Wolfgang Cramer

Directeur de Recherche (CNRS), Professeur d’Ecologie Globale
Institut Méditerranéen de Biodiversité et d’Ecologie Marine et Continentale (IMBE)
Aix Marseille Université, CNRS, IRD, Avignon Université
Technopôle Arbois-Méditerranée, Bât. Villemin – BP 80
F-13545 Aix-en-Provence cedex 04, France
Tel. : +33-6-82-04-35-95, e-mail : wolfgang.cramer -at- imbe.fr
Web of Science : B-8221-2008, ORCID : 0000-0002-9205-5812
Mastodon @wolfgangcramer@fediscience.org


Le Professeur Wolfgang Cramer, géographe, écologue, modélisateur de la dynamique des écosystèmes globaux, est directeur de recherches (CNRS) à l’Institut Méditerranéen de Biodiversité et d’Ecologie Marine et Continentale (IMBE) basé à Aix-en-Provence (France).

Wolfgang Cramer a réalisé sa formation académique à l’Université de Gießen en Allemagne (Diplôme de géographie en 1981) et celle d’Uppsala en Suède (Doctorat en écologie végétale, en 1986). De 1987 à 1993, il a enseigné et réalisé sa recherche au Département de Géographie, de l’Université Trondheim en Norvège (également chercheur associé à l’Institut International pour l’Analyse des Systèmes Appliquées (IIASA, Laxenburg, Autriche). En 1992, il a rejoint le Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) nouvellement crée, en tant que Chef du Département “Changements Globaux et Systèmes Naturels”. En 2003 il a été nommé Professeur d’Ecologie Globale à l’Université de Potsdam. En 2011, il a quitté l’Allemagne pour rejoindre l’Institut Méditerranéen d’Ecologie et de Paléoécologie (IMEP) a Aix-en-Provence, de façon à l’accompagner dans sa transformation en 2012 vers le nouvel Institut IMBE. En 2017, il a été elu membre associé de l’Academie d’Agriculture de France.

Les contributions scientifiques du groupe de recherche animé par Cramer (+150 articles) ont été initialement dans le domaine de la modélisation de la dynamique des forêts sous l’action du changement climatique. Par la suite, il a commencé à s’intéresser à une compréhension plus large de la dynamique de la biosphère à l’échelle globale et continentale, incluant les perturbations naturelles et humaines mais aussi la biodiversité. Il a dirigé un important projet collaboratif de modélisation des écosystèmes européens, ATEAM (FP5 UE), ainsi que son activité de dissémination associée, AVEC.

Ces projets ont abouti à la première évaluation spécifique à une région et compréhensive des services écosystémiques à travers l’Europe ayant fait l’objet d’une communication dans la littérature scientifique et d’un dialogue intensif avec les acteurs concernés. Basé sur les projets ATEAM/AVEC, il a mis en place des universités d’été régulières pour de jeunes experts dans les domaines de la biodiversité et des services écosystémiques (la continuité désormais assurée par le réseau européen d’excellence ALTER-Net).

Pour la cooperation scientific international, Wolfgang Cramer a contribué en plusieurs fonctions à International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP), DIVERSITAS et leur successeur Future Earth. Il a été co-président du comité scientifique de ecoSERVICES et toujours associé au programme PECS.

1992-2022, Wolfgang Cramer a contribué avec différentes responsabilités au GIEC (prix nobel de la paix 2007, prix Gulbenkian pour l’humanité 2022). Avec Joël Guiot (CEREGE, Aix-en-Provence), il a fondé les Mediterranean Experts on Climate and Environmental Change, (MedECC, North-South Prize 2020). Il est (avec James Ford, Université de Leeds), co-editeur en chef de la revue Regional Environmental Change publié par Springer Nature Publishers.

in press / online

(My publications in the HAL open archive can be found here. For any articles you cannot access please ask me for a reprint.)


[162] Deprez A, Leadley P, Dooley K, Williamson P, Cramer W, Gattuso J-P, Rankovic A, Carlson EL, Creutzig F 2024 Sustainability limits needed for CO2 removal. Science 383(6682):484-486, https://doi.org/10.1126/science.adj6171


[161] Guiot J, Bernigaud N, Bondeau A, Bouby L, Cramer W 2023 Viticulture extension in response to global climate change drivers – lessons from the past and future projections. Climate of the Past 19(6):1219–1244, https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-19-1219-2023


[160] Aurelle D, Thomas S, Albert C, Bally M, Bondeau A, Boudouresque C-F, Cahill AE, Carlotti F, Chenuil A, Cramer W, Davi H, De Jode A, Ereskovsky A, Farnet A-M, Fernandez C, Gauquelin T, Mirleau P, Monnet A-C, Prévosto B, Rossi V, Sartoretto S, Van Wambeke F, Fady B 2022 Biodiversity, climate change and adaptation in the Mediterranean. Ecosphere 13:3915, https://doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.3915

[159] Norström AV, Agarwal B, Balvanera P, Baptiste B, Bennett EM, Brondizio E, Biggs R, Campbell B, Carpenter SR, Castilla JC, Castro AJ, Cramer W, Cumming GS, Felipe-Lucia M, Fischer J, Folke C, DeFries R, Gelcich S, Groth J, Speranza CI, Jacobs S, Hofmann J, Hughes TP, Lam DPM, Loos J, Manyani A, Martín-López B, Meacham M, Moersberger H, Nagendra H, Pereira L, Polasky S, Schoon M, Schultz L, Selomane O, Spierenburg M 2022 The Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society (PECS) – a decade of deepening social-ecological research through a place-based focus. Ecosystems and People 18(1):598-608, https://doi.org/10.1080/26395916.2022.2133173

[158] Zittis G, Almazroui M, Alpert P, Ciais P, Cramer W, Dahdal Y, Fnais M, Francis D, Hadjinicolaou P, Howari F, Jrrar A, Kaskaoutis D, Kulmala M, Lazoglou G, Lin X, Mihalopoulos N, Rudich Y, Sciare J, Stenchikov G, Xoplaki E, Lelieveld J 2022 Climate change and weather extremes in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East. Reviews of Geophysics 60:e2021RG000762, https://doi.org/10.1029/2021RG000762


[157] Harrison SP, Cramer W, Franklin O, Prentice IC, Wang H, Brännström Å, de Boer H, Dieckmann U, Joshi J, Keenan T, Lavergne A, Manzoni S, Mengoli G, Morfopoulos C, Peñuelas J, Pietsch S, Rebel K, Ryu Y, Smith N, Stocker B, Wright I 2021 Eco-evolutionary optimality as a means to improve vegetation and land-surface models (Tansley Review). New Phytologist 231(6):2125-2141, https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.17558

[156] Hassoun AER, Guiot J, Marini K, Cramer W 2021 The changing Mediterranean Basin through the lens of Mediterranean experts. International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies 13(2):117-132, https://emuni.si/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Review_13_2_2020.pdf

[155] Lassaletta L, Sanz-Cobena A, Aguilera E, Quemada M, Billen G, Bondeau A, Cayuela ML, Cramer W, Eekhout JPC, Garnier J, Grizzetti B, Intrigliolo DS, Ramos MR, Romero E, Vallejo A, Gimeno BD 2021 Nitrogen dynamics in cropping systems under Mediterranean climate : a systemic analysis. Environmental Research Letters 16 073002, https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ac002c


[154] Albert CH, Hervé M, Fader M, Bondeau A, Leriche A, Monnet A-C, Cramer W 2020 What ecologists should know before using land-use/cover change projections for biodiversity and ecosystem service assessments. Reg Env Chg 20:106, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-020-01675-w

[153] Franklin O, Harrison SP, Dewar R, Farrior CE, Brännström Å, Dieckmann U, Pietsch S, Falster D, Cramer W, Loreau M, Wang H, Mäkelä A, Rebel KT, Meron E, Schymanski SJ, Rovenskaya E, Stocker BD, Zaehle S, Manzoni S, van Oijen M, Wright IJ, Ciais P, van Bodegom PM, Peñuelas J, Hofhansl F, Terrer C, Soudzilovskaia NA, Midgley G, Prentice IC 2020 Organizing principles for vegetation dynamics. Nature Plants 6:444-453, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41477-020-0655-x, SharedIt link for free access


[152] García-Llamas P, Geijzendorffer I, García-Nieto A P, Calvo L, Suárez-Seoane S, Cramer W 2019 Impact of land cover change on ecosystem service supply in mountain systems : a case study in the Cantabrian Mountains (NW of Spain). Reg Env Change 19(2):529-542, doi : 10.1007/s10113-018-1419-2

[151] Lee H, Lautenbach S, García Nieto AP, Bondeau A, Cramer W, Geijzendorffer IR 2019 The impact of conservation farming practices on Mediterranean agro-ecosystem services provisioning - a meta analysis. Reg Env Change 19(8):2187-2202, doi : 10.1007/s10113-018-1447-y


[150] Cramer W, Guiot J, Fader M, Garrabou J, Gattuso J-P, Iglesias A, Lange MA, Lionello P, Llasat MC, Paz S, Peñuelas J, Snoussi M, Toreti A, Tsimplis MN, Xoplaki E 2018 Climate change and interconnected risks to sustainable development in the Mediterranean. Nature Climate Change 8:972-980, doi : 10.1038/s41558-018-0299-2, hal-01911390

[149] Garcia-Nieto AP, Geijzendorffer IR, Baró F, Roche PK, Bondeau A, Cramer W 2018 Impacts of urbanization around Mediterranean cities : changes in ecosystem service supply. Ecol Ind 91:589-606, doi : 10.1016/j.ecolind.2018.03.082, hal-01744748

[148] Malek Ž, Verburg P, Geijzendorffer IR, Bondeau A, Cramer W 2018 Global change effects on land management in the Mediterranean region. Glob Env Change 50:238-254, doi : 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2018.04.007, hal-01773448

[147] Seppelt R, Verburg PH, Norström A, Cramer W, Václavík T 2018 Focus on cross-scale feedbacks in global sustainable land management. Env Res Lett 13(9):090402, doi : 10.1088/1748-9326/aadc45


[146] Davis TW, Prentice IC, Stocker BD, Thomas RT, Whitley RJ, Wang H, Evans BJ, Gallego-Sala AV, Sykes MT, Cramer W 2017 Simple process-led algorithms for simulating habitats (SPLASH v.1.0) : robust indices of radiation, evapotranspiration and plant-available moisture. Geosci Model Devel 10:689-708, doi : 10.5194/gmd-10-689-2017, hal-01755235

[145] Geijzendorffer IR, Cohen-Shacham E, Cord AF, Cramer W, Guerra C, Martín-López B 2017 Ecosystem services in global sustainability policies Env Sciences & Policy 74:40-48, doi : 10.1016/j.envsci.2017.04.017, hal-01681621

[144] Lavorel S, Bayer A, Bondeau A, Lautenbach S, Ruiz-Frau A, Schulp CJE, Seppelt R, Verburg P, van Teeffelen A, Vannier C, Arneth A, Cramer W, Marba N 2017 Pathways to bridge the biophysical realism gap in ecosystem services mapping approaches. Ecol Ind 74:241-260, doi : 10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.11.015, hal-01681569

[143] Rosenzweig C, Arnell NW, Ebi KL, Lotze-Campen H, Raes F, Rapley C, Stafford Smith M, Cramer W, Frieler K, Reyer CPO, Schewe J, Van Vuuren D, Warszawski L 2017 Assessing inter-sectoral climate change risks : the role of ISIMIP. Env Res Lett 12:010301, doi : 10.1088/1748-9326/12/1/010301, hal-01681562 - One of the 30 « Highlights of 2017 of ERL »

[142] Santonja M, Fernandez C, Proffit M, Gers C, Gauquelin T, Reiter IM, Cramer W, Baldy V 2017 Plant litter mixture partly mitigates the negative effects of extended drought on soil communities and litter decomposition in a Mediterranean oak forest J Ecol 105(3):801-815, doi : 10.1111/1365-2745.12711, hal-01520649

[141] Titeux N, Henle K, Mihoub J-B, Regos A, Geijzendorffer IR, Cramer W, Verburg PH, Brotons L 2017 Global scenarios for biodiversity need to better integrate climate and land use change Diversity & Distributions 23:1231-1234, doi : 10.1111/ddi.12624, hal-01681581


[140] Fader M, Shi S, Von Bloh W, Bondeau A, Cramer W 2016 Mediterranean irrigation under climate change : more efficient irrigation needed to compensate increases in irrigation water requirements. Hydrol Earth Syst Sci 20:953-973, doi : 10.5194/hess-20-953-2016, hal-01444044

[139] Guiot J, Cramer W 2016 Climate change : The 2015 Paris Agreement thresholds and Mediterranean basin ecosystems Science 354(6311):465-468, doi : 10.1126/science.aah5015, hal-01586010. Media coverage on the OT-Med Website, 25th most featured climate paper in 2016. Annotated paper version for students

[138] Hansen G, Stone D, Auffhammer M, Huggel C, Cramer W 2016 Linking local impacts to changes in climate - a guide to attribution. Regional Environ Change 16(2):527-541, doi : 10.1007/s10113-015-0760-y, hal-01444662

[137] Huggel C, Wallimann-Helmer D, Stone D, Cramer W 2016 Reconciling justice and attribution research to advance climate policy. Nature Climate Change 6:901-908, doi : 10.1038/nclimate3104, hal-01444653

[136] Langerwisch F, Walz A, Rammig A, Tietjen B, Thonicke K, Cramer W 2016 Climate change increases riverine carbon outgassing while export to the ocean remains uncertain Earth Syst Dyn 7:559-582, doi : 10.5194/esd-7-559-2016, hal-01444043

[135] Langerwisch F, Walz A, Rammig A, Tietjen B, Thonicke K, Cramer W 2016 Deforestation in Amazonia impacts riverine carbon dynamics Earth Syst Dyn 7:953-968, doi : 10.5194/esd-7-953-2016, hal-01444083

[134] Titeux N, Henle K, Mihoub J-B, Regos A, Geijzendorffer I, Cramer W, Verburg P, Brotons L 2016 Biodiversity scenarios neglect future land use changes. Global Change Biol 22(7):2505-2515, doi : 10.1111/gcb.13272, hal-01444016


[133] Bennett EM, Cramer W, Begossi A, Cundill G, Díaz S, Egoh BN, Geijzendorffer IR, Krug CB, Lavorel S, Lazos E, Lebel L, Martín-Lopez B, Meyfroidt P, Mooney HA, Nel JL, Pascual U, Payet K, Pérez Harguindeguy N, Peterson GD, Prieur-Richard A-H, Reyers B, Roebeling P, Seppelt R, Solan M, Tschakert P, Tscharntke T, Turner II BL, Verburg PH, Viglizzo EF, White PCL, Woodward G 2015 Linking biodiversity, ecosystem services and human well-being : Three challenges for designing research for sustainability. Curr Opin Env Sust 14:76-85, doi : 10.1016/j.cosust.2015.03.007, hal-01444825

[132] Fader M, Von Bloh W, Shi S, Bondeau A, Cramer W 2015 Modelling Mediterranean agro-ecosystems by including agricultural trees in the LPJmL model Geosci Model Devel 8:3545-3561, doi : 10.5194/gmd-8-3545-2015, hal-01755299 One of the 10 « EGU Highlight Articles » of the year.

