
• Articles publiés dans des revues internationales à comité de lecture (RI)

RI1. POLY F., GROS R., JOCTEUR MONROZIER L., and PERRODIN Y. (2002a) Short-term changes in bacterial communities fingerprints and potential activities in an alfisol added with solid waste leachates. Environmental Science and Technology, 36, 4729-4734.

RI2. PERRODIN Y., GOBBEY A., GRELIER-VOLATIER L., CANIVET V., FRUGET J. F., GIBERT J., TEXIER C., CLUZEAU D., GROS R., POLY F. and JOCTEUR-MONROZIER L. (2002b) Waste ecocompatibility in storage and reuse scenarios: global methodology and detailed presentation of the impact study on the recipient environments. Waste Management, 22, 215-228.

RI3. GROS R., POLY F., JOCTEUR MONROZIER L. and FAIVRE P. (2003) Plant and soil microbial responses to solid waste leachates diffusion on grassland. Plant and Soil, 255, 445-455.

RI4. GROS R., JOCTEUR MONROZIER L., BARTOLI F., CHOTTE J.L., and FAIVRE P. (2004) Relationships between soil physico-chemical properties and microbial activity along a chronosequence of restored ski runs. Applied Soil Ecology, 27, 7-22.

RI5. GROS R., POULENARD J., JOCTEUR-MONROZIER L. and FAIVRE P. (2006). Physico-chemical disturbances in an alfisol under two grasses cover added with solid waste leachates. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 169, 1-4, 81-100.

RI6. GROS R., JOCTEUR MONROZIER L., and FAIVRE P (2006). Does disturbance and restoration of alpine grassland soils affect the genetic structure and diversity of bacterial and N2-fixing populations. Environmental Microbiology, 8, 11, 1889-1901

RI7. ALBRECHT R., JOFFRE R., GROS R., LE PETIT J., TERROM G., PERISSOL C (2008). Efficiency of near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy to assess and predict the maturation state of compost. Bioresource Technology, 99, 448-455.

RI8. FARNET A.M., PRUDENT P., CIGNA M., GROS R. (2008). Soil microbial activities in a constructed reed-bed under cheese-dairy farm effluents. Bioresource Technology, 99, 6198-6206.

RI9. CECILLON L., CASSAGNE N., CZARNES S., GROS R., and BRUN J.J. (2008). Variable selection in near infrared spectra for the biological characterization of soil and earthworm casts. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 40, 1975-1978.

RI10. CECILLON L., CASSAGNE N., CZARNES S., GROS R., VENNETIER M. and BRUN J.J. (2009). Predicting soil quality indices with near infrared analysis in a wildfire chronosequence. Science of the Total Environment, 407 (3), 1200-1205.

RI11. FARNET A-M., PRUDENT P., ZIARELLI F., DOMEIZEL M., GROS R. (2009). Solid-state 13C NMR to assess organic matter transformation in a subsurface wetland under cheese-dairy farm effluents. Bioresource Technology, 100, 4899-902.

RI12. GUENON R., VENNETIER M., DUPUY N., ZIARELLI F. and GROS R. (2011). Soil organic matter quality and microbial catabolic functions along a gradient of wildfire history in a Mediterranean ecosystem. Applied Soil Ecology, 48, 81–93.

RI13. QASEMIAN L., GUIRAL D., BELGHAZI M., FERRÉ E., GROS R. and FARNET A.-M. (2011). Identification of various laccases induced by anthracene and contribution to its degradation in a Mediterranean coastal pine litter. Chemosphere, 84 (10), 1321-1328.

RI14. BERARD A., BOUCHET T., DORIGO U., SEVENIER G., PABLO A.L., GROS R. (2011). Resilience of soil microbial communities impacted by severe drought and high temperature in the context of Mediterranean heat-waves. European Journal of Soil Biology, 47 (6), 333-342.

RI15. GUENON R., VENNETIER M., DUPUY N., ROUSSOS S., PAILLER A. and GROS R. (2011). Trends in recovery of Mediterranean soil chemical properties and microbial activities after infrequent and frequent wildfires. Land Degradation and Development, 24, 115–128.

RI16. BERARD A., BEN SASSI M., RENAULT P., GROS R (2012). Severe drought-induced community tolerance to heat wave. An experimental study on soil microbial processes. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 12 (4), 513-518.

RI17. GUENON R. and GROS R (2013). Frequent-wildfires with shortened time-since-fire affect soil microbial functional stability to drying and rewetting events. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 57, 663-674.

