Flore Corallo


Institut Méditerranéen de Biodiversité et d’Écologie Marine et Continentale (IMBE)
UMR IMBE | Aix Marseille Université, CNRS, IRD, Avignon Université

Équipe DFME (Diversité et Fonctionnement : des Molécules aux Écosystèmes)

Station Marine d’Endoume
Rue de la Batterie des Lions,
13007, Marseille



I am interested in functional ecology including chemical mediation in marine environment and focusing on the holobiont concept (host-associated microbiome) as key for evolutionary and ecological questions (e.g., biotic interactions and their dynamics between benthic and planktonic organisms, responses to perturbations and role on resilience, extreme environments and adaptation, biogeography) as well for valorization perspective (e.g., bioremediation, natural products).

My PhD objectives (codirected by Drs. Thierry Perez, Charlotte Simmler and César Ruiz) are to determinate the cellular localization of secondary metabolites in the sponge holobiont studying the specialized sponge cells and the associated bacterial diversity (community composition) producing chemical cues in marine ecosystem and molecules of interest in drug-discovery (antimicrobial potentials in the SESAM ANR project).

I am particularly aware to multiple anthropic origin challenges that are weighing on both continental and ocean ecosystems health and requiring better knowledge of them at different scales to assure their integrity and durability.


Professional Experiences

2019 | Research internship at MIO (6 month)
Subject : Pico- and nanoplankton dynamics in the Mediterranean Sea (the case of Toulon Bay).
Supervisors : Jean-louis and Dominique Jamet

2018 | Research internship at IRSTEA (6 month)
Subject : Green-blue infrastructure (Trame verte et bleue) and land use planning for natural hazard risk reduction.
Supervisor : Sylvie Vanpeene

2017 | Research internship at IMBE (3 month)
Subject : Study of epizoïc microalgae living on carapace and plastron of the European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis).
Supervisor : Stéphanie Fayolle

2016 | Research internship at IMBE (3 month)
Subject : Allelopathic potential of Vietnam mangrove plants.
Supervisor : Anne Bousquet-Melou

2015 | Research internship at IMBE (1 month)
Subject : Allelopathic potential of terpenes from Pinus halepensis needles.
Supervisor : Anne Bousquet-Melou

2015 | Research internship at IMBE (3 month)
Subject : Phytoplanktonic communities dynamics in a mediterranean temporary pond.
Supervisor : Stéphanie Fayolle


2019 | M2 Master Sciences de la Mer, parcours Interactions biotiques et Perturbations Anthropiques en environnement marin, Université de Toulon

2018 | Diplôme Master Biodiversité, Ecologie et Evolution, parcours M2 Ingénierie de la Biodiversité et des Bioressources, Aix-Marseille Université

2015 | Diplôme Licence Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre, parcours Biodiversité et Ecologie (spé. Ecologie des Ecosystèmes Perturbés), Aix-Marseille Université

2012 | Baccalauréat Scientifique, Lycée La Nativité - Aix-en-Provence