[131] Frank D, Reichstein M, Bahn M, Frank D, Mahecha M, Smith P, Thonicke K, Van der Velde M, Vicca S, Babst F, Beer C, Buchmann N, Canadell J, Ciais P, Cramer W, Ibrom A, Miglietta F, Poulter B, Rammig A, Seneviratne S, Walz A, Wattenbach M, Zavala M, Zscheischler J 2015 Effects of climate extremes on the terrestrial carbon cycle : concepts, observations and global implications. Global Change Biol 21(8):2861-2880, doi : 10.1111/gcb.12916, hal-01444818

[130] Hansen G, Cramer W 2015 Global distribution of observed climate change impacts. Nature Climate Change 5:182-185, doi : 10.1038/nclimate2529, hal-01755791

[129] Karp DS, Tallis H, Sachse R, Halpern B, Thonicke K, Cramer W, Mooney H, Polasky S, Tietjen B, Waha K, Walz A, Wolny S 2015 National indicators for observing ecosystem service change. Global Environ Chang 35:12-21, doi : 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2015.07.014, hal-01444833

[128] Mulder C, Bennett EM, Bohan DA, Bonkowski M, Carpenter SR, Chalmers R, Cramer W, Durance I, Eisenhauer N, Fontaine C, Haughton AJ, Hettelingh J-P, Hines J, Ibanez S, Jeppesen E, Krumins JA, Ma A, Mancinelli G, Massol F, McLaughlin Ó, Naeem S, Pascual U, Peñuelas J, Pettorelli N, Pocock MJO, Raffae D, Rasmussen JJ, Rusch GM , Scherber C, Setälä H, Sutherland WJ, Vacher C, Voigt W, Vonk JA, Wood SA, Woodward G 2015 10 Years later : Revisiting priorities for science and society a decade after the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. Advances in Ecological Research 53:1-53, doi : 10.1016/bs.aecr.2015.10.005, hal-01239539


[127] Bennett EM, Carpenter SR, Gordon LJ, Ramankutty N, Balvanera P, Campbell B, Cramer W, Foley J, Folke C, Karlberg L, Liu J, Lotze-Campen H, Mueller ND, Peterson GD, Polasky S, Rockström J, Scholes RJ, Spierenburg M 2014 Toward a More Resilient Agriculture. Solutions 5(5):65-75

[126] Cramer W, Yohe G, Auffhammer G, Huggel C, Molau U, Silva Dias MAF, Solow A, Stone D, Tibig L 2014 Detection and Attribution of Observed Impacts. In : Climate Change 2014 : Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Part A : Global and Sectoral Aspects. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Field CB, Barros VR, Dokken DJ, Mach KJ, Mastrandrea MD, Bilir TE, Chatterjee M, Ebi KL, Estrada YO, Genova RC, Girma B, Kissel ES, Levy AN, MacCracken S, Mastrandrea PR, & White LL (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, pp. 979-1037

[125] Hoffmann A, Penner J, Vohland K, Cramer W, Doubleday R, Henle K, Kõljalg U, Kühn I, Kunin WE, Negro JJ, Penev L, Rodríguez C, Saarenmaa H, Schmeller DS, Stoev P, Sutherland WJ, Ó Tuama É, Wetzel FT, Häuser CL 2014 Improved access to integrated biodiversity data for science, practice, and policy - the European Biodiversity Observation Network (EU BON) Nature Conservation 6:49–65, doi : 10.3897/natureconservation.6.6498, hal-01755803

[124] IPCC 2014 Climate Change 2014 : Synthesis Report. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Core Writing Team, Pachauri RK, Meyer LA (eds.)]. IPCC, Geneva, Switzerland, 151 pp.

[123] Pagel J, Anderson BJ, O’Hara RB, Cramer W, Fox R, Jeltsch F, Roy DB, Thomas CD, Schurr FM 2014 Quantifying range-wide variation in population trends from local abundance surveys and widespread opportunistic occurrence records. Meth Ecol Evol 5(8):751-760, doi : 10.1111/2041-210X.12221, hal-01755811

[122] Van Oijen M, Balkovič J, Beer C, Cameron D, Ciais P, Cramer W, Kato T, Kuhnert M, Martin R, Myneni R, Rammig A, Rolinski S, Soussana J-F, Thonicke K, Van der Velde M, Xu L 2014 Impact of droughts on the C-cycle in European vegetation : a probabilistic risk analysis using six vegetation models. Biogeosciences 11:6357-6375, doi : 10.5194/bg-11-6357-2014, hal-01136286


[121] Dass P, Müller C, Brovkin V, Cramer W 2013 Can bioenergy cropping compensate high carbon emissions from large-scale deforestation of high latitudes ? Earth Syst Dynam 4:409-424, doi : 10.5194/esd-4-409-2013, hal-01755813

[120] Fader M, Gerten D, Krause M, Lucht W, Cramer W 2013 Spatial decoupling of agricultural production and consumption : quantifying dependence of countries on food imports due to domestic land and water constraints. Env Res Lett 8 014046, doi : 10.1088/1748-9326/8/1/014046, hal-01755831 - One of the 25 « Highlights of 2013 of ERL »

[119] Langerwisch F, Rost S, Gerten D, Poulter B, Rammig A, Cramer W 2013 Potential effects of climate change on inundation patterns in the Amazon Basin. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17:2247-2262, doi : 10.5194/hess-17-2247-2013, hal-01755832

[118] Mace GM, Perrings C, Le Prestre P, Cramer W, Díaz S, Larigauderie A, Scholes RJ, Mooney HA 2013 Science to Policy Linkages for the Post-2010 Biodiversity Targets, Chapter 13 in : Collen B, Pettorelli N, Baillie JEM, Durant SM (eds.) Biodiversity Monitoring and Conservation : Bridging the Gap between Global Commitment and Local Action Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. doi : 10.1002/9781118490747.ch13

[117] Meyn A, Schmidtlein S, Taylor SW, Girardin MP, Thonicke K, Cramer W 2013 Precipitation-driven decrease of wildfires in British Columbia Reg Env Change 13(1):165-177, doi : 10.1007/s10113-012-0319-0, hal-01755833

[116] Stone D, Auffhammer M, Carey M, Hansen G, Huggel C, Cramer W, Lobell D, Molau U, Solow A, Tibig L, Yohe G 2013 The challenge to detect and attribute effects of climate change on human and natural systems. Clim Change 121(2):381-395, doi : 10.1007/s10584-013-0873-6, hal-01755834

[115] Van Oijen M, Beer C, Cramer W, Rammig A, Reichstein M, Rolinski S, Soussana J-F 2013 A novel probabilistic risk analysis to determine the vulnerability of ecosystems to extreme climatic events. Env Res Lett 8(1):015032, doi : 10.1088/1748-9326/8/1/015032, hal-01755862


[114] Carpenter SR, Folke C, Norström A, Olsson O, Schultz L, Agarwal B, Balvanera P, Campbell B, Castilla JC, Cramer W, DeFries R, Eyzaguirre P, Hughes TP, Polasky S, Sanusi Z, Scholes R, Spierenburg M 2012 Program on ecosystem change and society : an international research strategy for integrated social–ecological systems Curr Opinion Env Sust 4(1):134-138, doi : 10.1016/j.cosust.2012.01.001, hal-01755866

[113] Forkel M, Thonicke K, Beer C, Cramer W, Bartalev S, Schmullius C 2012 Extreme fire events are related to previous-year surface moisture conditions in permafrost-underlain larch forests of Siberia. Env Res Lett 7:044021, doi : 10.1088/1748-9326/7/4/044021, hal-01755867

[112] Hickler T, Vohland K, Feehan J, Miller PA, Smith B, Costa L, Giesecke T, Fronzek S, Carter T, Cramer W, Kühn I, Sykes MT 2012 Projecting the future distribution of European potential natural vegetation zones with a generalized, tree species-based dynamic vegetation model Gl Ecol Biogeogr 21(1):50-63, doi : 10.1111/j.1466-8238.2010.00613.x, hal-01755868

[111] Larigauderie A, Prieur-Richard A-H, Mace GM, Lonsdale M, Mooney HA, Brussaard L, Cooper D, Cramer W, Daszak P, Díaz S, Duraiappah A, Elmqvist T, Faith DP, Jackson LE, Krug C, Leadley PW, Le Prestre P, Matsuda H, Palmer M, Perrings C, Pulleman M, Reyers B, Rosa EA, Scholes RJ, Spehn E, Turner II BL, Yahara T 2012 Biodiversity and ecosystem services science for a sustainable planet : the DIVERSITAS vision for 2012–20 Curr Opinion Env Sust 4(1):101-105, doi : 10.1016/j.cosust.2012.01.007, hal-01755869

[110] Tallis H, Mooney H, Andelman S, Balvanera P, Cramer W, Karp D, Polasky S, Reyers B, Ricketts T, Running S, Thonicke K, Tietjen B, Walz A 2012 A global system for monitoring ecosystem service change. BioScience 62(11):977-986, doi : 10.1525/bio.2012.62.11.7, hal-01755871

[109] Vohland K, Walz A, Popp A, Lotze-Campen, Cramer W 2012 The role of ecosystem services in increasing the adaptive capacity of the poor. In : Edenhofer O, Wallacher J, Lotze-Campen H, Reder M, Knopf B, Müller J (eds.) 2012 Climate Change, Justice and Sustainability - Linking Climate and Development Policy Springer Science + Business Media, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, doi : 10.1007/978-94-007-4540-7_17, Pp. 179-191


[108] Fader M, Gerten D, Thammer M, Heinke J, Lotze-Campen H, Lucht W, Cramer W 2011 Internal and external green-blue agricultural water footprints of nations, and related water and land savings through trade. Hydrol Earth Syst Sci 15:1641-1660, doi : 10.5194/hess-15-1641-2011, hal-01755872

[107] Hare WL, Cramer W, Schaeffer M, Battaglini A, Jaeger CC 2011 Climate hotspots : key vulnerable regions, climate change and limits to warning. Reg Env Change 11(suppl. 1):1-13, 11(1):1-13, doi : 10.1007/s10113-010-0195-4, hal-01755873

[106] Müller C, Cramer W, Hare WL, Lotze-Campen H 2011 Climate change risks for African agriculture PNAS 108(11):4313-4315, doi : 10.1073/pnas.1015078108 (suppl. material), hal-01755876


[105] Gumpenberger M, Vohland K, Heyder U, Poulter B, Macey K, Rammig A, Popp A, Cramer W 2010 Predicting pan-tropical climate change induced forest stock gains and losses - implications for REDD. Env Res Lett 5 014013, doi : 10.1088/1748-9326/5/1/014013, hal-01755882

[104] Jupp TE, Cox PM, Rammig A, Thonicke K, Lucht W, Cramer W 2010 Development of probability density functions for future South American rainfall New Phytol 187(3):682-693, doi : 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2010.03368.x, hal-01755884

[103] Mace GM, Cramer W, Diaz S, Faith DP, Larigauderie A, Le Prestre P, Palmer M, Perrings C, Scholes RJ, Walpole M, Walther BA, Watson JA, Mooney HA 2010 Biodiversity targets after 2010 Curr Opinion Env Sust 2:1-6, doi : 10.1016/j.cosust.2010.03.003, hal-01755886

[102] Meyn A, Schmidtlein S, Taylor SW, Girardin MP, Thonicke K, Cramer W 2010 Spatial variation in wildfire and summer drought in British Columbia, Canada, 1920-2000. Int J Wildland Fire 19:272-283, doi : 10.1071/WF09055, hal-01755887

[101] Meyn A, Taylor SW, Flannigan MD, Thonicke K, Cramer W 2010 Relationship between fire, climate oscillations, and drought in British-Columbia, Canada, 1920-2000. Gl Chg Biol 16(3):977-989, doi : 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.02061.x, hal-01755888

[100] Poulter B, Aragão L, Heyder U, Gumpenberger M, Heinke J, Langerwisch F, Rammig A, Thonicke K, Cramer W 2010 Net biome production of the Amazon Basin in the 21st century. Gl Chg Biol 16(7):2062-2075, doi : 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.02064.x, hal-01755890

[99] Poulter B, Hattermann F, Hawkins E, Zaehle S, Sitch S, Restrepo-Coupe N, Heyder U, Cramer W 2010 Robust dynamics of Amazon dieback to climate change with perturbed ecosystem model parameters. Gl Chg Biol 16(9):2476-2495, doi : 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.02157.x, hal-01755892

[98] Rammig A, Jupp T, Thonicke K, Tietjen B, Heinke J, Ostberg S, Lucht W, Cramer W, Cox P 2010 Estimating the risk of Amazonian forest dieback. New Phytol 187(3):694-706 (supporting online material), doi : 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2010.03318.x, hal-01755893

[97] Kuhlbrodt T, Rahmstorf S, Zickfeld K, Vikebø F, Sundby S, Hofmann M, Link PM, Bondeau A, Cramer W, Jaeger C 2009 An integrated assessment of changes in the thermohaline circulation. Clim Chg 96(4):489-537, doi : 10.1007/s10584-009-9561-y, hal-01755894

[96] Poulter B, Cramer W 2009 Satellite remote sensing of tropical forest canopy dynamics. Int J Rem Sens 30(24):6575-6590, doi : 10.1080/01431160903242005, hal-01757144

[95] Poulter B, Heyder U, Cramer W 2009 Modelling the sensitivity of the seasonal cycle of GPP to dynamic LAI and soil depths in tropical rainforests. Ecosystems 12:517–533, doi : 10.1007/s10021-009-9238-4, hal-01757146

[94] Cramer W 2008 Global change impacts on the biosphere. In : Jørgensen SE & Fath BD (eds) Global Ecology, pp 1736-1741, Elsevier, Oxford

