
by Hervé Ramone

  • Martin M, Courtial A, Génin A, Ramone H, Dutoit T 2022 Why grazing and soil matter for dry grassland diversity : new insights from multigroup structural equation modelling of micro-patterns. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 11, 103389.
  • Julie Chenot‐Lescure., Renaud Jaunatre., Elise Buisson., Hervé Ramone.,Thierry Dutoit., 2021_Using various artificial soil mixtures to restore dry grasslands in quarries. Restoration Ecology.
  • Cannelle Moinardeau., François Mesléard., Hervé Ramone., Thierry Dutoit.,2021_Grazing in temporary paddocks with hardy breed horses (Konik polski) improved species-rich grasslands restoration in artificial embankments of the Rhône river (Southern France). Global Ecology and Conservation.
  • Buisson E., Braschi J., Chenot-Lescure J., Hess M.C.M., Vidaller C., Pavon D., Ramone H., Amy-Krebs E., Cottaz C., Passetti A., Aboucaya A. & Affre L., 2020 – Native plant community recovery after Carpobrotus (iceplant) removal on an island-results of a 10‐year project. Applied Vegetation Science, 24 (1) : e12524.
  • Cannelle Moinardeau., François Mesléard., Hervé Ramone., Thierry Dutoit., 2020_Extensive horse grazing improves grassland vegetation diversity, seed bank and forage quality of artificial embankments (Rhône River - southern France). Journal for Nature Conservation.
  • Cannelle Moinardeau., François Mesléard., Hervé Ramone., Thierry Dutoit., 2019_Using mechanical clearing and goat grazing for restoring understorey plant diversity of embankments in the Rhône valley (Southern France). Plant Biosystem.
  • Christel Vidaller., Thierry Dutoit., Hervé Ramone., Armin Bischoff., 2019_Factors limiting early establishment of the Mediterranean grassland species Brachypodium retusum at disturbed sites. Basic and Applied Ecology.
  • Christel Vidaller., Thierry Dutoit., Hervé Ramone., Armin Bischoff., 2018_Fire increases the reproduction of the dominant grass Brachypodium retusum and Mediterranean steppe diversity in a combined burning and grazing experiment. Applied Vegetation Science.
  • Cannelle Moinardeau., François Mesléard., Hervé Ramone., Thierry Dutoit., 2018_Short-Term Effects on Diversity and Biomass on Grasslands from Artificial Dykes under Grazing and Mowing Treatments. Environmental Conservation.