publications, poster

by ROCHER Caroline

Participation à la production scientifique :

PUBLICATIONS (chapitres, articles) :

2021: ARTICLE / A. Vernale, M. Mandela Prünster, F. Marchianò Henry Debost, N. Brouilly, C. Rocher, D. Massey Harroche, E. Renard, A. Le Bivic, B. H. Habermann, C. Borchiellini. « Evolution of mechanisms controlling epithelial morphogenesis across animals: new insights from dissociation-reaggregation experiments in the sponge Oscarella lobularis. BMC Ecology and Evolution. ⟨10.1186/s12862-021-01866-x⟩

2021: CHAPITRE protocole/ Borchiellini C.*, Degnan S. *, Le Goff E.*, Rocher C.*, Vernale A, Baghdiguian S., Séjourné N., Marschal F., Nelly Godefroy, André Le Bivic, Bernard M. Degnan, Emmanuelle Renard. “Staining and Tracking Methods for Studying Sponge Cell Dynamics”. Developmental Biology of the Sea Urchin and Other Marine Invertebrates: Methods and Protocols, Second Edition. Springer protocols pp.81-97. ⟨10.1007/978-1-0716-0974-3_5⟩. ⟨hal-03025733⟩. * Co first authors

2021: CHAPITRE protocole / Carole B., De Pao-Mendonca K., Vernale A., Rocher C., Ereskovsky A., Vacelet J., Renard E. “ Porifera (Sponges): Recent knowledge and new pespectives ”. Encyclopedia of life sciences (ELS). Revue online.

2021: CHAPITRE- revue/ Renard E., Rocher C., Ereskovsky A. and Borchiellini C. “The homoscleromorph sponge, Oscarella lobularis” in : “Established and Emerging Marine organisms in experimental biology”. Edited by A. Boutet & B. Schierwater CRC Press.

2021: CHAPITRE protocole/ Fierro-Constain L.*, Rocher C.*, Marchal F., Schenkelaars Q., Sejourné N., Borchiellini C., Renard E. “In situ hybridization techniques in the homoscleromorph sponge Oscarella lobularis”. Methods in Molecular Biology. Book: Developmental Biology of the Sea Urchin and Other Marine Invertebrates: Methods and Protocols, Second Edition. Springer protocols.
⟨10.1007/978-1-0716-0974-3_11⟩. ⟨hal-03025722⟩. *Co first authors

2020: ARTICLE / Rocher C., Vernale A., Fierro-Constaín L., Séjourné N., Chenesseau S., Marschal C., Le Goff E., Dutilleul M., Matthews C., Marschal F., Brouilly N., Massey-Harroche D., Ereskovsky A., Le Bivic A., Borchiellini C., Renard E. “The buds of Oscarella lobularis (Porifera): a new convenient model for sponge cell and developmental biology”. Pre-print

2019: ARTICLE / De Jode A, David R, Haguenauer A, Cahill AE, Erga Z, Guillemain D, Sartoretto S, Rocher C., Selva M, Le Gall L, Féral J-P & Chenuil A. “From seascape ecology to population genomics and back. Spatial and ecological differentiation among cryptic species of the red algae Lithophyllum stictiforme/L. cabiochiae, main bioconstructors of coralligenous habitats”. Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution.

2017: ARTICLE / Fierro-Constaín L., Schenkelaars Q., Gazave E., Haguenauer A., Rocher C., Ereskovsky A., Borchiellini C, Renard E. “The Conservation of the Germline Multipotency Program, from Sponges to Vertebrates : A Stepping Stone to Understanding the Somatic and Germline Origins”. Genome Biology and Evolution.

2015: ARTICLE / Jourda C., Santini S., Rocher C., Le Bivic A., Claverie J-M. “Draft Genome Sequence of an Alphaproteobacterium Associated with the Mediterranean Sponge Oscarella lobularis”. Genome Announc.3;5 - PMID:26337883.

2015: ARTICLE / Jourda C., Santini S., Rocher C., Le Bivic A., Claverie J-M. (2015). Mitochondrial genome sequence of the glass sponge Oopsacas minuta. Genome Announc 3(4):e00823-15.

2015: ARTICLE / Rastorgueff P-A., Rocher C., Selva M., Chevaldonné P. "Preliminary DNA-based diet assessment of a gutless carnivore, the sponge Asbestopluma hypogea. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, Volume 467, Pages 108–114.

2013: ARTICLE / Gazave E., Lavrov D.V., Cabrol J., Renard E., Rocher C., Vacelet J., Adamska M., Borchiellini C., Ereskovsky A.V. Systematics and Molecular Phylogeny of the Family Oscarellidae (Homoscleromorpha) with Description of Two New Oscarella Species. PLoS ONE 8(5): e63976.