[93] Gerten D, Luo Y, Le Maire G, Parton WJ, Keough C, Weng E, Beier C, Ciais P, Cramer W, Dukes JS, Sowerby A, Hanson PJ, Knapp A, Linder S, Nepstad D, Rustad L 2008 Modelled effects of precipitation, on ecosystem carbon and water dynamics in different climatic zones. Gl Chg Biol 14:1-15, doi : 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2008.01651.x, hal-01757149

[92] Luo Y, Gerten D, Le Maire G, Parton WJ, Weng E, Zhou X, Keough C, Beier C, Ciais P, Cramer W, Dukes JS, Emmett B, Hanson PJ, Knapp A, Linder S, Nepstad D, Rustad L 2008 Modelled interactive effects of precipitation, temperature, and [CO2] on ecosystem carbon and water dynamics in different climatic zones. Gl Chg Biol 14:1986-1999, doi : 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2008.01629.x, hal-01757161

[91] Metzger M, Schröter D, Leemans R, Cramer W 2008 A spatially explicit and quantitative vulnerability assessment of ecosystem service change in Europe. Reg Env Change 8:91-107, doi : 10.1007/s10113-008-0044-x, hal-01757162

[90] Bondeau A, Smith PC, Zaehle S, Schaphoff S, Lucht W, Cramer W, Gerten D, Lotze-Campen H, Müller C, Reichstein M, Smith B 2007 Modelling the role of agriculture for the 20th century global terrestrial carbon balance. Gl Ch Biol 13:679-706, doi : 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2006.01305.x, hal-01757164

[89] Müller C, Eickhout B, Zaehle S, Bondeau A, Cramer W, Lucht W 2007 Effects of changes in CO2, climate, and land use on the carbon balance of the land biosphere during the 21st century. J Geophys Res 112, G02032, doi : 10.1029/2006JG000388, hal-01757177

[88] Prentice IC, Bondeau A, Cramer W, Harrison SP, Hickler T, Lucht W, Sitch S, Smith B, Sykes MT 2007 Dynamic global vegetation modelling : quantifying terrestrial ecosystem responses to large-scale environmental change. Chapter 15 in : Canadell JP, Pataki D & Pitelka LF (eds.) Terrestrial Ecosystems in a Changing World. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York

[87] Reichstein M, Ciais P, Papale D, Valentini R, Running S, Viovy N, Cramer W, Granier A, Ogée J, Allard V, Aubinet M, Bernhofer C, Buchmann N, Carrara A, Grünwald T, Heimann M, Heinesch B, Knohl A, Kutsch W, Loustau D, Manca G, Matteucci G, Miglietta F, Ourcival JM, Pilegaard K, Pumpanen J, Rambal S, Schaphoff S, Seufert G, Soussana J-F, Sanz M-J, Vesala T, Zhao M 2007 Reduction of ecosystem productivity and respiration during the European summer 2003 climate anomaly : a joint flux tower, remote sensing and modelling analysis. Gl Ch Biol 13:634-651, doi : 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2006.01224.x, hal-01757184

[86] Zaehle S, Bondeau A, Carter TR, Cramer W, Erhard M, Prentice IC, Reginster I, Rounsevell MDA, Sitch S, Smith B, Smith PC, Sykes M 2007 Projected changes in terrestrial carbon storage in Europe under climate and land use change, 1990-2100. Ecosystems 10:380-401, doi : 10.1007/s10021-007-9028-9, hal-01757189

[85] Cramer W 2006 Air pollution and climate change both reduce Indian rice harvests. PNAS 103(52):19609-19610, doi : 10.1073/pnas.0610075103, hal-01757190

[84] Lucht W, Schaphoff S, Erbrecht T, Heyder U, Cramer W 2006 Terrestrial vegetation redistribution and carbon balance under climate change. C Bal Mgmt 1:6, doi : 10.1186/1750-0680-1-6, hal-01757194

[83] Müller C, Bondeau A, Lotze-Campen H, Cramer W, Lucht W 2006 Comparative impact of climatic and non-climatic factors on global terrestrial carbon and water cycles. Gl Biogeo Cycl 20, GB4015, doi : 10.1029/2006GB002742, hal-01757195

[82] Schaphoff S, Lucht W, Gerten D, Sitch S, Cramer W, Prentice IC 2006 Terrestrial biosphere carbon storage under alternative climate projections. Clim Chg 74:97-122, doi : 10.1007/s10584-005-9002-5, hal-01757197

[81] Thonicke K, Cramer W 2006 Long-term trends in vegetation dynamics and forest fires in Brandenburg (Germany) under a changing climate. Nat Haz 38(1-2):283-300, doi : 10.1007/s11069-005-8639-8, hal-01757198

[80] Zaehle S, Sitch S, Prentice IC, Liski J, Cramer W, Erhard M, Hickler T, Smith B 2006 The importance of age-related decline in forest NPP for modeling regional carbon balances. Ecol Appl 16(4):1555-1574, doi : 10.1890/1051-0761(2006)016[1555:TIOADI]2.0.CO ;2, hal-01757238

[79] Alcamo J, Van Vuuren D, Cramer W, Alder J, Bennett E, Carpenter S, Christensen V, Foley J, Maerker M, Masui T, Morita T, O’Neill B, Peterson G, Ringler C, Rosegrant M, Schulze K, Bouwman L, Eickhoudt B, Floerke M, Lal R, Takahashi K 2005 Changes in ecosystem services and their drivers across the scenarios. Chapter 9 in Carpenter S, Pingali PL, Bennett EM, Zurek MB (eds.) Ecosystems and Human Well-being : Scenarios, Volume 2, Findings of the Scenarios Working Group of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, Island Press, Washington, Covelo, London, Pp. 297-373.

[78] Alcamo J, Van Vuuren D, Ringler C, Cramer W, Masui T, Alder J, Schulze K 2005 Changes in Nature’s Balance Sheet : Model-based Estimates of Future Worldwide Ecosystem Services. Ecol Soc 10(2) : 19. [online] URL : http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol10/iss2/art19/

[77] Cramer W, Bondeau A, Schaphoff S, Lucht W, Smith B, Sitch S 2005 Twenty-first century atmospheric change and deforestation : potential impacts on tropical forests. Chapter 2 in : Malhi Y & Phillips OL (eds.) Tropical Forests & Global Atmospheric Change. Oxford University Press. Pp 17-30. (revised book chapter version of paper #78)

[76] DeFries R, Pagiola S, Adamowicz WL, Akçakaya HR, Arcenas A, Babu S, Balk D, Confalonieri U, Cramer W, Falconí F, Fritz S, Green R, Gutiérrez-Espeleta E, Hamilton K, Kane R, Latham J, Matthews E, Ricketts T, Xiang Yue T, Ash N, Thönell J 2005 Analytical approaches for assessing ecosystem condition and human well-being. Chapter 2 in Hassan R, Scholes R, Ash N (eds.) Ecosystems and Human Well-being : Current State and Trends, Volume 1, Findings of the Condition and Trends Working Group of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, Island Press, Washington, Covelo, London, Pp. 37-71.

[75] Gerten D, Haberlandt U, Cramer W, Erhard M. 2005 Terrestrial Carbon and Water Fluxes. Chapter 12 in : Hantel M. (ed.) Observed Global Climate, Landolt-Börnstein New Series V/6. Pp 12-1 - 12-17, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York

[74] Gerten D, Lucht W, Schaphoff S, Cramer W, Hickler T, Wagner W 2005 Hydrologic resilience of the terrestrial biosphere. Geophys Res Lett 32(21):L21408, doi : 10.1029/2005GL024247, hal-01757243

[73] Nakicenovic N, McGlade J, Ma Shiming, Alcamo J, Bennett E, Cramer W, Robinson J, Toth FI, Zurek M 2005 Lessons learned for scenario analysis. Chapter 13 in Carpenter S, Pingali PL, Bennett EM, Zurek MB (eds.) Ecosystems and Human Well-being : Scenarios, Volume 2, Findings of the Scenarios Working Group of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, Island Press, Washington, Covelo, London, Pp. 449-467

[72] Reichstein M, Kätterer T, Andrén O, Ciais P, Schulze E-D, Cramer W, Papale D, Valentini R 2005 Temperature sensitivity of decomposition in relation to soil organic matter pools : critique and outlook. Biogeosci 2:317-321, , doi : 10.5194/bg-2-317-2005, hal-00330312

[71] Schröter D, Cramer W, Leemans R, Prentice IC, Araújo MB, Arnell NW, Bondeau A, Bugmann H, Carter TR, Garcia CA, de la Vega-Leinert AC, Erhard M, Ewert F, Glendining M, House JI, Kankaanpää S, Klein RJT, Lavorel S, Lindner M, Metzger MJ, Meyer J, Mitchell TD, Reginster I, Rounsevell M, Sabaté S, Sitch S, Smith B, Smith J, Smith P, Sykes MT, Thonicke K, Thuiller W, Tuck G, Zaehle S, Zierl B 2005 Ecosystem Service Supply and Vulnerability to Global Change in Europe. Science 310(25.11.2005):1333-1337 (suppl. online material), doi : 10.1126/science.1115233, hal-01757264

[70] Brovkin V, Sitch S, Von Bloh W, Claussen M, Bauer E, Cramer W 2004 Role of land cover changes for atmospheric CO2 increase and climate change during the last 150 years. Gl Ch Biol 10:1-14, doi : 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2004.00812.x, hal-01757266

[69] Cramer W, Bondeau A, Schaphoff S, Lucht W, Smith B, Sitch S 2004 Tropical forests and the global carbon cycle : Impacts of atmospheric CO2, climate change and rate of deforestation. Phil Trans Roy Soc B 359:331-343, doi : 10.1098/rstb.2003.1428, hal-01757267

[68] Huntley B, Green RE, Collingham YC, Hill JK, Willis SG, Bartlein PJ, Cramer W, Hagemeijer WJM, Thomas CJ 2004 The performance of models relating species geographical distributions to climate is independent of trophic level. Ecol Lett 7:417-426, doi : 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2004.00598.x, hal-01757270

[67] Bigelow NH, Brubaker LB, Edwards ME, Harrison SP, Prentice IC, Anderson PM, Andreev AA, Bartlein PJ, Christensen TR, Cramer W, Kaplan JO, Lozhkin AV, Matveyeva NV, Murray DF, McGuire AD, Razzhivin VY, Ritchie JC, Smith B, Walker DA, Gajewski K, Wolf V, Holmqvist BH, Igarashi Y, Kremenetskii K, Paus A, Pisaric MFJ, Volkova VS 2003 Climate change and Arctic ecosystems : I. Vegetation changes north of 55 °N between the last glacial maximum, mid-Holocene and present. J Geophys Res 108 (D19), 8170, doi : 10.1029/2002JD002558, hal-01757591

[66] Kaplan JO, Bigelow NH, Prentice IC, Harrison SP, Bartlein PJ, Christensen TR, Cramer W, Matveyeva NV, McGuire AD, Murray DF, Razzhivin VY, Smith B, Walker DA, Anderson PM, Andreev AA, Brubaker LB, Edwards ME, Lozhkin AV 2003 Climate change and Arctic ecosystems : II. Modeling, paleodata-model comparisons, and future projections. J Geophys Res 108(D19), 8171, doi : 10.1029/2002JD002559, hal-01757601

[65] Sitch S, Smith B, Prentice IC, Arneth A, Bondeau A, Cramer W, Kaplan JO, Levis S, Lucht W, Sykes MT, Thonicke K, Venevsky S 2003 Evaluation of ecosystem dynamics, plant geography and terrestrial carbon cycling in the LPJ Dynamic Global Vegetation Model. Gl Ch Biol 9:161-185, doi : 10.1046/j.1365-2486.2003.00569.x, hal-01757605

[64] Cramer W 2002 Biome models. In Mooney H & Canadell J (eds.) The Earth System : Biological and Ecological Dimensions of Global Environmental Change. Encyclopaedia of Global Environmental Change. Wiley International, Chichester.

[63] Lindner M, Badeck F-W, Bartelheimer P, Bonk S, Cramer W, Dieter M, Döbbeler H, Dursky J, Duschl C, Fabrika M, Frömdling D, Gundermann E, Hennig P, Hölzer W, Lasch P, Leischner B, Liesebach M, Pommerening A, Pott M, Pretzsch H, Schlott W, Scholz F, Spellmann H, Suckow F, Suda M, Wolff B 2002 Integrating forest growth dynamics, forest economics and decision making to assess the sensitivity of the German forest sector to climate change. Forstwiss Cbl 121 (Suppl 1):191-208

[62] Lindner M, Cramer W 2002 German forest sector under global change : an interdisciplinary impact assessment. Forstwiss Cbl 121 (Suppl 1):3-17

[61] Lucht W, Prentice IC, Myneni RB, Sitch S, Friedlingstein P, Cramer W, Bousquet P, Buermann W, Smith B 2002 Climatic control of the high-latitude vegetation greening trend and Pinatubo effect. Science 296:1687-1689, doi : 10.1126/science.1071828, hal-01757611

[60] Venevsky S, Thonicke K, Sitch S, Cramer W 2002 Simulating fire regimes in human-dominated ecosystems : Iberian Peninsula case study. Gl Ch Biol 8:984-998, doi : 10.1046/j.1365-2486.2002.00528.x, hal-01757649

[59] Cramer W 2001 Mögliche Auswirkungen eines vom Menschen beeinflußten Klimas auf terrestrische Ökosysteme. In : Guderian R (ed.) Handbuch der Umweltveränderungen und Ökotoxikologie 2B : Terrestrische Ökosysteme - Wirkungen auf Pflanzen, Diagnose und Überwachung, Wirkungen auf Tiere. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. Pp 224-251

[58] Cramer W, Bondeau A, Woodward FI, Prentice IC, Betts RA, Brovkin V, Cox PM, Fisher V, Foley J, Friend AD, Kucharik C, Lomas MR, Ramankutty N, Sitch S, Smith B, White A, Young-Molling C 2001 Global response of terrestrial ecosystem structure and function to CO2 and climate change : results from six dynamic global vegetation models. Gl Ch Biol 7(4):357-373, doi : 10.1046/j.1365-2486.2001.00383.x, hal-01757651

[57] Cramer W, Olson RJ, Prince SD, Scurlock JMO and members of the Global Primary Production Data Initiative (GPPDI) 2001 Global Productivity : Determining Present Patterns. In : Roy J, Saugier B, Mooney H (eds.) Terrestrial Global Productivity : Past, Present, Future. Academic Press. Pp. 429-448

