
Publications depuis 2017
Le Navenant A., Boruchoud C., Capowiez Y., Rault M., Suchail S. (2020) How lasting are the effects of pesticides on earwigs? A study based on energy metabolism, body weight and morphometry in two generations of Forficula auricularia from apple orchards. Science of the total Environment,

Suchail S., Le Navenant A., Capowiez Y., Thiéry A., Rault M. (2018) An exploratory study of energy reserves and biometry as potential tools for assessing the effects of pest management strategies on the earwig, Forficula auricularia L. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25: 22766–22774.

Wilhelm S., Henneberg A., Köhler H.R., Rault M., Richter D., Scheurer M., Suchail S., Triebskorn R. (2017) Does wastewater treatment plant upgrading with activated carbon result in an improvement of fish health? Aquatic toxicology, 192:184-197.

Bordier C., Dechatre H., Suchail S., Peruzzi M., Soubeyrand S., Pioz M., Pélissier M., Crauser D., Le Conte Y., Alaux C.. (2017) Colony adaptive response to simulated heat waves and consequences at the individual level in honeybees (Apis mellifera). Scientific reports.

Bordier C., Suchail S., Pioz M., Devaud J.M., Collet C., Charreton M., Le Conte Y., Alaux C.. (2017) Stress response in honeybees is associated to changes in task-related physiology and energetic metabolism. Journal of insect Physiology, 98:47-54.

Revues sans comité de lecture
Aarrouf J., Goncalves H., Matton Y., Lizzi Y., Junglee S., Suchail S., Urban L. (2020) Stimulation des défenses du fraisier par les flashs d’UV-C. Phytoma.