2011: ARTICLE / Aurelle, D., Ledoux, J.B., Mokhtar-jamaï, K., Rocher, C., Chenuil, A., Féral, J.P. "Phylogeography of the red coral (Corallium rubrum): inferences on the evolutionary history of a temperate gorgonian. Genetica: 139 (7): 855-869.

2010: ARTICLE / Gazave, E., Lapébie, P., Renard, E., Vacelet, J., Rocher, C., Ereskovsky, A., Lavrov, D., Borchiellini, C. “Molecular phylogeny restores the supra-generic subdivision of Homoscleromorphe (Dendy, 1905) sponges”. PlosOne 5(12): e14290.

2010: ARTICLE / Chenuil, A., Hoareau, T., Egea, E., Penant, G., Rocher, C., Aurelle, D., Mokhtar-Jamai, K., Bishop, J.DD., Boissin, E., Diaz, A., Krakau, M., Luttikhuizen, P.C., Patti, F.P., Blavet, N., Mousset, S. “An efficient method to find potentially universal population genetic markers, applied to metazoans”. BMC Evol Biol. 10: 276. Published online.

2008: ARTICLE / Chenuil A., Egea E., Rocher C., Touzet H., Féral J.P. “Does hybridization increase evolutionary rate ? Data from the 28S-rDNA D8 domain in echinoderms”. Journal of Molecular Evolution. 67(5): 539-550.


2020: De Pao Mendonca K., Dufour A., Selva M., Borchiellini C., Rocher C., Angeletti B., Heïmburger-Boavida L-E., Issartel J., Renard E. “First estimates of the impact of mercury on the mediterranean homoscleromorphs ponge Oscarella lobularis“. Congres international MISTRALS 2020” Méditerranée : L’expertise scientifique pour les décideurs", Novembre, Visioconférence, Marseille, France.

2018: Rocher C.*, Le Goff E.*, Degnan S.*, Vernale A.*, Marschal C., Matthews C., Massey-Harroche D., Aouacheria A., Marschal F., Chenesseau S., Vacelet J., Ereskovsky A., Baghdiguian S., Borchiellini C., Godefroy N., Le Bivic A., Degnan B., Renard E. « STUDYING SPONGE CELL BEHAVIOR DURING MORPHOGENETIC PROCESSES. 22nd » Evolutionary Biology meeting. Septembre, Marseille, France. Projet PICS StraS CNRS. * co-first authors

2017: Vernale A., Schenkelaars Q., Bazellières E., Rocher C., Le Bivic A., Renard E., Borchiellini C. “What about PCP pathway in sponges » Evolutionary Biology Meeting. Septembre, Marseille , France. And in a Sponge World Conference. Juin, Galway, Irlande.

2015: Rocher C., Séjourné N., Le Bivic A., Fierro-Constain L.,Renard E., Borchiellini C. Oscarella lobularis bud: a new experimental model. International Workshop The origin of metazoans, Hyères, France, 14-16 October 2015.

2010: B. Mérigot, E. Boissin, E. Egea, J.B. Ledoux, A. Haguenauer, K. Mokhtar-Jamaï, G. Penant, C. Rocher, F. Zuberer, D. Aurelle, J.P. Féral, A. Chenuil. Comparative analysis of genetic diversity of benthic species across areas in the north-western Mediterranean Sea: a pilot study for management perspectives. 39th CIESM, Venise, Italy, 10-15 May 2010.

2008: Gérard K., Rocher C., Yasuda N., Nagai S., Nadaoka K., Féral J.-P. Mitochondrial Phylogeography of Acanthaster planci (L.). Across the Indo-Pacific Region: does the Strong Genetic Break Reveal an Ongoing Speciation?

2006: Chevaldonné P., Lejeusne C., Pillon Y., Dehollain C., Lecroisey C., Rocher C., Aurelle D., Chenuil A., Pérez T., Boury-Esnault N., Vacelet J. 2006. Molecular phylogeography of Mediterranean and Eastern Atlantic sponges of the genus Aplysina. 7th International Sponge Symposium, Buzios, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 7-13 May 2006.

Articles dans des actes de congrès internationaux:

• Chenuil A., Egea E., Rocher C., Féral J.P. (2010). Comparing substitution rates in spatangoid sea urchins with putatively different effective sizes, and other echinoderm datasets. In: Echinoderms: Durham, Harris et al. (eds) : 159-161, Taylor & Francis Group, London.

• Chenuil A., Rocher C., Egea E., David B., Féral J.P. (2010). Comparing DNA sequence evolution in spatangoid sea urchins: How to interpret variation of substitution rates and variation in tree shape among families?. In: Echinoderms: Durham, Harris et al. (eds) : 314 (abstract), Taylor & Francis Group, London.