Liste des publications scientifiques 2023

Liste des publications scientifiques de l’unité IMBE classée par année.

Cette liste de publications n’est pas exhaustive, seuls les articles dans une revue sont présentés. Les articles sont classés par date de dépôt dans les archives ouvertes HAL.

219 results
C. Honde, A. Agostini, A. Pivano, L. Piechon, Blandine Courbiere, A. Netter
Prise en charge des endométriomes en France : enquête de pratiques
Gynécologie Obstétrique Fertilité & Sénologie, 2023, 51 (9), pp.408-414. ⟨10.1016/j.gofs.2023.06.003⟩
Daniela Mera-Rodríguez, Herve Jourdan, Philip Ward, Steven Shattuck, Stefan Cover, Edward Wilson, Christian Rabeling
Biogeography and evolution of social parasitism in Australian Myrmecia bulldog ants revealed by phylogenomics
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2023, 186, pp.107825. ⟨10.1016/j.ympev.2023.107825⟩
Zsolt Molnár, Álvaro Fernández-Llamazares, Christoph Schunko, Irene Teixidor Toneu, Ivan Jarić, Isabel Díaz-Reviriego, Cosmin Ivascu, Dániel Babai, László Sáfián, Pål Karlsen, Huxuan Dai, Rosemary Hill
Social justice for traditional knowledge holders will help conserve Europe's nature
Biological Conservation, 2023, 285, pp.110190. ⟨10.1016/j.biocon.2023.110190⟩
Wei Liu, David Berge-Lefranc, Florence Chaspoul, Vera I Slaveykova
Cytochrome c - silver nanoparticle interactions: Spectroscopy, thermodynamic and enzymatic activity studies
Chemico-Biological Interactions, 2023, 382, pp.110647. ⟨10.1016/j.cbi.2023.110647⟩
Tom Walker, Franziska Schrodt, Pierre-Marie Allard, Emmanuel Defossez, Vincent Jassey, Meredith Schuman, Jake Alexander, Oliver Baines, Virginie Baldy, Richard Bardgett, Pol Capdevila, Phyllis Coley, Nicole van Dam, Bruno David, Patrice Descombes, María-José Endara, Catherine Fernandez, Dale Forrister, Albert Gargallo-Garriga, Gaëtan Glauser, Sue Marr, Steffen Neumann, Loïc Pellissier, Kristian Peters, Sergio Rasmann, Ute Roessner, Roberto Salguero-Gómez, Jordi Sardans, Wolfram Weckwerth, Jean-Luc Wolfender, Josep Peñuelas
Leaf metabolic traits reveal hidden dimensions of plant form and function
Science Advances , 2023, 9 (35), pp.eadi4029. ⟨10.1126/sciadv.adi4029⟩
Caroline Brunel, Anne-Marie Farnet da Silva, Thomas Lerch, Raphael Gros
Influence of tree residue retention in Mediterranean forest on soil microbial communities responses to frequent warming and drying events
European Journal of Soil Biology, 2023, 118, pp.103541. ⟨10.1016/j.ejsobi.2023.103541⟩
Emilie Gout, Fatimatou Toure Lo, Mathias Monnot, Olivier Boutin, Pierre Vanloot, Magalie Claeys-Bruno, Philippe Moulin
Coupling membrane processes with wet air oxidation for the remediation of industrial effluents
Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 472, pp.144937. ⟨10.1016/j.cej.2023.144937⟩
Fabien Girard, Jacques Artaud, Christian Pinatel, Magalie Claeys-Bruno, Catherine Rébufa
An iterative selection algorithm: A decision aid to select the best extra virgin olive oils competing in an international contest
Food Control, 2023, 151, pp.109776. ⟨10.1016/j.foodcont.2023.109776⟩
Arash Sharifi, Morteza Djamali, Larry Peterson, Peter Swart, María Guadalupe Pulido Ávila, Mojgan Esfahaninejad, Jacques-Louis de Beaulieu, Hamid Lahijani, Ali Pourmand
The rise and demise of Iran’s Urmia Lake during the Holocene and the Anthropocene: “what’s past is prologue”
Regional Environmental Change, 2023, 23 (4), pp.121. ⟨10.1007/s10113-023-02119-x⟩
Justine Laoué, Michel Havaux, Brigitte Ksas, Béatrice Tuccio, C. Lecareux, Catherine Fernandez, Elena Ormeño
Long‐term rain exclusion in a Mediterranean forest: response of physiological and physico‐chemical traits of Quercus pubescens across seasons
The Plant Journal, 2023, 116 (5), pp.1293-1308. ⟨10.1111/tpj.16424⟩
