Publications et communications orales


 Mauduit M.*, Derrien M.*, Grenier M.*, Greff S., Molinari, S., Chevaldonné P., Simmler C., Pérez T. 2023. In situ capture and real-time enrichment of marine chemical diversity. ACS Central Science, 9 (11), 2084–2095. IF: 18.2
* co-first authors

 Legrand E., Riera P., Bohner O., Coudret J., Schlicklin F., Derrien M., Martin S., 2018. Impact of ocean acidification and warming on the productivity of a rock pool community. Marine Environmental Research, 136, 78–88. IF: 3.3


2022: Participation to the International Sponge Symposium in Leiden (The Netherlands

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2018: Seminar and short presentation of my master thesis topic about the impacts of ocean acidification and warming on the coral-cyanobacteria interactions in the local newspaper and at CRIOBE in Moorea

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