RI18. FERNANDEZ C., SANTONJA M., GROS R., MONIER Y., CHOMEL M., BALDY V., BOUSQUET-MELOU A. (2013). Allelochemicals of Pinus halepensis as drivers of biodiversity in mediterranean open mosaic areas during colonization. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 39:298-311.

RI19. CHOMEL M., FERNANDEZ C., BOUSQUET-MÉLOU A., GERS C., MONNIER Y., SANTONJA M., GAUQUELIN T., GROS R., LECAREUX C., BALDY V. (2014). Secondary metabolites of Pinus halepensis alter decomposer organisms and litter decomposition during afforestation of abandoned agricultural zones. Journal of Ecology, 102, 411-424.

RI20. GUENON R. and GROS R. (2015). Increasing the maturity of compost used affects the soil chemical properties and the stability of microbial activity along a Mediterranean post-fire chronosequence. European Journal of Soil Biology, 66, 1-10.

RI21. GUENON R. and GROS R. (2016). The quality of compost used affects the response of soil microbial functions along a mediterranean chronosequence after frequent wildfires. Land Degradation & Development, 27: 1391–1402.

RI22. FARNET DA SILVA A.M., BOUKHDOUD N. and GROS R. (2016). Distance from the sea as a driving force of microbial communities under water potential stresses in litters of two typical Mediterranean plant species. Geoderma, 269: 1-9.

RI23. BOUKHDOUD N., GROS R., DARWISH T. & A. M. FARNET DA SILVA (2016). Effect of agricultural practices and coastal constraints on soil microbial functional properties in Mediterranean olive orchards. European Journal of Soil Science, doi: 10.1111/ejss.12347

RI24. GUENON R., DAY T.A., VELAZCO-AYUSO S. and GROS R. (2017). Mixing Aleppo pine and Holm oak litters increases biochemical diversity and alleviates N-limited microbial activities. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 105, 216-226.

RI25. BRUNEL C., GROS R., ZIARELLI F. & FARNET A.M. (2017). Additive or non-additive effect of mixing oak in pine stands on soil properties depends on the tree species in Mediterranean forests Science of the Total Environment. 15;590-591:676-685.

RI26. BOUKHDOUD N., FARNET DA SILVA A.-M., DARWISH T., GROS R. (2017). Olive mill waste and glyphosate-based herbicide addition to olive grove soils: effects on microbial activities and their responses to drying/rewetting cycles. Soil Use and Management, doi: 10.1111/sum.12367

RI27. CHENOT J., AFFRE L., GROS R., DUBOIS L., MALECKI S., PASSETTI A., ABOUCAYA A. & BUISSON E. (2018). Eradication of invasive Carpobrotus sp.: effects on soil and vegetation ? Restoration Ecology, 26(1):106-113. DOI: 10.1111/rec.12538

RI28. GAVINET J., PREVOSTO B., BOUSQUET-MÉLOU A., GROS R., QUER E., BALDY V., FERNANDEZ C. (2018). Do litter-mediated plant-soil feedbacks influence Mediterranean oak regeneration? A two-year pot experiment. Plant and Soil, 430: 59-71. DOI:10.1007/s11104-018-3711-9.

RI29. GAVINET J., SANTONJA M., BALDY V., HASHOUM H., PEANO S., TCHONG T., GROS R., GREFF S., FERNANDEZ C., BOUSQUET-MELOU A. (2019). Phenolics of the understory shrub Cotinus coggygria as driver of Mediterranean oak forests diversity and dynamics. Forest Ecology and Management, 441, 262-270. doi : 10.1016/j.foreco.2019.03.049.

RI30. BRUNEL C., GROS R., LERCHT. and FARNET AM. (2020). Changes in soil organic matter and microbial communities after fine and coarse residues inputs from Mediterranean tree species. Applied soil ecology, 149,

RI31. BRUNEL C., FARNET A.M., GROS R. Environmental drivers of microbial functioning in Mediterranean forest soils. Microbial ecology, 80, 669–681.

RI32. BORSALI AH, LERCH T., GROS R., LAFFONT-SCHWOB I., BOUDENNE JL, ZIARELLI F., PANDO A., FARNET-DA SILVA AM. Coastal environments shape chemical and microbial properties of forest litters in circum Mediterranean region. European Journal of Soil Science. DOI : 10.1111/ejss.13023

RI33. DE ALMEIDA T., MESLÉARD F., SANTONJA M., GROS R., DUTOIT T., BLIGHT O. Trophic and non-trophic effects of an ecosystem engineer in Mediterranean dry grasslands. Proceedings of the royal society B., 287: 20201840.

