Research skills

by Berangere Leys

Laboratory and fieldwork skills

Fieldwork skills: Lead field teams, lake, tree and soil coring, sediment sampling, plant macroremain identification, charcoal extraction and identification.
Data analyses: big data set, charcoals, plant macroremains, pollen, isotopes and elements.
Sedimentology: 210Pb, 137Cs, 14C techniques, loss-on-ignition, particle sizes, magnetic susceptibility, X-Ray techniques (fluorescence and diffraction).

Computer skills

Statistical tools: R software and packages and Matlab (MCAgeDepth and Charanalysis, SEA)
Analyses : test of significance (parametric and non parametric data), test of correlation, change point, linear model and linear mixed, random forest, cooccurrence network, multivariate (MFA, PCA, NMDS).
Models: LASS (Landscape Analysis and Simulation Shell software on R), ForClim (capsis 4 platform), Phenofit and PMP (Phenology Modelling Platform)
Specialized software: WindSeedle (image analyser for charcoal particles), HighPeak (XRD peak identification), CANOCO (multivariate analyses for pollen data, including DCCA), Tilia (plot pollen data).
Databases: user and/or contributor to the Global Charcoal Database, NEOTOMA, and NOAA databases.

Language skills

Fluent in French, English (written and spoken).