2022-2023 (with PhD advisers)

Argote, K., Albert C.H, Geslin B., Biryol C., and Santonja M. 2023. “Effects of Litter Quality on Foraging Behaviour and Demographic Parameters in Folsomia Candida (Collembola).” Ecology and Evolution 13, no. 8: e10420. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.10420
Argote, K., Geslin B., Santonja M., Albert C.H. 2022, Effects of habitat fragmentation on biodiversity: a laboratory experiment focusing on soil microarthropods [Oral presentation]. IALE 2022-European Landscape Ecology Congress: Making the future, learning from the past, 11-15 July 2022, Warsaw, Poland.
Argote, K., Geslin B., Santonja M., Albert C.H. 2022, Food Perception Capacity and Movement Patterns in Function of Leaf-Litter Quality in Collembola (Folsomia Candida) [Poster presentation]. Conference: 29ème Congrès de l’école doctorale Sciences de l’environnement Aix-Marseille Université (EDSE 2022), 3-4 May 2022, Marseille, France https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.14255.82081