[56] Giorgi F, Hewitson B, Christensen J, Hulme M, Von Storch H, Whetton P, Jones R, Mearns L, Fu C, Arritt R, Bates B, Benestad R, Boer G, Buishand A, Castro M, Chen D, Cramer W, Crane R, Crossley JF, Dehn M, Dethloff K, Dippner J, Emori S, Francisco R, Fyfe J, Gerstengarbe FW, Gutowski W, Gyalistras D, Hanssen-Bauer I, Hantel M, Hassell DC, Heimann D, Jack C, Jacobeit J, Kato H, Katz R, Kauker F, Knutson T, Lal M, Landsea C, Laprise R, Leung LR, Lynch AH, May W, McGregor JL, Miller NL, Murphy J, Ribalaygua J, Rinke A, Rummukainen M, Semazzi F, Walsh K, Werner P, Widmann M, Wilby R, Wild M, Xue Y 2001 Regional Climate Information - Evaluation and Projections Chapter 10 in : Houghton JT, Ding Y, Griggs DJ, Noguer M, Van der Linden PJ, Dai X, Maskell K, Johnson CA (eds.) Climate Change 2001 : The Scientific Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press. Pp 583-638

[55] Gitay H, Brown S, Easterling W, Jallow B, Antle J, Apps M, Beamish R, Chapin T, Cramer W, Frangi J, Laine J, Erda L, Magnuson J, Noble I, Price J, Prowse T, Root T, Schulze E-D, Sirotenko O, Sohngen B, Soussana J 2001 Ecosystems and their goods and services. Chapter 5 in : McCarthy JJ, Canziani OF, Leary NA, Dokken DJ, White KS (eds.) Climate Change 2001 : Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Climate Change. Cambridge University Press. Pp 235-342

[54] Kundzewicz ZW, Parry ML, Cramer W, Holten JI, Kaczmarek Z, Martens P, Nicholls R, Öquist M, Rounsevell MDA & Szolgay J 2001 Europe. Chapter 13 in : McCarthy JJ, Canziani OF, Leary NA, Dokken DJ & White KS (eds.) Climate Change 2001 : Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press. Pp 641-692

[53] Prentice IC, Farquhar GD, Fasham MJR, Goulden ML, Heimann M, Jaramillo VJ, Kheshgi HS, Le Quéré C, Scholes RJ, Wallace DWR, Archer D, Ashmore MR, Aumont O, Baker D, Battle M, Bender M, Bopp LP, Bousquet P, Caldeira K, Ciais P, Cox PM, Cramer W, Dentener F, Enting IG, Field CB, Friedlingstein P, Holland EA, Houghton RA, House JI, Ishida A, Jain AK, Janssens IA, Joos F, Kaminski T, Keeling CD, Keeling RF, Kicklighter DW, Kohfeld KE, Knorr W, Law R, Lenton T, Lindsay K, Maier-Reimer E, Manning AC, Matear RJ, McGuire AD, Melillo JM, Meyer R, Mund M, Orr JC, Piper S, Plattner K, Rayner PJ, Sitch S, Slater R, Taguchi S, Tans PP, Tian HQ, Weirig MF, Whorf T, Yool A 2001 The Carbon Cycle and Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide. Chapter 3 in : Houghton JT, Ding Y, Griggs DJ, Noguer M, Van der Linden PJ, Dai X, Maskell K, Johnson CA (eds.) Climate Change 2001 : The Scientific Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press. Pp 183-237

[52] Schimel DS, House JI, Hibbard KA, Bousquet P, Ciais P, Peylin P, Braswell BH, Apps MJ, Baker D, Bondeau A, Canadell J, Churkina G, Cramer W, Denning AS, Field CB, Friedlingstein P, Goodale C, Heimann M, Houghton RA, Melillo JM, Moore III B, Murdiyarso D, Noble I, Pacala SW, Prentice IC, Raupach MR, Rayner PJ, Scholes RJ, Steffen WL, Wirth C 2001 Recent patterns and mechanisms of carbon exchange by terrestrial ecosystems. Nature 414:169-172, doi : 10.1038/35102500, hal-01757652

[51] Thonicke K, Venevsky S, Sitch S, Cramer W 2001 The role of fire disturbance for global vegetation dynamics : coupling fire into a Dynamic Global Vegetation Model. Gl Ecol Biogeogr 10:661-677, doi : 10.1046/j.1466-822x.2001.00175.x, hal-01757654

before 2001

[50] Bolin B, Sukumar R, Ciais P, Cramer W, Jarvis P, Kheshgi H, Nobre CA, Semenov S, Steffen W 2000 Global Perspective. Pp 23-52 in Watson RT, Noble IR, Bolin B, Ravindranath NH, Verardo DJ, Dokken DJ (eds) Land Use, Land-Use Change, and Forestry - A Special Report of the IPCC. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

[49] Bugmann H, Lindner M, Lasch P, Flechsig M, Ebert B, Cramer W 2000 Scaling issues in forest succession modelling. Clim Change 44(3):265-289, doi : 10.1023/A:1005603011956, hal-01757660

[48] Fleming MD, Chapin III FS, Cramer W Hufford GL, Serreze MC 2000 Geographic patterns and dynamics of Alaskan climate interpolated from a sparse station record. Gl Ch Biol 6 (Suppl 1):49-58, doi : 10.1046/j.1365-2486.2000.06008.x, hal-01757662

[47] Foley JA, Levis S, Heil Costa M, Cramer W, Pollard D 2000 Incorporating dynamic vegetation cover within global climate models. Ecol Appl 10:1620-1632, doi : 10.1890/1051-0761(2000)010[1620:IDVCWG]2.0.CO ;2, hal-01757664

[46] Ni J, Sykes MT, Prentice IC, Cramer W 2000 Modelling the vegetation of China using the process-based equilibrium terrestrial biosphere model BIOME3. Gl Ecol Biogeogr 9(6):463-480, doi : 10.1046/j.1365-2699.2000.00206.x, hal-01757666 (corrigendum : Ni J, Sykes MT, Prentice IC, Cramer W 2004 Modelling the vegetation of China using the process-based equilibrium terrestrial biosphere model BIOME3 (vol 9, pg 463, 2000). Gl Ecol Biogeogr 13:189, doi : 10.1111/j.1466-882X.2004.00080.x)

[45] Cramer W, Kicklighter DW, Bondeau A, Moore B III, Churkina G, Nemry B, Ruimy A, Schloss AL & Participants of « Potsdam’95 » 1999 Comparing global models of terrestrial net primary productivity (NPP) : Overview and key results. Gl Ch Biol 5 (Suppl.1):1-15, doi : 10.1046/j.1365-2486.1999.00009.x, hal-01757668

[44] Cramer W, Leemans R, Schulze E-D, Bondeau A, Scholes R 1999 Data needs and limitations for broad-scale ecosystem modelling. In : Walker BH, Steffen WL, Canadell J, Ingram JSI (Eds) The Terrestrial Biosphere and Global Change : Implications for Natural and Managed Ecosystems. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. IGBP Book Series 4:88-105

[43] Cramer W, Shugart HH, Noble IR, Woodward FI, Bugmann H, Bondeau A, Foley JA, Gardner RH, Lauenroth B, Pitelka LF, Sala O, Sutherst RW 1999 Ecosystem composition and structure. In : Walker BH, Steffen WL, Canadell J, Ingram JSI (Eds.) The Terrestrial Biosphere and Global Change : Implications for Natural and Managed Ecosystems. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. 4:190-228

[42] Cramer W, Whittaker RJ 1999 Changing the surface of our planet - results from studies of the global ecosystem. Gl Ecol Biogeogr 8(5):363-365, doi : 10.1046/j.1365-2699.1999.00177.x, hal-01757670

[41] Farrera I, Harrison SP, Prentice IC, Ramstein G, Guiot J, Bartlein PJ, Bonnefille R, Bush M, Cramer W, von Grafenstein U, Holmgren K, Hooghiemstra H, Hope G, Jolly D, Lauritzen SE, Ono Y, Pinot S, Stute M, Yu G 1999 Tropical palaeoclimates at the Last Glacial Maximum : A new synthesis of terrestrial data. Clim Dyn 15(11):823-856, doi : 10.1007/s003820050317, hal-01457630

[40] Fosberg MA, Cramer W, Brovkin V, Fleming R, Gardner RH, Gill AM, Goldammer JG, Keane R, Koehler P, Lenihan J, Neilson RP, Sitch S, Thonicke K, Venevsky S, Weber MG, Wittenberg U 1999 Strategy for a fire module in dynamic global vegetation models. Int J Wildland Fire 9:79-84, doi : 10.1071/WF99007, hal-01757674

[39] Goudriaan J, Shugart HH, Bugmann H, Cramer W, Bondeau A, Gardner B, Hunt T, Lauenroth B, Landsberg J, Linder S, Noble I, Parton W, Pitelka L, Smith MS, Sutherst B, Valentin C, Woodward FI 1999 Use of models in global change studies. In : Walker BH, Steffen WL, Canadell J, Ingram JSI (Eds.) The Terrestrial Biosphere and Global Change : Implications for Natural and Managed Ecosystems. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. 4:106-140

[38] Scurlock JMO, Cramer W, Olson RJ, Parton WJ, Prince SD 1999 Terrestrial NPP : toward a consistent data set for global model evaluation. Ecol App 9(3):913-919, doi : 10.1890/1051-0761(1999)009[0913:TNTACD]2.0.CO ;2, hal-01757677

[37] Wessman CA, Cramer W, Gurney RJ, Martin P, Mauser W, Nemani R, Paruelo JM, Peñuelas J, Prince SD, Running SW, Waring RH 1999 Group report : Remote sensing perspectives and insights for study of complex landscapes. In : Tenhunen JD, Kabat P (eds.) Integrating Hydrology, Ecosystem Dynamics and Biogeochemistry in Complex Landscapes. Chichester : John Wiley & Sons. Pp. 89-103

[36] Bugmann H, Cramer W 1998 Improving the behaviour of forest gap models along drought gradients. For Ecol Managem 103:247-263, doi : 10.1016/S0378-1127(97)00217-X, hal-01757678

[35] IGBP Terrestrial Carbon Working Group (Steffen W, Noble I, Canadell J, Apps M, Schulze E-D, Jarvis PG, Baldocchi D, Ciais P, Cramer W, Ehleringer J, Farquhar G, Field CB, Ghazi A, Gifford R, Heimann M, Houghton R, Kabat P, Körner C, Lambin E, Linder S, Mooney HA, Murdiyarso D, Post WM, Prentice IC, Raupach MR, Schimel DS, Shvidenko A, Valentini R) 1998 The terrestrial carbon cycle : implications for the Kyoto Protocol. Science 280:1393-1394, doi : 10.1126/science.280.5368.1393, hal-01757683

[34] Cramer W 1997 Using plant functional types in a global vegetation model. In : Smith TM, Shugart HH, Woodward FI (Eds.) Plant Functional Types : Their Relevance to Ecosystem Properties and Global Change. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. IGBP Book Series 1:271-288

[33] Cramer W, Kohlmaier GH 1997 Modelle zur Simulation von Struktur und Dynamik der terrestrischen Biosphäre. In : Müller F (ed.) Handbuch der Umweltwissenschaften V-3.10.1. 15pp

[32] Cramer W, Steffen W 1997 Forecast changes in the global environment : What they mean in terms of ecosystem responses on different time-scales. In : Huntley B, Cramer W, Morgan AV, Prentice HC, Allen JRM (Eds.) Past and future rapid environmental changes : The spatial and evolutionary responses of terrestrial biota. Berlin : Springer-Verlag. NATO ASI Series Vol.I 47:415-426

[31] Huntley B, Cramer W 1997 Arctic ecosystems and environmental change : Perceptions from the past and predictions for the future. In : Crawford RMM (ed.) Disturbance and Recovery in Arctic Lands : An Ecological Perspective. Dordrecht, The Netherlands : Kluwer Academic Publishers. Pp 1-24

[30] Huntley B, Cramer W, Morgan AV, Prentice HC, Allen JRM 1997 Past and future rapid environmental changes : The spatial and evolutionary responses of terrestrial biota - Introduction. In : Huntley B, Cramer W, Morgan AV, Prentice HC, Allen JRM (eds.) Past and future rapid environmental changes : The spatial and evolutionary responses of terrestrial biota. Berlin : Springer-Verlag. NATO ASI Series Vol.I 47

[29] Huntley B, Cramer W, Morgan AV, Prentice HC, Allen JRM 1997 The likely response of terrestrial biota to future environmental changes (conclusions). In : Huntley B, Cramer W, Morgan AV, Prentice HC, Allen JRM (eds.) Past and future rapid environmental changes : The spatial and evolutionary responses of terrestrial biota. Berlin : Springer-Verlag. NATO ASI Series Vol.I 47

[28] Lindner M, Bugmann H, Lasch P, Flechsig M, Cramer W 1997 Regional impacts of climatic change on forests in the state of Brandenburg, Germany. Agric For Met 84(1-2):123-135, doi : 10.1016/S0168-1923(96)02381-7, hal-01788283

[27] Cramer W 1996 Modeling the possible impact of climate change on broad-scale vegetation structure : examples from northern Europe. In : Oechel WC, Callaghan T, Gilmanov T, Holten JI, Maxwell B, Molau U, Sveinbjörnsson B (eds) Global Change and Arctic Terrestrial Ecosystems. New York : Springer. Ecological Studies 124:312-329

[26] Cramer W, Fischer A 1996 Data requirements for global terrestrial ecosystem modelling. In : Walker B, Steffen W (eds.) Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. IGBP Book Series 2:530-565

[25] Kirschbaum MUF, Fischlin A, Cannell MGR, Cruz RVO, Cramer WP 1996 Climate Change Impacts on Forests. In : Watson RT, Zinyowera MC, Moss RH (eds.) Climate Change 1995 - Impacts, Adaptations and Mitigation of Climate Change : Scientific-Technical Analyses. Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press. Pp 95-129

[24] Kirschbaum MUF, Bullock P, Evans JR, Goulding K, Jarvis PG, Noble IR, Rounsevell M, Sharkey TD, Austin MP, Brookes P, Brown S, Bugmann HKM, Cramer WP, Diaz S, Gitay H, Hamburg SP, Harris J, Holten JI, Kriedemann PE, Le Houerou HN, Linder S, Luxmoore RJ, McMurtrie RE, Pitelka LF, Powlson D, Raison RJ, Rastetter EB, Roetter R, Rogasik J, Sauerbeck DR, Sombroek W, Van de Geijn SC 1996 Ecophysiological, Ecological, and Soil Processes in Terrestrial Ecosystems : A Primer on General Concepts and Relationships. In : Watson RT, Zinyowera MC & Moss RH (Eds) Climate Change 1995 - Impacts, Adaptations and Mitigation of Climate Change : Scientific-Technical Analyses. Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press. Pp 57-74