• Articles de consortium publiés dans des revues internationales à comité de lecture (RIC)
RI34. MARTINEZ-ALMOYNA, C., PITON, G., ABDULHAK, S., BOULANGEAT, L., CHOLER, P., DELAHAYE, T., DENTANT, C., FOULQUIER, P., POULENARD, J., NOBLE, V., RENAUD, J., ROME, M., SAILLARD, A., The ORCHAMP Consortium, THUILLER, W. and MÜNKEMÜLLER, T. 2020. Climate, soil resources and microbial activity shape the distributions of mountain plants based on their functional traits. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.05269

• Articles publiés dans des revues nationales indexées non JCR (RN)
RN1. GROS R., POLY F., JOCTEUR MONROZIER L., et FAIVRE P. (2002). Impacts d’effluents de déchets d’incinération sur un écosystème prairial : Influence de la rhizosphère et de la composition floristique sur la structure génétique des communautés bactériennes. Bulletin du GFHN, 47, 178-184.
RN2. GUENON R., RUAUDEL F., GROS R. (2007). Functional arguments for the conservation of mixed Mediterranean forest stands. Ecologia Mediterranea, 33, 12-19.
RN3. BORSALI A.H., BENABDELI K., GROS R. (2012). Post-fire recovery of Algerian soil physico-chemical and microbiological properties (forest of Fénouane, wilaya of Saïda). Ecologia Mediterranea, 38, 59-73.
RN4. BORSALI A.H., BENABDELI K., GROS R. (2014). Capacity of the Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) for the Prediction of some properties of Burned Soils in a Semi-Arid Area of Western Algeria. Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences, 10, 332-338.
RN5. BORSALI A.H., BENABDELI K., GROS R. (2014). Dynamique structurelle de la végétation en zone semi-aride : cas de la forêt de Fénouane (monts de Saida, Algérie occidentale). Afrique Science 10, 419 - 433.
RN6. BORSALI A.H., ZOUIDI M., HACHEM K., GROS R., THEONESTE Hagenimana (2017) Catabolic profiles of cultivable microbial communities in forest soils of western Algeria along a latitudinal gradient. Advanced Studies in Biology, Vol. 9, no. 4, 157-169.
RN7. ALLAM A., BORSALI A.H., KEFIFA A., ZOUIDI M., GROS R. (2019). Effects of Overgrazing on the Physico-chemical and Biological Properties of Semi-arid Forest Soils in Western Algeria. Indian Journal of Ecology 46 (4), 745-750.
RN8. BORSALI A.H., ZOUIDI M, ALLAM A., GROS R. (2019). Effect of Aridity Gradient on Physico-chemical and Microbial Characteristics of Pine Forest Soils. Asian Journal of Research in Biosciences, 40-49.
RN9. ZOUIDI M, BORSALI A.H., ALLAM A., GROS R. (2019). Characterization of coniferous forest soils in the arid zone. Forestry Studies 68 (1), 64-74.
RN10. ZOUIDI M, BORSALI A.H., ALLAM A., GROS R. (2019). Quality Estimation of the Western Algeria Forest Soils. Malaysian Journal of Soil Science 23, 87-98.
RN11. ZOUIDI M, BORSALI A.H., ALLAM A., GROS R. (2019). Microbial activities and physicochemical properties of coniferous forest soils in two forest areas (arid and semi-arid) of western Algeria. BOSQUE 40 (2), 163-171.
RN12. ALLAM A, BORSALI AH, KEFIFA A, ZOUIDI M, GROS R (2020). Effect of Fires on Certain Properties of Forest Soils in Western Algeria. Acta Technologica Agriculturae 23 (3), 111-117

