Véronique Masotti

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PhD in Population Biology, Ecology and Chemistry

Aix Marseille Université, CNRS, IRD, Avignon Université, IMBE UMR 7263, 13397, Marseille, France

Postal address : Institut Méditerranéen de Biodiversité et d’Ecologie Marine et Continentale (IMBE)
UMR CNRS 7263, IRD 237
Faculté des Sciences Saint-Charles
3 Place Victor Hugo, Case 4, 13331 Marseille cedex 3, FRANCE
tel : (33) 4 13 550 765

Equipe DFME

Area of expertises

Mediterranean biotopes, heavy metal tolerance, biomarkers of plant stresses, effects of PAH, detergents, metals and, of cocktails of pollutants on plant metabolites.
Selection of local plant species for phytoremediation of polluted mediterranean ecosystems, with valorization of plant material.


  • Main research and teaching committee of Aix-Marseille University
  • Scientific committee of Aix-Marseille University
  • Committee for PhD students advisory and assistance, for Aix-Marseille University
  • French National Council of Universities, 67e area, Biology and population ecology.

Relevant Scientific Papers

35 total papers, h-index 11, (see Complete bibliometry)

  • Impact of organic pollutants on metal and As uptake by helophyte species and consequences for constructed wetlands design and management
    Guittonny-Philippe A., Masotti V., Claeys-Bruno M., Malleret L., Coulomb B., Prudent P., Höhener P., Petit M.E., Sergent M., Laffont-Schwob I.,
    Water Research, 2015, 68, 328-341 download
  • Proposal of a new ecotoxicity evaluation tool based on morphological responses of five helophytes to mixtures of pollutants : The Helophyte Development Index
    Guittonny-Philippe A., Masotti V., Combroux I., Malleret L., Boudenne J-L, Petit M.E., Monnier Y., Coulomb B., Viglione J., Laffont-Schwob I.,
    Ecological Engineering, 2015, 77, 180-188 download
  • Selection of wild macrophytes for use in constructed wetlands for phytoremediation of contaminant mixtures
    Guittonny-Philippe A., Petit M.E., Masotti V., Monnier Y., Malleret L., Coulomb B., Combroux I., Baumberger T., Viglione J., Laffont-Schwob I.,
    Journal of Environmental Management, 2015, 147, 108-123 download
  • Potentiels d’utilisation des macrophytes pour réduire l’impact des industries sur les milieux aquatiques européens.
    Guittonny-Philippe A., Delmail D., Masotti V., Viglione J., Laffont-Schwob I.,
    Science-Eau-Territoires, 2015, n° spécial « Macrophytes et nous », 15, 74-76. download
  • Constructed wetlands to reduce diffuse metal pollution run-off into natural aquatic Mediterranean ecosystems : a review to overcome obstacles and suggest potential solutions.
    Guittonny-Philippe A, Masotti V, Höhener P, Boudenne J-L, Laffont-Schwob I
    Environment International, 2014, 64, 1-16 download
  • Transfer of metals and metalloids from soil to shoots in wild rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) growing on a former lead smelter site : Human exposure risk.
    Affholder MC, Prudent P., Masotti V., Coulomb B., Rabier J., Nguyen-The B., Laffont-Schwob I.,
    Science of The Total Environment, 2013, 454–455, 219-229 download
  • Larvicidal activity of extracts from Artemisia species against Culex pipiens L. mosquito : Comparing endemic vs ubiquist species for effectiveness,
    Masotti V., De Jong L., Moreau X., Rabier J., Laffont-Schwob I., Thiery A.,
    CR Biol, 2012, 335,19-25. download

Scientific network

Vulgarisation, réseau, école d’été, programmes

Missions d’expertise ponctuelles auprès de « European task force on ecotoxycology of natural products » – Union Européenne, direction REACH
Expert nommée auprès du Comité de suivi des zones sous Arrêté Préfectoral de Protection de Biotope (APPB) de Martigues-Ponteau (DREAL PACA

Membre titulaire du Conseil Scientifique du parc Naturel Régional du Lubéron


Yearly lessons :

L1 PPPE : professionnal insertion
L1 (CTES) C2i : Informatic, networks, softwares
L2 SVT Ecotoxicology
L3SVT Ecology of perturbations
L3Pro VaCoPAM Raw materials from plants
L3Pro VaCoPAM Internships management
L3Pro VaCoPAM Projects based teaching
M1 Ville et territoire Landscape ecology
M1Pro AnSens Raw materials from plants
  • Summer practical school « Mediterranean ecosystems » High school of lanscape, engeneering and architecture of Geneva (HESGE, Switzerland, 2014)
  • Contribution to Tempus programs with Croatia (2001-2002), Poland (2005) for exchanges of students and international symposium organization.
  • France -Tunisian meeting on aromatic plants of Master SET, VABB option (2014, Aix-Marseille University)