[23] Leemans R, Cramer W, Van Minnen JG 1996 Prediction of global biome distribution using bioclimatic equilibrium models. In : Breymeyer A, Hall DO, Melillo JM, Agren GI (eds.) Global Change : Effects on Coniferous Forests and Grasslands. Chichester : SCOPE, John Wiley and Sons. Pp 414-450

[22] Lindner M, Lasch P, Cramer W 1996 Application of a forest succession model to a continentality gradient through Central Europe. Clim Change 34:191-199, doi : 10.1007/BF00224630, hal-01788285

[21] Steffen WL, Cramer W, Plöchl M, Bugmann H 1996 Global vegetation models : incorporating transient changes to structure and composition. J Veg Sci 7(3):321-328, doi : 10.2307/3236275, hal-01788286

[20] Sykes MT, Prentice IC, Cramer W 1996 A bioclimatic model for the potential distributions of North European tree species under present and future climates. J Biogeogr 23(2):203-233, doi : 10.1046/j.1365-2699.1996.d01-221.x, hal-01788288

[19] Watson RT, Zinyowera MC, Moss RH, Acosta Moreno R, Adhikary S, Adler M, Agrawala S, Aguilar AG, Al-Khouli S, Allen-Diaz B, Ando M, Andressen R, Ang BW, Arnell N, Arquit-Niederberger A, Baethgen W, Bates B, Beniston M, Bierbaum R, Bijlsma L, Boko M, Bolin B, Bolton S, Bravo E, Brown S, Bullock P, Cannell M, Canziani O, Carcavallo R, Cerri CC, Chandler W, Cheghe F, Liu C, Cole V, Cramer W, Cruz RV, Davidson O, Desa E, Xu D, Diaz S, Dlugolecki A, Edmonds J, Everett J, Fischlin A, Fitzharris B, Fox D, Friaa J, Gacuhi AR, Galinski W, Gitay H, Groffman P, Grubler A, Gruenspecht H, Hamburg S, Hoffman T, Holten JI, Ishitani H, Ittekkot V, Johansson T, Kaczmarek Z, Kashiwagi T, Kirschbaum M, Komor P, Krovnin A, Klein R, Kulshrestha S, Lang H, Le Houerou H, Leemans R, Levine M, Erda L, Lluch-Belda D, MacCracken M, Magnuson J, Mailu G, Maitima JM, Marland G, Maskell K, McLean R, McMichael A, Michaelis L, Miles E, Moomaw W, Moreira R, Mulholland P, Nakicenovic N, Nicholls R, Nishioka S, Noble I, Nurse L, Odongo R, Ohashi R, Okemwa E, Oquist M, Parry M, Perdomo M, Petit M, Piver W, Ramakrishnan PS, Ravindranath NH, Reilly J, Riedacker A, Rogner H-H, Sathaye J, Sauerbeck D, Scott M, Sharma S, Shriner D, Sinha SK, Skea J, Solomon A, Stakhiv E, Starosolszky O, Jilan S, Suarez A, Svensson B, Takakura H, Taylor M, Tessier L, Tirpak D, Tran Viet Lien, Troadec J-P, Tsukamoto H, Tsuzaka I, Vellinga P, Williams T, Young P, Xie Y, Fengqi Z 1996 Technical Summary : Impacts, Adaptations and Mitigation Options. In : Watson RT, Zinyowera MC, Moss RH (eds.) Climate Change 1995 - Impacts, Adaptations and Mitigation of Climate Change : Scientific-Technical Analyses. Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press. Pp 19-53

[18] Huntley B, Berry PM, Cramer W, & McDonald AP 1995 Modelling present and potential future ranges of some European higher plants using climate response surfaces. J Biogeogr 22(6):967-1001, hal-01788291

[17] Plöchl M, Cramer W 1995 Possible impacts of global warming on tundra and boreal forest ecosystems - comparison of some biogeochemical models. J Biogeogr 22(4-5):775-784, hal-01788293

[16] Plöchl M, Cramer W 1995 Coupling global models of vegetation structure and ecosystem processes - an example from arctic and boreal ecosystems. Tellus B - Chem Phys Meteorol 47(1-2):240-250, doi : 10.1034/j.1600-0889.47.issue1.20.x, hal-01788296

[15] Cramer W, Leemans R 1993 Assessing impacts of climate change on vegetation using climate classification systems. In : Solomon AM & Shugart HH (Eds.) Vegetation Dynamics and Global Change. New York : Chapman and Hall. Pp 190-217

[14] Cramer W, Solomon AM 1993 Climatic classification and future redistribution of global agricultural land. Clim Res 3:97-110, hal-01788300

[13] Cramer W 1993 Dry coastal ecosystems in the northern Baltic Sea. In : Van der Maarel E (ed.) Dry Coastal Ecosystems. Polar Regions and Europe. Ecosystems of the World. Elsevier. pp.95-107. Amsterdam, The Netherlands

[12] Prentice IC, Sykes MT, Cramer W 1993 A simulation model for the transient effects of climate change on forest landscapes. Ecol Modelling 65(1-2):51-70, doi : 10.1016/0304-3800(93)90126-D, hal-01788301

[11] Smith TM, Cramer W, Dixon RK, Leemans R, Neilson RP, Solomon AM 1993 The global terrestrial carbon cycle. Wat Air and Soil Poll 70(1-4):19-37, doi : 10.1007/BF01104986, hal-01788303

[10] Solomon AM, Cramer W 1993 Biospheric implications of global environmental change. In : Solomon AM, Shugart HH (Eds.) Vegetation Dynamics and Global Change. New York : Chapman and Hall. Pp 25-52

[9] Solomon AM, Prentice IC, Leemans R, Cramer W 1993 The interaction of climate and land use in future terrestrial carbon storage and release. Wat Air and Soil Poll 70(1-4):595-614, doi : 10.1007/BF01105024, hal-01788305

[8] Prentice IC, Cramer W, Harrison SP, Leemans R, Monserud RA, Solomon AM 1992 A global biome model based on plant physiology and dominance, soil properties and climate. J Biogeogr 19(2):117-134, doi : 10.2307/2845499, hal-01788308

[7] Prentice IC, Sykes MT, Cramer W 1991 The possible dynamic response of northern forests to greenhouse warming. Gl Ecol Biogeogr Lett 1(5):129-135, doi : 10.2307/2997426, hal-01788311

[6] Cramer W, Christophersen A, Jones MH 1990 Naturtopografi og strandforskyvning i Trondheim i sen forhistorisk tid. Bebyggelsehist Tidskr 19:79-108, hal-01788315

[5] Prentice HC, Cramer W 1990 The plant community as a niche bioassay : environmental correlates of local variation in Gypsophila fastigiata. J Ecol 78:313-325, doi : 10.2307/2261114, hal-01788318

[4] Skarpe C, Hytteborn H, Cramer W 1989 Femtio års skogsutveckling på Granskär, norra Uppland. Sv Bot Tidsk 83:177-185, hal-01788321

[3] Cramer W, Prentice IC 1988 Simulation of soil moisture deficits on a European scale. Norsk Geogr Tidskr 42:149-151, doi : https://doi.org/10.1080/00291958808552193, hal-01788323

[2] Cramer W, Hytteborn H 1987 The separation of fluctuation and long-term change in vegetation dynamics of a rising seashore. Vegetatio 69:157-167, doi : 10.1007/BF00038697, hal-01788326

[1] Cramer W 1985 The effect of sea shore displacement on population age structure of coastal Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. Holarct Ecol 8:265-272, doi : 10.1111/j.1600-0587.1985.tb01178.x, hal-01758327

Edited books and special issues

MedECC (2020) Climate and Environmental Change in the Mediterranean Basin – Current Situation and Risks for the Future. First Mediterranean Assessment Report [Cramer, W., Guiot, J., Marini, K. (eds.)] Union for the Mediterranean, Plan Bleu, UNEP/MAP, Marseille, France, 632pp. ISBN : 978-2-9577416-0-1 / DOI : 10.5281/zenodo.7224821

Cramer W, Fischer J, Lux A, Salles J-M, Settele J, Tichit M in press Biodiversity and Food Security : From Trade-offs to Synergies. Reg Env Change, Special Issue

Thiébault S, Moatti J-P, Annesi-Maesano I, Aumeeruddy-Thomas Y, Barouki R, Boulet G, Chotte J-L, Clin F, Cramer W, Crépon M, Ducrocq V, Dulac F, Fauconneau B, Gaume E, Guégan J-F, Guiot J, Hamonou E, Lacroix D, Marty P, Shinne Y-J, Soussana J-F, Torquebiau E, Vigne J-D, Sabrié M-L, Gibert-Brunet E, Mourier T (eds.) 2016 The Mediterranean Region under Climate Change - A Scientific Update. IRD Editions, Marseille, 737 pp, ISBN 978-2-7099-2219-7

Hare WL, Cramer W, Schaeffer M, Battaglini A, Jaeger CC 2011 Climate hotspots : key vulnerable regions, climate change and limits to warning. Regional Environ Change Supplement 11(1)

Cramer W (ed.) 2008 Advanced Terrestrial Ecosystem Analysis and Modelling. Regional Environmental Change Special Feature 8:3

Kühn I, Cramer W, Böhning-Gaese, Klotz S (eds.) 2008 Macroecology meets global change research. Global Ecology and Biogeography 17:1

Schellnhuber HJ, Cramer W, Nakicenovic N, Wigley T, Yohe G (eds.) 2006 Avoiding dangerous climate change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 392pp

Lindner M, Cramer W (eds.) 2002 National and regional climate change impact assessments in the forestry sector. Forest Ecology and Management Special Issue 162

Cramer W (ed.) Fire ecology, Mediterranean forests and global change. Forest Ecology and Management Special Issue 147

Cramer W, Doherty R, Hulme M, Viner D (eds.) 2000 Climate Scenarios for Agricultural, Forest and Ecosystem Impacts. ECLAT-2 Workshop Report No. 2. Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK. 120 pp.

Cramer W, Field CB (eds.) 1999 Comparing global models of terrestrial net primary productivity (NPP). Global Change Biology 5 Suppl 1 76pp

Lavorel S, Cramer W (eds.) 1999 Plant functional types and disturbance dynamics. Journal of Vegetation Science Special Issue 10.5

Huntley B, Cramer W, Morgan AV, Prentice HC, Allen JRM (eds.) 1997 Past and future rapid environmental changes : The spatial and evolutionary responses of terrestrial biota. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, London, Paris, Tokyo : Springer-Verlag. NATO ASI Series I 47

Woodward FI, Cramer W (eds.) 1996 Plant Functional Types and Climatic Change. Opulus Press, Knivsta, Sweden

Jones MH, Cramer W (eds.) 1992 Levekår og planlegging. Festskrift til Asbjørn Aase 60 år. Tapir. Trondheim, Norway, 284pp.

Cramer W, Sjong M-L (eds.) 1991 Klimaendringer og prosesser på jordoverflaten. Norske Geografers Forenings Årsmøte 1991 Norske Geografers Forening. Trondheim, Norway

Cramer W 1986 Vegetation Dynamics on Rising Sea Shores in Eastern Central Sweden. Ph.D. Thesis, Uppsala University. Uppsala, Sweden

Miscellaneous publications

Miscellaneous publications : book chapters, editorials etc.

Cramer W, Bondeau A 2018 Des hautes montagnes sans glaciers ? Alpes Magazine thématique #6 Montagnes du Monde, 34-39

Cramer W, Ford J 2017 Recognizing the work of journal editors and reviewers (editorial). Reg Env Change 17(1):1-2, doi : 10.1007/s10113-016-1094-0 (outside the paywall read the paper here please)

Cramer W, Egea E, Fischer J, Lux A, Salles J-M, Settele J, Tichit M 2017 Biodiversity and Food Security : From Trade-offs to Synergies. Reg Env Change 17:1257-1259, doi : 10.1007/s10113-017-1147-z, hal-01527070

Cramer W 2017 Positive challenges for research in the changing Mediterranean environment (editorial). Euro-Mediterr J Environ Integr 2:27, doi : 10.1007/s41207-017-0038-5

Balvanera P, Quijas S, Karp DS, Ash N, Bennett E, Boumans R, Brown C, Chan K, Chaplin-Kramer R, Halpern BS, Hony-Rosés J, Kim C-K, Cramer W, Martínez-Harms MJ, Mooney H, Mwampamba T, Nel J, Polasky S, Reyers B, Roman J, Turner W, Scholes RJ, Tallis H, Thonicke K, Villa F, Walpole M, Walz A 2017 Ecosystem Services. In : Walters M, Scholes RJ (eds.) The GEO Handbook on Biodiversity Observation Networks. Springer, 326pp, ISBN 978-3-319-27286-3

Cramer W 2016 Impacts on terrestrial biodiversity and ecosystems. In : Thiébault S et al. (eds.) The Mediterranean Region under Climate Change - A Scientific Update. IRD Editions, Marseille, pp 335-386, ISBN 978-2-7099-2219-7

Compagnon D, Cramer W 2016 The IPCC experience and lessons for IPBES. In : Hrabanski M, Pesche D The Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) - Meeting the challenges of biodiversity and governance. Routledge, London and New York, pp. 119-134. (ISBN : 978-1-138-1215-6), halshs-01444053

Guiot J, Cramer W 2016 The Mediterranean Basin, climate change and our common future. Engaging future research efforts to support policy. In : Thiébault S et al. (eds.) The Mediterranean Region under Climate Change - A Scientific Update. IRD Editions, Marseille, pp 661-664, ISBN 978-2-7099-2219-7 (also in French : Le bassin méditerranéen, le changement climatique et notre avenir commun. Lancer de nouvelles initiatives de recherche pour guider les décisions politiques futures. In : Thiébault S et al. (eds.) The Mediterranean Region under Climate Change - A Scientific Update. IRD Editions, Marseille, pp 665-669, ISBN 978-2-7099-2219-7)

Martín-López B, Oteros-Rozas E, Cohen-Shacham E, Santos-Martín F, Nieto-Romero M, Carvalho-Santos C, González JA, García-Llorente M, Klass K, Geijzendorffer I, Montes C, Cramer W 2016 Ecosystem services supplied by Mediterranean Basin ecosystems. In : Potschin M, Haines-Young R, Fish R, Turner RK. (eds) Routledge Handbook of Ecosystem Services. Routledge, London and New York, pp. 405-414. (ISBN : 978-1-138-02508-0)