Léa Veuillen, Bernard Prévosto, Raquel Alfaro-Sánchez, Vincent Badeau, Giovanna Battipaglia, Santiago Beguería, Felipe Bravo, Thomas Boivin, J. Julio Camarero, Katarina Čufar, Hendrik Davi, Martin de Luis, Antonio del Campo, Miren del Rio, Alfredo Di Filippo, Michael Dorman, Marion Durand-Gillmann, Juan Pedro Ferrio, Guillermo Gea-Izquierdo, Maria González-Sanchis, Elena Granda, Frédéric Guibal, Emilia Gutierrez, Manon Helluy, Ali El Khorchani, Tamir Klein, Joseph Levillain, Antonio Molina, Juan Carlos Linares, Angela Manrique-Alba, Jordi Martinez Vilalta, Cristina Moreno-Gutiérrez, Antoine Nicault, Jorge Olivar, Andreas Papadopoulos, Avi Perevolotsky, Cyrille Rathgeber, Montse Ribas, Francesco Ripullone, Irene Ruano, Francois-Xavier Saintonge, Raul Sánchez-Salguero, Dimitrios Sarris, Xavier Serra-Maluquer, Tal Svoray, Clara Tallieu, Teresa Valor, Michel Vennetier, Jordi Voltas, Maxime Cailleret
Pre- and post-drought conditions drive resilience of Pinus halepensis across its distribution range
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2023, 339, pp.109577. ⟨10.1016/j.agrformet.2023.109577⟩
Frédéric Magnin
A new Vitrea species from the Holocene of south-eastern France (Gastropoda: Eupulmonata: Pristilomatidae)
Archiv für Molluskenkunde International Journal of Malacology, 2023, 152 (1), pp.35-42. ⟨10.1127/arch.moll/152/035-042⟩
Aure Durbecq, Renaud Jaunatre, Elise Buisson, Cassandra Favale, Nolwenn Maudieu, Armin Bischoff
Effets persistants de la préparation du lit de semences et du pâturage précoce sur les communautés végétales lors de la restauration de prairie
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2023, 11, pp.1-12. ⟨10.3389/fevo.2023.1152549⟩
Tonio Schaub, Alexandre Millon, Caroline de Zutter, Ralph Buij, Joël Chadœuf, Simon Lee, Aymeric Mionnet, Raymond Hendrikus Gerardus Klaassen
How to improve the accuracy of height data from bird tracking devices? An assessment of high-frequency GPS tracking and barometric altimetry in field conditions
Animal Biotelemetry, 2023, 11 (1), pp.31. ⟨10.1186/s40317-023-00342-1⟩
Sergey Rosbakh, Angelino Carta, Eduardo Fernández-Pascual, Shyam Phartyal, Roberta Dayrell, Efisio Mattana, Arne Saatkamp, Filip Vandelook, Jerry Baskin, Carol Baskin
Global seed dormancy patterns are driven by macroclimate but not fire regime
New Phytologist, 2023, 240 (2), pp.555-564. ⟨10.1111/nph.19173⟩
Hadrien Fanton, Laurence Affre, Evelyne Franquet, Céline Bertrand, Laurent Cavalli, Estelle Dumas, Clémence Guiller, Nicolas Kaldonski, Eric Meineri, Clémentine Mutillod, Benjamin Oursel, Daniel Pavon, Maxine Thorel, Thierry Tatoni, Stéphanie Fayolle
Heavy ionic pollution disrupts assemblages of algae, macroinvertebrates and riparian vegetation
Environmental Pollution, 2023, 331, pp.121791. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2023.121791⟩
Linda Bröder, Laurent Tatin, Axel Hochkirch
Quantifying predation to insects: An experimental approach
Global Ecology and Conservation, 2023, 44, pp.e02485. ⟨10.1016/j.gecco.2023.e02485⟩
Ségolène Prades, Claire Sunyach, Florence Bretelle, Irène Sari-Minodier, Jeanne Perrin
Analysis of reprotoxic environmental exposures in infertile patients
Environnement, Risques & Santé, 2023, 22 (4), pp.299-304. ⟨10.1684/ers.2023.1743⟩
Marie Zakardjian, Hervé Jourdan, Thomas Cochenille, Prisca Mahé, Benoît Geslin
Checklist of the bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) of New Caledonia
Biodiversity Data Journal, 2023, 11, pp.e105291. ⟨10.3897/BDJ.11.e105291⟩
Abdelghafour Doghbage, Safia Belhadj, Fathi Belhouadjeb, Hassen Boukerker, J.P. Mevy, Thierry Gauquelin, Alain Tonetto, Saifi Merdas, Bakria Touati, Fethi Saimi, Rafik Rahem, Arezki Derridj, Feriel Hassen, Walid Soufan