• Chapitres d’ouvrages (Ch)
Ch1. BARBIER J.-M. , C. BAURY, P. BERTUZZI, A. BONDEAU, V. COUDERC, F. COURBET, T. CURT, L. DALSTEIN-RICHIER, H. DAVI, S. DELMOTTE, L. DOBREMEZ, J.-L. DUPUY, M. FADER, A.-M. FARNET Da SILVA, O. FERREIRA, T. FOUANT, I. GARCIA de CORTAZAR ATAURI, L. GARDE, T. GAUQUELIN, D. GOUACHE, R. GROS, F. GUIBAL, R. HAMMOND, L. HOSSARD, S. JEZEQUEL, J. LADIER, F. LEFEVRE, J.-M. LEGAVE, J.-C. MOURET, C. NAPOLEONE, F. PIMONT, B. PREVOSTO, E. RIGOLOT, P. ROSSELLO, P. SICARD, M. VENNETIER, B. VIAL, S. VIEUX, 2016, Les effets du changement climatique sur l’agriculture et la forêt en Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur. Les cahiers thématiques du GREC-PACA, Association pour l’innovation et la recherche au service du climat (AIR), 40 pages.
Ch2. GROS R., KALDONSKI N., ILLAC P. (2016). Processus d’intégration écologique de l’énergie solaire. Livre blanc du collectif GASBI [Groupe d’échanges entre Aménageurs & Scientifiques autour de la Biodiversité et des Infrastructures]: la biodiversité, cette obligation qui nous relie. ARPE PACA, 68p.
Ch3. GROS R., KALDONSKI N. BUISSON E. (2016). Projet formation. Livre blanc du collectif GASBI [Groupe d’échanges entre Aménageurs & Scientifiques autour de la Biodiversité et des Infrastructures]: la biodiversité, cette obligation qui nous relie. ARPE PACA, 68p.
Ch4. ABDUL MALAK D., BELSANTI V., BENOIT G., BERGERET P., BESSAOUD O., BLINDA M., BOGLIOTTI C.., BOYE H., CARDETE C., CASTILLO V., CHAZEE L., DARWISH T., DEMENOIS J., DUBREUIL C., FOUCHY K., FOUIAL A., GAUQUELIN T., GROS R., GUELMAMI A., GUIOT J., HAMDY A., KROMMYDAS T., KARNER M., LADISA G., LAMADDALENA N., GUERRERO A.M., MARTINEZ CAPEL F., MILANO M., THOMAS PELTE T., REQUIER M., ROSON R., RUBIO JL., TON NU C., TOURON R., TSAKAS C. (2020) Chapter 6: Food and water security. In Report on the State of the Environment and development in the Mediterranean 2019. United Nations Environment Programme/Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP/MAP)- Plan Bleu.

• Actes publiés de conférences internationales (AC)
AC1. GROS. R., POLY F., JOCTEUR MONROZIER L., TROSSET L. et FAIVRE P. (2001). Méthodes d’évaluation du risque écotoxicologique de solutions issues de déchets d’incinération revalorisés : Transferts des polluants dans les sols et impacts sur la flore prairiale et la structure des communautés microbiennes telluriques associées". Colloque sur la pluridisciplinarité dans les problèmes de l’environnement : les interactions Air Sol Eau, 14-16 mars 2001, Québec, Canada.
AC2. GROS R., POLY F., JOCTEUR MONROZIER L., TROSSET L. and FAIVRE P. (2002). Search for floristic and microbial indicators revealing the impact on the soil of solutions resulting from incineration waste. In: Rubio, J.L.; Morgan, R.P.C.; Asins, S.; Andreu, V. (Eds.), “Man and Soil at the Third Millennium”. pp. 929-944. Logroño (Spain): Geoforma Ediciones. Third International Congress on Soil Conservation, Valencia, Spain, 28 March-1 April 2000.
AC3. BRUN J.-J, POULENARD J., REY F., GROS, R., SALOMON D., VALLAURI D., (2005) -Biological indicators of soil quality in the rehabilitation of degraded mountain soils. A case study on an altitudinal transect in the French Alps. 4th Thematic Workshop “Process Studies along Altitudinal Gradients to serve Conservation and Sustainable Development” GLOCHAMORE project. Global Change in Mountain Regions. Samedan, Switzerland. 27-30 July 2005.
AC4. VENNETIER M., GROS R., GUENON R. AND FOREST FOCUS CONSORTIUM (2008) Impact of repeated fires on functional biodiversity. International Union of Forest Research Organizations. Conference ‘Biodiversity in Forest Ecosystems and Landscapes’, Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, British Columbia August 5-8, 2008..
AC5. GROS R., GAUQUELIN T. (2017). Expected threats to soil biodiversity in the Mediterranean region. Workshop du Plan Bleu “Which major marine and coastal issues in the Mediterranean region? Data and trends”, December 12-13, 2017, Marseille.