Gaillard E, Hervé-Fournereau N, Amigues J-P, Billet P, Cramer W et al. 2015 Résilience, irréversibilités et incertitudes. Prospective, droit, écologie & économie de la biodiversité, Les cahiers Prospectives, pp.23-33. halshs-01115166

Cramer W 2014 Wirkungen des Klimawandels – Teil 2 des neuen Berichtes vom IPCC ist erschienen (guest contribution to Klimalounge, also in English (Impacts of Climate Change - Part 2 of the new IPCC Report has been approved, on realclimate.org) and French (Impacts du changement climatique - Le tome 2 du nouveau rapport du GIEC est paru, on climat-risque.otmed.fr)

Cramer W & Carpenter S 2013 People and their changing environment : how to deal with complexity - In : Singh SJ, Haberl H, Chertow M, Mirtl M, Schmid M (eds.) Long Term Socio-Ecological Research - Studies in Society : Nature Interactions Across Spatial and Temporal Scales Springer Science + Business Media, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, v-vii

Cramer W 2013 Regional Environmental Change refocuses on sustainability and the human–environment relationship Reg Env Change, 13:1-2, doi : 10.1007/s10113-013-0404-z

Tatoni T, Cramer W, Piégay H, Galop D 2013 Pour une écologie globale. Compte-rendu des journées de prospective de l’INEE, Les Cahiers Prospectives pp.219-224, halshs-01259496

Vohland K, Badeck F, Böhning-Gaese K, Ellwanger G, Hanspach J, Ibisch PL, Klotz S, Kreft S, Kühn I, Schröder E, Trautmann S, Cramer W (eds.) 2013 Schutzgebiete Deutschlands im Klimawandel - Risiken und Handlungsempfehlungen. Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt 129. Bundesamt für Naturschutz, Bonn - Bad Godesberg, 233pp

Vohland K, Hickler T, Mathaj M, Rammig A, Hennings V, Badeck FR, Cramer W 2013 Die projizierte Veränderung der natürlichen Vegetation. In : Vohland et al (eds.) Schutzgebiete Deutschlands im Klimawandel - Risiken und Handlungsempfehlungen. Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt 129:87-98. Bundesamt für Naturschutz, Bonn - Bad Godesberg,

Vohland K, Kreft S, Ibisch PL, Kühn I, Badeck F, Böhning-Gaese K, Hanspach J, Klotz S, Trautmann S, Cramer W, Ellwanger G 2013 Fazit und Ausblick. In : Vohland et al (eds.) Schutzgebiete Deutschlands im Klimawandel - Risiken und Handlungsempfehlungen. Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt 129:219-230. Bundesamt für Naturschutz, Bonn - Bad Godesberg,

Kundzewicz ZW, Cramer W 2012 Detection and attribution of climate change and its impacts - In : Kundzewicz ZW (ed.) 2012 Changes in Flood Risk in Europe. IAHS Special Publication 10, Wallingford, UK, Pp 409-420

Freudenberger L, Schluck M, Hobson P, Sommer H, Cramer W, Barthlott & Ibisch PL 2010 A view on global patterns and interlinkages of biodiversity and human development. Empirical Background Paper B.1.1 in Ibisch PL, A Vega E & Hermann TM (eds.) 2010 Interdependence of biodiversity and global change. Technical Series No. 54, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal, Canada, Pp. 37-56 and 197-224

Vohland K, Badeck F-W & Cramer W 2009 Klimawandel und Lebensräume - wann wird aus Veränderung ein Risiko ? In : Korn H, Schliep R, Stadler J (eds.) Biodiversität und Klima – Vernetzung der Akteure in Deutschland V – Ergebnisse und Dokumentation des 5. Workshops Bfn-Skripten 252, Bonn-Bad Godesberg. Pp 35-37

Vohland K, Badeck F-W, Böhning-Gaese K, Holsten A, Hanspach J, Ibisch P, Klotz S, Kreft S, Kühn I, Laube I, Popp A & Cramer W 2009 Ergebnisse aus dem Forschungsprojekt « Schutzgebiete und Klimawandel » - ein Überblick über das Forschungsvorhaben. In : Korn H, Schliep R, Stadler J (eds.) Biodiversität und Klima – Vernetzung der Akteure in Deutschland IV – Ergebnisse und Dokumentation des 4. Workshops an der Internationalen Naturschutzakademie des Bundesamtes für Naturschutz, Insel Vilm 14.-17.10.2007 Bfn-Skripten 246, Bonn-Bad Godesberg. Pp 9-10

Vohland K, Badeck F-W, Popp A, Holsten A, Spitzner A & Cramer W 2009 Naturschutzgebiete im Klimawandel – Risiken für Schutzziele und Handlungsoptionen. Klimaszenarien und Vulnerabilitäten. In : Korn H, Schliep R, Stadler J (eds.) Biodiversität und Klima – Vernetzung der Akteure in Deutschland IV – Ergebnisse und Dokumentation des 4. Workshops an der Internationalen Naturschutzakademie des Bundesamtes für Naturschutz, Insel Vilm 14.-17.10.2007 Bfn-Skripten 246, Bonn-Bad Godesberg. Pp 11-13

Holsten A, Vohland K, Cramer W & Hochschild V 2009 Ökologische Vulnerabilität von Schutzgebieten gegenüber Klimawandel - exemplarisch untersucht für Brandenburg. In : Korn H, Schliep R, Stadler J (eds.) Biodiversität und Klima – Vernetzung der Akteure in Deutschland IV – Ergebnisse und Dokumentation des 4. Workshops an der Internationalen Naturschutzakademie des Bundesamtes für Naturschutz, Insel Vilm 14.-17.10.2007 Bfn-Skripten 246, Bonn-Bad Godesberg. Pp 17-18

Cramer W 2008 Advanced Terrestrial Ecosystem Analysis and Modelling. Reg Env Change 8:89-90, doi : 10.1007/s10113-008-0063-7

Cramer W, Fritsch U, Leemans R, Lütkemeier S, Schröter D & Watt A 2008 Training future experts in « biodiversity and ecosystem services » - a progress report. Reg Env Change 8:125-134, doi : 10.1007/s10113-008-0054-8

Höll B, Mauser W, Alcamo J, Andreae M, Akhtar-Schuster M, Borchardt D, Callies U, Cramer W, Görg C, Hansjürgens B, Heimann M, Helbig G, Jacob D, Karte J, Kalko E, Kaltschmitt M, Klepper G, Klotz S, Kraas F, Kremer H, Kroll S, Lelieveld J, Lemke P, Jürgens N, Marotzke J, Schulz M, Seppelt R, Stoll P-T, Teutsch G, Vlek P, Wefer G, Weisser W, von Storch H & Zacharias S 2008 Global Change Research in Germany 2008. German National Committee on Global Change Research (NKGCF) 52pp

Kühn I, Cramer W, Böhning-Gaese K & Klotz S 2008 Macroecology meets global change research. Gl Ecol Biogeogr 17:3-4, doi : 10.1111/j.1466-8238.2007.00377.x

Langerwisch F, Jachner S, Poulter B, Zimmermann-Timm H & Cramer W 2008 Assessing carbon dynamics in Amazonia with the Dynamic Global Vegetation Model LPJmL - discharge evaluation. Verh Int Verein Limnol 30(3):455-458

Mosbrugger V, Hofer H. et al. 2008 Biodiversitätsforschung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft : Eine nationale Aufgabe Leibniz-Gemeinschaft Berlin 48pp

Vohland K & Cramer W 2008 Doppelt geschützt hält besser Politische Ökologie 109:20-23 (Free download granted by the magazine Politische Ökologie)

Vohland K, Doyle U & Cramer W 2008 Der Einfluß von Klimaveränderungen auf die Biodiversität Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 3/2008:31-38

Vohland K, Epple C & Cramer W 2008 Naturschutz als Partner in der Klimapolitik. Kompass-Newsletter 4:2-6

Badeck F-W, Böhning-Gaese K, Cramer W, Ibisch P, Klotz S, Kreft S, Kühn I, Vohland K & Zander U 2007 Schutzgebiete Deutschlands im Klimawandel - Risiken und Handlungsoptionen Naturschutz und biologische Vielfalt 46:151-167

Cramer W 2007 Ökologische Folgen des Klimawandels - wie sicher ist sich die Wissenschaft ? In : Müller M, Fuentes U & Kohl H (eds.) Der UN-Weltklimareport, Kiepenheuer & Witsch, ISBN 978-3-462-03960-3

Cramer W 2007 Ökologie und Klimawandel Nachrichten der Gesellschaft für Ökologie Juni 2007, Pp. 2-3

Cramer W 2007 Wie warm wird die Erde ? Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 2.3.2007

Holsten A, Vohland K, Cramer W & Hochschild V 2007 Ecological vulnerability of protected areas to climate change, a case study of Brandenburg Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 37:407

Vohland K, Badeck F, Berger S, Bergmann J, Böhning-Gaese K, Hanspach J, Holsten A, Ibisch P, Klotz S, Kreft S, Kühn I, Laube I, Lübbert J, Pompe S, Walther G-R, Cramer W 2007 Biodiversity conservation in a changing climate. How to adapt nature conservation strategies under climate change ? In : Emerging issues for biodiversity conservation in a changing climate Twelfth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA 12), 2-6 July 2007, UNESCO, Paris, France Montreal : Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity 2007. 25-26 p. CBD Technical Series No. 29

Cramer W 2006 Der aktuelle Stand der Klimafolgenforschung - Vermeidung oder Anpassung ? Tagungsband « Tschernobyl 1986-2006 : Erfahrungen für die Zukunft », 24. und 25. April 2006, Berlin, Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, S 149-153

Zebisch M, Grothmann T, Schröter D, Hasse C, Fritsch U, Cramer W 2005 Klimawandel in Deutschland - Vulnerabilität und Anpassungsstrategien klimasensitiver Systeme. Forschungsbericht 201 41 253, UBA-FB 000844 (Kurzfassung), Umweltbundesamt, Dessau, 205pp

Plummer S, Arino O, Fierens F, Chen J, Dedieu G, Simon M, Cramer W, Ciais P, Quegan S, Schultz M, Hoelzemann J 2005 The GLOBCARBON initiative : Multi-sensor estimation of global biophysical products for global terrestrial carbon studies. European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP 572:1197-1204

Cramer W 2004 Sturmwarnung für die Biosphäre Politische Ökologie 91-92:32-35

Schröter D, Metzger MJ, Cramer W, Leemans R 2004 Vulnerability assessment - analysing the human-environment system in the face of global environmental change ESS Bulletin 2(2):11-18

Goldammer JG, Held AC, Hille M, Wittich K-P, Kuehrt E, Koutsias N, Oertel D, Thonicke K & Cramer W 2003 Early Warning, Monitoring, Information Management and Simulation of Forest Fires : Results of the Research Cluster Forest Fire within the German Research Network Natural Disasters. In : German Committee for Disaster Reduction (eds.) 4. Forum Katastrophenvorsorge. Extended Abstracts Pp 5-7

Schröter D, Zaehle S, Schaphoff S, Lucht W & Cramer W 2003 Modelling global change effects on vegetation and exploring our vulnerability. In : Green RE, Harley M, Miles L, Scharlemann J, Watkinson A & Watts O (eds.) Report of the Global Climate Change and Biodiversity Conference, April 8-10, 2003, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK, pp 4-6

Spessa A, Harrison SP, Prentice IC, Cramer W & Mahowald N 2003 Confronting a burning question : The role of fire on Earth EOS 84(3):23,25

Cihlar J, Denning S, Ahern F, Arino O, Belward A, Bretherton F, Cramer W, Dedieu G, Field C, Francey R, Gommes R, Gosz J, Hibbard K, Igarashi T, Kabat P, Olson D, Plummer S, Rasool I, Raupach M, Scholes R, Townshend J, Valentini R & Wickland D 2002 Initiative to quantify terrestrial carbon sources and sinks. EOS 83(1):1

Cramer W 2002 A new look at Regional Environmental Change - Considerations for the next phase of this journal Reg Env Change 3:1

Cramer W 2002 Globale Klimaerwärmung und Ernährungssicherung - die Rolle der Biosphäre im Klimasystem. Hohenheimer Umwelttagung 2002 : 23

Hese C, Schmullius C, Balzter H, Cramer W, Gerard F, Kidd R, LeToan T, Lucht W, Luckman A, McCallum I, Nilsson S, Petrocchi A, Plummer S, Quegan S, Shvidenko A, Skinner L, Venevsky S, Voigt S, Wagner W, Wegmüller U & Wiesmann A 2002 Sensor Systems and Data Products in SIBERIA-II - a Multi-Sensor Approach for Full Greenhouse Gas Accounting in Siberia, ForestSAT Conference 2002, Edinburgh, UK

Lindner M & Cramer W 2002 National and regional climate change impact assessments in the forestry sector. For Ecol Management 162:1-2

Claussen M & Cramer W 2001 Change of the Global Vegetation. In : Lozan JL, Graßl H & Hupfer P (Eds.) Climate of the 21st Century : Changes and Risks. Hamburg : Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen. pp. 262-265

Cramer W 2001 Fire ecology, Mediterranean forests and global change For Ecol Management 147:1-2

Lucht W, Bondeau A, Sitch S, Cramer W, Venevsky S & Thonicke K 2001 Synergistic use of satellite data and a dynamic model of the global biospheric carbon cycle, Proceedings 8th International Symposium on Physical Measurements and Signatures in Remote Sensing, Aussois, France, January 8-12, pp 659-668

Sykes MT, Prentice IC, Smith B, Cramer W & Venevsky S 2001 An introduction to the European Terrestrial Ecosystem Modelling Activity. Gl Ecol Biogeogr 10:581-593, doi : 10.1046/j.1466-822x.2001.00263.x

Cernusca A, Cramer W, Grabherr G, Huntley B, Mouillot F, Smith B, Sykes M, Tenhunen JD, & Venevski S 2000 Understanding ecosystems at the landscape scale. pp 75-93 In : Sutton MA, Moreno JM, Van der Putten WH & Struwe S (eds.) Terrestrial ecosystem research in Europe : successes, challenges and policy. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg.