Leaf Morphological and Epidermal Traits Variability along Environmental Gradients in Ten Natural Populations of Pistacia lentiscus
Life, 2023, 13 (7), pp.1617. ⟨10.3390/life13071617⟩
Reza Safaierad, Roger Matthews, Lydie Dupont, Bernd Zolitschka, Elena Marinova, Morteza Djamali, Christoph Vogt, Ghasem Azizi, Hamid A.K. Lahijani, Wendy Matthews
Vegetation and climate dynamics at the dawn of human settlement: multiproxy palaeoenvironmental evidence from the Hashilan Wetland, western Iran
Journal of Quaternary Science, 2023, ⟨10.1002/jqs.3557⟩
Pierre Mallet, Arnaud Bechet, Clélia Sirami, Francois Mesleard, Thomas Blanchon, François Calatayud, Thomas Dagonet, Elie Gaget, Carole Leray, Thomas Galewski
Field margins as substitute habitat for the conservation of birds in agricultural wetlands
Peer Community In Ecology, 2023, 3 (e66), ⟨10.24072/pci.ecology.100421⟩
Fatina Jouni, Juan Sanchez-Hernandez, Corinne Brouchoud, Yvan Capowiez, Magali Rault
Role of soil texture and earthworm casts on the restoration of soil enzyme activities after exposure to an organophosphorus insecticide
Applied Soil Ecology, 2023, 187, pp.104840. ⟨10.1016/j.apsoil.2023.104840⟩
Lorène Tosini, Manuel Cartereau, Yoann Le Bagousse-Pinguet, Isabelle Laffont-Schwob, Pascale Prudent, Anne Marie Farnet da Silva, Nicolas Montès, Yoan Labrousse, Laurent Vassalo, Hélène Folzer
Plant biodiversity offsets negative effects of metals and metalloids soil multi-contamination on ecosystem multifunctionality
Science of the Total Environment, 2023, pp.165567. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.165567⟩
Noelline Tsafack, Sébastien Lhoumeau, Alejandra Ros-Prieto, Loic Navarro, Timea Kocsis, Sónia Manso, Telma Figueiredo, Maria Teresa Ferreira, Paulo a V Borges
Indices d'intégrité biotique basés sur les arthropodes : un nouvel outil pour évaluer l'état écologique des forêts primaire de l'archipel des Açores
Ecological Indicators, 2023, 154, ⟨10.1016/j.ecolind.2023.110592⟩
Hader Sheisha, David Kaniewski, Nick Marriner, Morteza Djamali, Gamal Younes, Zhongyuan Chen, Gad El-Qady, Amr Saleem, Carla Khater, Alain Veron, Edward Anthony, Mohamed Mustapha Abdelmaguid, Mohamed A.R. Abouarab, Zahra Akacha, Maria Ilie, Christophe Morhange
Feeding the pyramid builders: Early agriculture at Giza in Egypt
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2023, 312 (321), pp.108172. ⟨10.1016/j.quascirev.2023.108172⟩
Nina Girard-Perier, R A Sylvain, Nathalie Dupuy, Blanche Krieguer, Samuel Dorey
Gamma, E-Beam and X-ray Irradiations on PE/EVOH/PE Multilayer Film: An Industrial Point of View Regarding the Impact on Mechanical Properties
Polymers, 2023, 15, pp.2799. ⟨10.3390/polym15132799⟩
Alex Baumel, Cristina Roquet, Sébastien Lavergne, Jan Smyčka, Luc Garraud, Sylvain Abdulhak, Cédric Dentant, Arnaud Mouly, Marc Vuillemenot, Kallan Crémel, Cécile Chemin, Léa Auclair, Matthieu Charrier
Evolutionary distinctiveness with incomplete isolation of the narrow endemic alpine plant Saxifraga delphinensis Ravaud
Alpine Botany, 2023, 133, pp.85-99. ⟨10.1007/s00035-023-00297-2⟩
Joel Guiot, Nicolas Bernigaud, Alberte Bondeau, Laurent Bouby, Wolfgang Cramer
Viticulture extension in response to global climate change drivers – lessons from the past and future projections
Climate of the Past, 2023, 19 (6), pp.1219-1244. ⟨10.5194/cp-19-1219-2023⟩
Anna Zhadan, Alexander Tzetlin, Elena Vortsepneva, Tatiana Neretina, Pierre Chevaldonné
New record and new species of Laubierpholoe Pettibone, 1992 (Annelida, Sigalionidae) from the soft bottom of submarine caves near Marseille (Mediterranean Sea) with discussion on phylogeny and ecology of the genus
European Journal of Taxonomy, 2023, 875, pp.47-69. ⟨10.5852/ejt.2023.875.2139⟩