Publications et communications orales

Epidermal development requires ninein for spindle orientation and cortical microtubule organization. Lecland N, Hsu CY, Chemin C, Merdes A, Bierkamp C. Life Science Alliance 2019; 2(2)

Nuclear alignment in myotubes requires centrosome proteins recruited by nesprin-1. Espigat-Georger A, Dyachuk V, Chemin C, Emorine L, Merdes A. Journal of Cell Science 2016; 129(22):4227-4237

Functional analysis of Gamma-tubulin Complex Proteins indicates specific lateral association via their N-terminal domains. Farache D, Jauneau A, Chemin C, Chartrain M, Remy MH, Merdes A, Haren L. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2016; 291(44):23112-23125

Crystal structure of γ-tubulin complex protein GCP4 provides insight into microtubule nucleation. Guillet V, Knibiehler M, Gregory-Pauron L, Remy MH, Chemin C, Raynaud-Messina B, Bon C, Kollman JM, Agard DA, Merdes A, Mourey L. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 2011; 18(8):915-919

A prevalent mutation with founder effect in xeroderma pigmentosum group C from north Africa. Soufir N, Ged C, Bourillon A, Austerlitz F, Chemin C, Stary A, Armier J, Pham D, Khadir K, Roume J, Hadj-Rabia S, Bouadjar B, Taieb A, de Verneuil H, Benchiki H, Grandchamp B, Sarasin A. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2010; 130(6):1537-1542

Hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha regulates the expression of nucleotide excision repair proteins in keratinocytes. Rezvani HR, Mahfouf W, Ali N, Chemin C, Ged C, Kim AL, de Verneuil H, Taïeb A, Bickers DR, Mazurier F. Nucleic Acids Research 2010; 38(3):797-809

Performance of the BioPlex 2200 multiplexing immunoassay platform for the detection of herpes simplex virus type 2 specific antibodies in African settings. LeGoff J, Grésenguet G, Gody C, Longo J de D, Khonde N, Weiss HA, Mayaud P, Bélec L; ANRS 12-12 Study Group. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 2011; 18:1191-93

Impact of acyclovir on genital and plasma HIV-1 RNA, genital herpes simplex virus type 2 DNA, and ulcer healing among HIV-1 infected African women with herpes ulcers. Mayaud P, Legoff J, Weiss HA, Grésenguet G, Nzambi K, Bouhlal H, Frost E, Pépin J, Malkin JE, Hayes RJ, Mabey DC, Bélec L; ANRS 1212 Study Group. Journal of Infectious Diseases 2009; 200(2):216-226

Performance of HerpeSelect and Kalon assays in detection of antibodies to herpes simplex virus type 2. LeGoff J, Mayaud P, Gresenguet G, Weiss HA, Nzambi K, Frost E, Pepin J, Belec L; ANRS 12-12 Study Group. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 2008; 46(6):1914-1918

Unexpected high prevalence of HSV2 seropositivity and HSV genital shedding in pregnant women living in an East Paris suburban area. LeGoff J, Saussereau E, Boulanger MC, Chemin C, Si-Mohamed A, Bélec L, Maisonneuve L. International Journal of STD & AIDS. 2007; 18(9):593-595

Real-time PCR quantification of genital shedding of herpes simplex virus and human immunodeficiency virus in women coinfected with HSV and HIV. Legoff J, Bouhlal H, Gresenguet G, Weiss H, Khonde N, Hocini H, Desire N, Si-Mohamed A, de Dieu Longo J, Chemin C, Frost E, Pepin J, Malkin JE, Mayaud P, Belec L. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 2006; 44(2):423-432