Claussen M, Ganopolski A, Schellnhuber J & Cramer W 2000 Earth-System models of intermediate complexity. IGBP Newsletter41:4-6

Cramer W 2000a Contribution to the regional data bundle concept : The IGBP-DIS - MEDIAS-France partnership. IGBP Newsletter 41:18

Cramer W 2000b Climate scenarios for agricultural, forest and ecosystem impacts - workshop introduction. Pp. 8-9 in : Cramer W, Doherty R, Hulme M & Viner D (eds.) 2000 Climate Scenarios for Agricultural, Forest and Ecosystem Impacts ECLAT-2 Workshop Report No. 2 Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK

Cramer W 2000c Climate scenarios for agricultural, forest and ecosystem impacts - workshop summary. Pp. 107-108 in : Cramer W, Doherty R, Hulme M & Viner D (eds.) 2000 Climate Scenarios for Agricultural, Forest and Ecosystem Impacts. ECLAT-2 Workshop Report No. 2 Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK

Foley JA, Levis S, Heil Costa M, Cramer W & Pollard D 2000 Incorporating dynamic vegetation cover within global climate models. Pp. 59-75 in : Cramer W, Doherty R, Hulme M & Viner D (eds.) 2000 Climate Scenarios for Agricultural, Forest and Ecosystem Impacts. ECLAT-2 Workshop Report No. 2 Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK

Cramer W 2000d Key findings from the Second ECLAT-2 Workshop « Climate scenarios for agricultural, forest and ecosystem impacts » (Potsdam, Germany) Pp. 15-16 in : Beersma J, Agnew M, Viner D, & Hulme M (eds.) 2000 Climate Scenarios for Water-Related and Coastal Impacts ECLAT-2 Workshop Report No. 3 Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK

Cramer W & Canadell J 2000 Future trajectories of global terrestrial carbon fluxes. GCTE News 15:1-2

Cramer W & Öquist MG 2000 Ecosystems. In : Assessment of Potential Effects and Adaptations for Climate Change in Europe : The Europe ACACIA Project (Parry ML ed) pp 123-136. Jackson Environment Institute, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK

Cramer W & Sterr H 2000 Auswirkungen globaler Umweltveränderungen auf Küsten und Meere - Einleitung. In : Blotevogel HH, Ossenbrügge J & Wood G (eds.) Lokal verankert - weltweit vernetzt. Tagungsbericht und wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen des 52. Deutschen Geographentages in Hamburg, 2.-9. Oktober 1999. Pp 59-60. Franz Steier Verlag, Stuttgart

Parry ML, Arnell NW, Beniston M, Berz G, Bindi M, Brander K, Carter T, Cramer W, des Clers S, Dlugolecki AF, Holten JI, Hulme M, Imeson A, Jordan A, Kellomäki S, Kovats S, Lavorel S, Lorenzoni I, Martens P, Nicholls R, Olesen J, Öquist M, O’Riordan T, Palutikof J, Perry A, Rounsevell M & Turner K 2000 Assessment of Potential Effects and Adaptations for Climate Change in Europe : The Europe ACACIA Project - Summary and Conclusions. Jackson Environment Institute, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK

Smith P, Whitmore A, Wechsung F, Donatelli M, Coleman K, Yin X, Cramer W, Smith J & Agostini F 2000 The MAGEC project : A regional-scale tool for examining the effects of global change on agro-ecosystems. Pp 182-183 in Sutton MA, Moreno JM, Van der Putten WH & Struwe S, (eds.) Terrestrial ecosystem research in Europe : successes, challenges and policy. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg

Sutton MA, Dragosits U & Cramer W 2000 Application of European scale transects in the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Initiative. Pp 189-196 in Sutton MA, Moreno JM, Van der Putten WH & Struwe S (eds.) Terrestrial ecosystem research in Europe : successes, challenges and policy. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg

Sykes M, Cramer W, Prentice IC, Woodward FI, Friend A, Abbadie L, Martin P, Hall DO, Leemans L & Heimann M 2000 ETEMA : European Terrestrial Ecosystem Modelling Activity. Pp 176-181 in Sutton MA, Moreno JM, Van der Putten WH & Struwe S (eds.) Terrestrial ecosystem research in Europe : successes, challenges and policy. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg

Toth FL, Cramer W & Hizsnyik E 2000 Climate impact response functions : An introduction. Clim Change 46(3):225-246, doi : 10.1023/A:1005668420713

Cramer W & Field CB 1999 Comparing global models of terrestrial net primary productivity (NPP) : Introduction. Gl Ch Biol 5 (Suppl.1):iii-iv

Claussen M & Cramer W 1999 Earth-System models of intermediate complexity. Research GAIM 3(1)

Heimann M, Weber C, Duinker JC, Körtzinger A, Mintrop L, Buchmann N, Schulze E-D, Hein M, Bondeau A, Cramer W, Lindner M & Esser G 1999 Natürliche Senken und Quellen des atmosphärischen Kohlendioxids : Stand des Wissens und Optionen des Handelns. Report Max-Planck Institut für Meteorologie, Hamburg 287

Lindner M, Bugmann H, Cramer W & Lasch P 1999 Impact of climate change on forests : Application of forest succession models across Central and Eastern Europe. In : Effect of Global Climatic Change on Boreal and Temperate Forests. Jiloviste, Czech Republic : Forestry and Game Management Research Institute pp 165-178

McIntyre S, Diaz S, Lavorel S & Cramer W 1999 Plant functional types and disturbance dynamics - Introduction J Veg Sci 10(5):605-608, doi : 10.1111/j.1654-1103.1999.tb00103.x

Claussen M & Cramer W 1998 Veränderungen der globalen Vegetation. In : Lozan JL, Graßl H & Hupfer P (eds.) Warnsignal Klima - Wissenschaftliche Fakten. Hamburg : Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen. Pp 265-268

Cramer W 1998 Variations in biological activity with climate. In : Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences (Ed.) Do we understand global climate change ? (pp 83-96). Oslo, Norway : (NTVA-Rapport)

Cramer W, Alheit J, Andreae MO, Frenzel B, Grieger B, Herterich K, Hoff H, Lochte K, Lorenz S, Mulitza S, Pachur H-J, Pflaumann U, Pollehne F, Tenhunen JD, Wahner A, Wefer G, Weinelt M, Wyputta U & Zeitzschel B 1998 The International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) - The German Contribution. In : Ehlers E & Krafft T (Eds.) German Global Change Research 1998. Bonn : German National Committee on Global Change Research. Pp 37-70

Cramer W, Kicklighter DW, Bondeau A, Moore B III, Churkina G, Nemry B, Ruimy A & Schloss A 1997 Comparing global models of terrestrial net primary productivity (NPP) : Overview and key results. PIK-Report No.30

Cramer W, Moore B III, & Sahagian D 1997 Global net primary productivity : a model intercomparison. Research GAIM 1(1):11-12

Olson RJ, Scurlock JMO, Cramer W, Prince SD & Parton WJ 1997 Global Primary Production Data Initiative Workshop : From sparse field observations to a consistent global data set on net primary production. IGBP-DIS Working Paper, Toulouse, France. 16, 23pp

Steffen W & Cramer W 1997 A Global Key of Plant Functional Types (PFT) for Modelling Ecosystem Responses to Global Change. Canberra, Australia, GCTE International Project Office. GCTE Report No.10. 36pp

Cramer W 1996 Workshop on globally gridded historical climate data sets for biosphere models. IGBP Newsletter 1996(27):27

Cramer W, Moore B III & Sahagian D 1996 Data needs for modelling global biospheric carbon fluxes - lessons from a comparison of models. IGBP Newsletter 1996(27):13-15

Krysanova V, Müller-Wohlfeil D-I, Cramer W & Becker A 1996 Identification of vulnerable subregions in the Elbe drainage basin under global change impact. PIK-Report 19

Woodward FI & Cramer W 1996 Plant functional types and climatic changes - Introduction. J Veg Sci 7(3):306-308

Prince SD, Olson RJ, Dedieu G, Esser G & Cramer W 1995 Global Primary Production Data Initiative Project Description. IGBP-DIS. IGBP-DIS Working Paper 12 38pp

Lurin B, Cramer W, Moore B III & Rasool I 1994 Global terrestrial net primary productivity, first model intercomparison workshop, Potsdam, Germany, 6-8 July 1994. IGBP Newsletter

Hill MO, Thompson AG, Wright SM, Holten JI, Cramer W, French DD, Scott D, Welch D, Borel J-L, Ozenda P, Pautou G, Richard L, Spada F, Huntley B, Allen JRM & Leemans R 1993 Effects of rapid climatic change on plant biodiversity in boreal and montane ecosystems. 91pp

Cramer W, Harrison SP, Leemans R, Monserud RA, Prentice IC & Solomon AM 1992 Application of a global biome model to different climate change scenarios. International Geographical Congress (Technical Program Abstracts) International Geographical Union. DC, USA

Cramer W 1992 The sensitivity of dry areas to climate change, estimated using the BIOME model. Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference Swansea, UK

Cramer W 1991 Klimaendringer og prosesser på jordoverflaten (forord). In : Cramer W & Sjong M-L (eds.) Norske Geografers Forenings Årsmøte 1991 (pp i-ii) Norske Geografers Forening. Trondheim, Norway

Cramer W 1991 Forskjellige « drivhus »-scenariers implikasjoner for vegetasjonsfordelingen i Nord-Europa. In : Cramer W & Sjong M-L (Eds.) Norske Geografers Forenings Årsmøte 1991 (pp 1-19). Norske Geografers Forening. Trondheim, Norway

Leemans R & Cramer W 1991 The IIASA database for mean monthly values of temperature, precipitation and cloudiness of a global terrestrial grid. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). RR-91-18. Laxenburg, Austria

Sykes MT, Prentice IC & Cramer W 1991 Simulation of transient responses to climate change in forested landscapes. In : 1st European Symposium on Terrestrial Ecosystems : Forests and Woodlands Florence, Italy, May 20-24, 1991

Cramer W 1990 Naturgeograf i et samfunnsfaglig miljø - hur känns det ? Geografene i Nidaros 7(2):36-42

Cramer W & Leemans R 1990 Static vegetation models and climate change on high latitudes. In : Boreal Forests : State, Dynamics and Anthropogenic Influences Arkhangelsk, USSR, 15-25 July 1990

Cramer W 1990 Regional ecological consequences of ’global change’. In : NAVF’s IGBP Seminar Oslo Fornebu, March 29, 1990

Cramer W 1990 Modelling biological effects of climatic change. In : Holten JI (Ed.) Impact of climatic change on natural ecosystems, with emphasis on boreal and arctic/alpine areas (pp. 15-19). Trondheim, Norway, November 27-29, 1990 : Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, Trondheim

Christophersen A, Cramer W & Jones MH 1989 Naturlandskapet på Nidarnes i yngre jernalder - en terrengmodell. Fortiden i Trondheim bygrunn : folkebibliotekstomten ; Meddelelser 21

Prentice HC & Cramer W 1988 Habitat diversity and genetic diversity : Testing the niche variation hypothesis. In : Andersson C (Ed.) Research in Progress at the Institute of Ecological Botany, Uppsala University, 1985-1988 p 60. Uppsala, Sweden

Prentice IC & Cramer W 1988 European bioclimatic mapping. In : Andersson C (Ed.) Research in Progress at the Institute of Ecological Botany, Uppsala University, 1985-1988 pp 51-52. Uppsala, Sweden

Cramer W 1987 Pristagarnas egna redogörelser för sina arbeten - Linné-priset 1987 In : Kungl Vetenskaps-Societetens Årsbok. Uppsala, Sweden : Pp 59-60

Cramer W 1987 Direkte gradientanalyse. Geografene i Nidaros 1987(1):12-18

Cramer W 1987 Direct gradient analysis as a tool for studies of vegetation dynamics. In : Bretten S & Rønning OI (Eds.) Annual Norwegian Symposium in Vegetation Ecology (pp 5-6). Kongsvold, Norway

Hytteborn H, Cramer W, Packham JR & Verwijst T 1987 Three different types of forest dynamics. In : Hanxi YI, Zhan W, Jeffers JNR & Ward PA (Eds.) The temperate forest ecosystem Abbots Ripton : Institute of Terrestrial Ecology Pp 32-39

Cramer W 1986 Vegetation Dynamics on Rising Sea Shores in Eastern Central Sweden. Ph.D. Thesis, Uppsala University. Uppsala, Sweden

Cramer W 1986 Altersstruktur von Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. unter dem Einfluß der Strandverschiebung an der schwedischen Ostseeküste. Verh d Ges f Ökol 14:519-522

Prentice IC, Cramer W, Leemans R & Van Tongeren OFR 1986 Sensitivity experiments with vegetation dynamic simulation models. In : Burgess RL & Wali MK (Eds.) IV International Congress of Ecology - Abstracts (p 275). Syracuse, New York : INTECOL

Verwijst T & Cramer W 1986 Age structure of woody species in primary succession on a rising Bothnian sea-shore. In : Fanta J (Ed.) Forest dynamics research in Western and Central Europe. Wageningen : PUDOC. Pp 145-163

Cramer W 1985 Im Reich der steinernen Riesen. Bergwelt 9:26-27

Dahlskog S & Cramer W 1985 Development of Alnus incana thickets in the Kvikkjokk Delta, Swedish Lapland. In : Hytteborn H, Van der Maarel E & Wallström K (eds.) Research in Progress at the Institute of Ecological Botany, Uppsala University, 1982-1984 Uppsala, Sweden : Pp 21

Hytteborn H & Cramer W 1985 Successional trends in the field layer of a coastal woodland ; a comparison of direct and indirect gradient analysis. In : Leemans R & Van der Maarel E (Eds.) Theory and Models in Vegetation Science (Conference Abstracts) (pp. 48-49) Uppsala, Sweden

Cramer W 1981 Die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Strandverschiebung und Strandvegetation - untersucht an einem Beispiel an der Küste von Uppland (Mittel-Schweden). Meddelanden från Växtbiologiska Institutionen, Uppsala Universitet. 1981:3. Uppsala, Sweden

Cramer W 1980 Strandverschiebung und Strandvegetation auf Häverö Prästäng - In : Sjögren E (Ed.), Studies in Plant Ecology, dedicated to Hugo Sjörs Almqvist & Wiksell, Stockholm, pp.43-50

Cramer W 1979 Litteratur om havsstrandvegetationen i Sverige och Finland (exklusive Öland och Gotland). Meddelanden från Växtbiologiska Institutionen, Uppsala Universitet. Uppsala, Sweden

