Research projects
I have participated into 38 research projects of which 21 since 2010 :
- 9 as principal or co-principal investigator,
- 7 as leader of Work Package (WP).
The projects I am currently involved in and the main projects I have been involved in the last 7 years are shown below.
Note that we are currently looking for a 2-year postdoc researcher to work in the LITOSMED project with IMBE and LCE. You can find more information here
- LITOSMED, co-PI, leader of WP (2023-2025). “Litter as a source of volatile organic compounds precursors of secondary organic aerosols in Mediterranean urban and forest environments: what consequences on the degradation of litter and air quality?” National consortium project involving 12 staff members. Funding : AMIDEX (150 k€). Coordination with Etienne Quivet and Julien Kammer (Assistant Prof Aix-Marseille Univ, Laboratory of Chemistry and Environment). Postdoc position on Urban Ecology and Atmospheric Sciences coming soon.
- LITTERVOC, Co-PI (2020-2024). “Litter of Mediterranean forests as a source of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) in a more arid climate : what consequences for air quality at the regional scale ?” National consortium project involving 11 staff members. Funding: CNRS_EC2CO, Région Sud-PACA and private Partner (AtmoSud) (150 k€). Coordination with Catherine Fernandez. PhD student supervised: T. Le Gros since 2021.
- [METAPHORES, PI (2020-2023). “METAbolomic and MorPHOlogical adaptations of a Downy oak forest to long-term rain REStriction in the field”. International consortium project involving 20 staff members. Funding : CNRS_MITI (Interdisciplinary mission) & Direction Générale Déléguée à la Science au CNRS (180 k€). PhD student supervised : J. Laoué]since 2020.
- MANGHALO, Co-PI, 2020-2022. “Initial examination about MANGrove participation to biosphere – atmosphere exchanges: study of HALOgen and isoprenoid emissions from mangrove trees in Guyane and Martinique”. National consortium project involving 10 staff members. Funding : Académie de Sciences, Institut de France (60 k€). Main coordinateur Anne Bousquet-Mélou (Associate professor Aix-Marseille Univ).
- CORVOLIM, PI, 2017-2019. “Inventory of Volatile Organic compound emissions from LItter of Mediterranean vegetation: application to air quality”. National consortium project involving 7 staff members. Funding : CNRS-BiodivMex-Mistrals-ADEME (17 k€). PhD student supervised : J. Viros (defended thesis in 2020).
- HONO-CORN, leader of WP, 2016-2020. “Photosensitized reduction of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) on corn as a source of nitrous acid (HONO)”. National consortium project involving 4 staff members. Funding : ADEME-PRIMEQUAL (183 k€). PI: Pr. Henri Wortham (LCE, AMU, Marseille).
- CERVOLAND, leader of WP, 2016-2022. “Emissions and Reactivity of Volatile organic compounds in the Landes Forest”. International consortium project involving 5 staff members. Funding : ADEME-PRIMEQUAL (186 k€). PI: Associate Professor. Emilie Perraudin (EPOC UMR 5805 CNRS, Univ Bordeaux, France).
- LANDEX, leader of WP, 2016-2019. “LANDEX Episode 1 Bilos: experimentation in the Landes forest”. International consortium projectinvolving 5 staff members. Funding organism: ADEME-PRIMEQUAL (100 k€). PI: Professor. Eric Villenave (EPOC UMR 5805 CNRS, Univ Bordeaux, France).
- ANR SEC-PRIME2, leader of WP, 2013-2017. “Trade-off between SECondary and PRImary MEtabolism in MEditerranean forest under climate change”. International consortium project involving 10 staff members. Funding organism : ANR (686 k€). PI: Professor. Catherine Fernandez (AMU, IMBE, Marseille, France). PhD student supervised : A. Saunier (thesis defended in 2017).