différentes qui peuvent influencer le succès de la restauration
Ecologia mediterranea, 2022, ecologia mediterranea, 48 (1), pp.33-45
Robin Gauff, Christophe D Lejeusne, Stephane Greff, Stephane Loisel, Olivier Bohner, Dominique Davoult
Impact of in Situ Simulated Climate Change on Communities and Non-Indigenous Species: Two Climates, Two Responses
Journal of Chemical Ecology, 2022, 48 (9-10), pp.761-771. ⟨10.1007/s10886-022-01380-4⟩
Jeremy Anso, Amandine Gasc, Edouard Bourguet, Laure Desutter‐grandcolas, Hervé Jourdan
Crickets as indicators of ecological succession in tropical systems, New Caledonia
Biotropica, 2022, 54, pp.1270-1284. ⟨10.1111/btp.13151⟩
Hader Sheisha, David Kaniewski, Nick Marriner, Morteza Djamali, Gamal Younes, Zhongyuan Chen, Gad El-Qady, Amr Saleem, Alain Véron, Christophe Morhange
Nile waterscapes facilitated the construction of the Giza pyramids during the 3rd millennium BCE
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2022, 119 (37), pp.e2202530119. ⟨10.1073/pnas.2202530119⟩
Lea Hippolyte, Sandrine Amat, Nathalie Dupuy, Muriel Ferry
Radio-Oxidation Ageing of XLPE Containing Different Additives and Filler: Principal Component Analyses of Gases Emission and Consumption
Polymers, 2022, 14 (18), pp.3810. ⟨10.3390/polym14183810⟩