Externally funded projects


Completed PhD Thesis Supervisions

DateCandidateThesis titleUniversity
14.12.2018 Ana Paula Garcia Nieto Trade-offs in services provided by Mediterranean agro-ecosystems Ecologie, Aix Marseille Université
21.3.2018 Guillaume Futhazar Role and place of the IPBES (Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services) in the Mediterranean Region Droit, Aix Marseille Université
11.7.2016 Martin Gutsch Model-based analysis of climate scenario impacts on the productivity of mixed oak-pine forests in Brandenburg Geoökologie, Universität Potsdam
20.1.2016 Alexander Borys Kohlenstoffbilanzierung für das Revier Buchfart unter veränderten Standortsbedingungen Geoökologie, Universität Potsdam
16.3.2015 Jörn Pagel Statistical process-based models for the understanding and prediction of range dynamics Biologie, Universität Potsdam
2.4.2014 Holger Hoff Teleconnections in the global water system, their impacts on local water resources, and opportunities for addressing them in IWRM Geoökologie, Universität Potsdam
.12.2013 Pawlok Dass The role of bioenergy production on the terrestrial carbon cycle and the energy balance Meteorologie, Universität Hamburg
6.11.2013 Lisa Freudenberger Ecosystem-based adaptation of priority-setting in nature conservation to global change Biologie, Universität Potsdam
18.9.2012 Fanny Langerwisch The role of climate and land use change on the riverine carbon fluxes in Amazonia Geoökologie, Universität Potsdam
12.2.2013 Katharina Waha Climate Change Impacts on Agricultural Vegetation in Sub-Saharan Africa Geoökologie, Universität Potsdam
9.12.2011 Diana Sietz Dryland vulnerability - Typical patterns and dynamics in support of vulnerability reduction efforts Geoökologie, Universität Potsdam
8.12.2011 Marianela Fader Flows of virtual land and water through global trade of agricultural products Geographie, Universität Potsdam
22.11.2010 Andrea Meyn Wildfire-climate relationships - Conceptual model and regional-scale analysis Geoökologie, Universität Potsdam
19.12.2008 Martin Wattenbach The hydrological effects of changes in forest area and species composition in the federal state of Brandenburg, Germany Geoökologie, Universität Potsdam
24.11.2008 Cornelia Fürstenau The impact of silvicultural strategies and climate change on carbon sequestration and other forest ecosystem functions Geoökologie, Universität Potsdam
29.2.2008 Joachim Rock Klimaschutz und Kohlenstoff in Holz - Vergleich verschiedener Strategien Geoökologie, Universität Potsdam
26.1.2007 Christoph Müller Climate change and global land-use patterns - quantifying the human impact on the terrestrial biosphere Geoökologie, Universität Potsdam
15.12.2006 Joachim Post Integrated process-based simulation of soil carbon dynamics in river basins under present, recent past and future environmental conditions Geoökologie, Universität Potsdam
27.10.2005 Fred Hattermann Integrated modelling of global change impacts in the german Elbe river basin Geoökologie, Universität Potsdam
23.6.2005 Sönke Zaehle Process-based simulation of the European terrestrial biosphere - an evaluation of present-day and future terrestrial carbon balance estimates and their uncertainty Geoökologie, Universität Potsdam
27.2.2004 Marc Zebisch Modellierung der Auswirkungen von Landnutzungsänderungen auf Landschaftsmuster und die Biodiversität Architektur, Umwelt, Gesellschaft, TU Berlin
1.4.2003 Kirsten Thonicke Fire disturbance and vegetation dynamics - analysis and models Geoökologie, Universität Potsdam
19.7.2002 Jörg Schaber Phänologie in Deutschland : Methoden, Analysen, Modelle Geoökologie, Universität Potsdam
30.4.2002 Uta Fritsch Entwicklung von Landnutzungsszenarien für landschaftsökologische Fragestellungen Geoökologie, Universität Potsdam
8.5.2000 Susanne Grossman-Clarke Die Wirkung von erhöhten atmosphärischen CO2-Konzentrationen auf die Transpiration eines Weizenbestandes unter Berücksichtigung von Wasser- und Stickstofflimitierung Geoökologie, Universität Potsdam
1999 Markus Erhard Wachstum von Kiefern-Ökosystemen in Abhängigkeit von Klima und Stoffeintrag - eine regionale Fallstudie auf Landschaftsebene Geoökologie, Universität Potsdam
1998 Marcus Lindner Wirkung von Klimaveränderungen in mitteleuropäischen Wirtschaftswäldern) Geoökologie, Universität Potsdam
1994 Odd Inge Vistad I skogen og i skolten - Ein analyse av friluftsliv, miljøoppleving, påverknad og forvaltning i Femundsmarka, med jamføingar til Rogen og Långfjället Geografi, Universitetet i Trondheim

PhD/HDR Committee Memberships

DateCandidateThesis titleUniversity
12.12.2013 Philippe Ponel Les Coléoptères du Quaternaire, analyser le passé pour comprendre le présent (HDR) Aix Marseille Université
12.12.2013 Valérie Andrieu-Ponel Paléoenvironnements des régions tempérées d’Europe et d’Asie au cours des 430 000 dernières années - approches biologique et géologique (HDR) Aix Marseille Université
10.7.2013 François Souty Modélisation de l’évolution des surfaces agricoles à l’échelle de grandes régions du monde (PhD) AgroParisTech, Paris
11.7.2012 Camille Roumieux Modélisation de la dynamique saisonnière des éclosions d’Aedes (Ochlerotatus) caspius (Pallas 1771) (Culicidae) en contexte de changement climatique (PhD) Biologie des Populations et Ecologie, Aix Marseille Université
3.7.2012 Julien Ruffault Sécheresse et incendies en Languedoc-Roussillon dans un contexte de changements globaux - approche régionale par modélisation (PhD) Université Montpellier II
15.6.2012 Brigitte Talon Histoire holocene des environnements en region Mediterraeneenne - approche pedoanthracologique et pluridisciplinaire (HDR) Ecologie, Aix Marseille Université
12.4.2012 Christian Schweitzer Modelling land-use and land-cover change and related environmental impacts in Northern Mongolia (PhD) Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät IIIMartin-Luther Universität Halle
2.3.2012 Philippe Roudier Climat et agriculture en Afrique de l’Ouest : Quantification de l’impact du changement climatique sur les rendements et évaluation de l’utilité des prévisions saisonnières (PhD) Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris
9.1.2012 Thomas Ibanez (PhD) Aix Marseille Université
5.12.2011 Bruno Vila Etude des interactions, biodiversité végétale et patrimoine scientifique (HDR) Université de Provence, Marseille
19.10.2011 Lenny van Bussel From field to the globe : Upscaling in crop growth modelling (PhD) Wageningen University
20.6.2011 Benjamin Sultan L’étude des variations et du changement climatique en Afrique de l’Ouest et ses retombées sociétales (HDR) Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris
9.6.2011 Felix Portmann Global estimation of monthly irrigated and rainfed crop areas on a 5 arc-minute grid (PhD) Geographie, Universität Frankfurt/Main
7.3.2011 Alexis Berg Including tropical croplands in a terrestrial biosphere model to study croplands/climate interactions (PhD) Université Paris VI, Paris, France
4.10.2010 Kathleen Neumann Explaining agricultural intensity at the European and global scale (PhD) Wageningen University
29.4.2010 Frank Schurr (Habilitation) Biologie, Universität Potsdam
13.4.2010 Veronika Huber Climate Impact on Phytoplankton Blooms in Shallow Lakes - Data-Based Model Approaches and Model-Guided Data Analyses (PhD) Biologie, Universität Potsdam
17.2.2010 Susanna Werth (PhD) Geoökologie, Universität Potsdam
25.11.2009 Stefanie Rost Agriculture and the global water system (PhD) Geoökologie, Universität Potsdam
17.7.2009 Rüdiger Schaldach Modeling of large-scale land use change (Habilitation) Universität Kassel
18.6.2009 Britt-Kristien Tietjen Drylands under climate change - a novel ecohydrological modelling approach (PhD) Biologie, Universität Potsdam
26.5.2009 Patricia Cadule Modélisation des interactions entre le système climatique et le cycle du carbone(PhD) Science du Climat et de l’Environnement, Université Paris VI
2009 Julia Pongratz A model estimate on the effect of anthropogenic land cover change on the climate of the last millennium (PhD) Geowissenschaften, Universität Hamburg
22.12.2008 Boris Schröder Species in dynamic landscapes : Patterns, processes, and functions (Habilitation) Geoökologie, Universität Potsdam
12.12.2008 Franck Lespinas Impact du changement climatique sur l’hydrologie des fleuves côtiers en région Languedoc-Roussillon (PhD) Hydroclimatologie, Université de Perpignan
5.12.2008 Saskia Förster An analysis of hydraulic, environmental and economic impacts of flood polder management at the Elbe River (PhD) Geoökologie, Universität Potsdam
2.7.2008 Christine Hatté Les isotopes de carbone, traceurs des paléoclimats et du cycle du carbone moderne (HDR) Université de Versailles - Saint Quentin-en-Yvelines
30.5.2008 Anne-Violette Lavoir Effet de la limitation en eau sur les émissions de composés organiques volatils chez le chêne vert (Quercus ilex). Approche expérimentale et modélisatrice à différentes échelles spatiales et temporelles (PhD) Université Montpellier II, Montpellier, France
29.2.2008 Birgit Schröder Spatial and temporal dynamics of the terrestrial carbon cycle. Assimilation of two decades of optical satellite data into a process-based global vegetation model (PhD) Geoökologie, Universität Potsdam
18.1.2008 Jelle van Minnen The terrestrial carbon cycle on the regional and global scale - Modeling, uncertainties and policy relevance (PhD) Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands
2008 Anthony Clark (PhD) Australian National University, Canberra
18.12.2007 Pieter S.A. Beck Is northern Europe turning green ? An environmental audit of climate change (PhD) Tromsø Universitet, Tromsø, Norway
10.12.2007 Carmen Ortega-Rosas Interaction entre végétation et climat à la fin du Wisconsin et à l’Holocène dans le NO du Mexique : mise en évidence par l’analyse pollinique et la modélisation des données (PhD) Geosciences de l’Environnement, Université Paul Cezanne, Marseille
20.12.2006 Nicolas Viovy Fonctionnement de la biosphère terrestre globale : de l’observation à la modélisation (HDR) Université Paris VI, Paris, France
12.12.2006 Maik Heistermann Modelling the global dynamics of rain-fed and irrigated croplands (PhD) Fachbereich Elektrotechnik/Informatik, Universität Kassel
3.11.2006 Jan Schimkat Untersuchung der Populationsdynamik von Regionalbeständen ostziehender Weißstörche (Ciconia ciconia) mittels eines Simulationsmodells (PhD) Wissenschaftlicher Naturschutz, Universität Potsdam
23.6.2005 Nathalie de Noblet-Ducoudré Une contribution a l’étude et à la comprehension du rôle de la Biospjère Terrestre dans le Système Climatique (HDR) Université Paris VI
20.6.2005 Nicolas Vuichard Modelisation des flux de gaz a effet de serre des prairies Europeennes (PhD) Université Paris VI
18.10.2004 Sebastien Gervois Les zones agricoles en Europe : évaluation de leur rôle dans les bilans d’eau et de carbone à l’échelle de l’Europe ; sensibilité de ces bilans aux changements environnementaux sur le dernier siècle (PhD) Fonctionnement physique, chimique et biologique de la biosphère continentale, Université Paris VI
25.6.2004 Marie Berthelot Couplage entre le système climatique et le cycle du carbone terrestre : étude de la réponse biogéochimique et biogéographique de la biosphère au changement climatique futur (PhD) Océanologie, Météorologie et Environnement, Université Paris VI
1.3.2004 Hans-Martin Füssel Impacts analysis for inverse integrated assessments of climate (PhD) Physik, Universität Potsdam
25.4.2001 Sergey Venevsky (PhD) Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien
15.3.2001 Andrew Joyce Modelling surface climate over complex terrain for landscape ecology (PhD) Dept of Biological Sciences, Durham University, UK
29.6.1999 Sandra Lavorel Habilitation de diriger des recherches Université Montpellier II
19.3.1999 Christophe Neff MEDGROW - Vegetationsdynamik und Kulturlandschaftswandel im Mittelmeerraum (PhD) Geographie, Universität Mannheim
1997 Ralf Otto Modellierung globaler biogeochemischer Kreisläufe : Kohlenstoff- und Wasserflüsse in terrestrischen Ökosystemen (PhD) Chemie, Universität Frankfurt/Main
1997 Karen Payne Recent advances in the problem of induction and their relationship to ecological modelling (PhD) Australian National University, Canberra
1996 Catherine Ciret Linking global climate models and global vegetation models (PhD) Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
5.12.1989 Rik Leemans Description and simulation of stand structure and dynamics in some Swedish forests (PhD) Ecological Botany, Uppsala University, Sweden


Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

  • Second Assessment Report, Working Group II (1995) : Lead Author, Chapter 1 (Climate Change Impacts on Forests) and Contributing Author, Introductory Material A (Primer)
  • Special Report “Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry” (2000) : Lead Author, Chapter 2 (Global Perspective)
  • Third Assessment Report, Working Group II (2001) : Lead Author, Chapter 5 (Ecosystems and their goods and services) and Chapter 13 (Europe)
  • Fourth Assessment Report, Working Group II (2007) : Review Editor, Technical Summary (with D Murdiyarso, Bogor, Indonesia) and Chapter 4, “Ecosystems” (with S Diaz, Cordoba, Argentina)
  • Fifth Assessment Report, Working Group II (2014) : Coordinating Lead Author, Chapter 18, “Detection and Attribution of Observed Impacts of Climate Change” (with G Yohe, USA) ; Lead Author, Technical Summary & Summary for Policymakers
  • Fifth Assessment Report, Synthesis Report (2014) : Core Writing Team Member
  • Special Report « Impacts of global warming of 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty » (2018) : Lead Author, Chapter 1 (Framing and Context)
  • Sixth Assessment Report, Working Group II (2021) : Coordinator, Cross Chapter Paper on the Mediterranean Basin, also Lead Author, Chapter 1 (Framing and Context)
  • Scientific advisor of the German government delegation at several IPCC plenary sessions and national policy meetings

Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)

  • Member of the French government and/or ICSU delegation at several IPBES plenary sessions and national policy meetings

Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005)

  • Scenarios Working Group : Convening Lead Author (with J Alcamo and D Van Vuuren), Chapter 9 (Changes in Provisioning and Regulating Ecosystem Goods and Services and their Drivers across Scenarios)
  • Conditions and Trends Working Group : Lead author, Chapter 3 (Analytical Approaches for Assessing Ecosystem Condition and Human Well-Being)