Life and Earth Sciences degree - Avignon University
La Bachelor's degree in Life and Earth Sciences d'Avignon Université is a generalist programme aimed at baccalaureate holders interested in disciplines such as animal and plant biology, cellular and molecular biology, geology, genetics, microbiology, biochemistry, physiology and ecology. The programme offers a gradual orientation from the first year (L1) to the third year (L3), with a choice of options in L2. Specialisation is achieved in L3 by choosing a pathway in :
- Biology Health Environment
- Agrosciences
- Earth and Water Sciences
Life and Earth Sciences degree - Aix Marseille Université
The environment from every angle!
SVT bachelor's degree is a broad-based training proposed to students interested in the functioning of the planet and its various marine and terrestrial ecosystems, and the human disturbances that affect and threaten them.
The first year of the bachelor's degree (L1) is a multi-disciplinary year that takes place within a bachelor's degree portal. The major therefore begins in L2 with its various differentiated pathways, but with a significant degree of mutualisation in terms of disciplines and methodologies in order to achieve the objectives of the skills common to the major.
- Course Biodiversity and ecology (BIOECO)
- Course Environment, pollution and surroundings (ENVIPOM)
- Course People and the environment (H&E)
- Course Sea
- Course Earth
- Earth to L3 pathway Geological Technician
- Course Biological and Geological Sciences (SBG)
- SBG to L3 pathway Multiscience in distance learning
- Course CUPGE "Agro-Véto
Professional Agronomy degree in Agro-ecological Land Transition (TAET) - Avignon University
La Agronomy Professional Degree - Agro-Ecological Transition of Territories (TAET)The aim of this programme, which is the fruit of an association between Avignon University and the MFR du Haut Vaucluse in Bollène, is to train professionals capable of supporting and/or advising agricultural players in the agro-ecological transition of territories as part of a social dynamic that respects the environment and people. The course is organised into 7 skills that bring together different scientific, technical and professional disciplines:
- Designing experimental approaches to agroecology
- Carry out a diagnosis and/or an audit to provide advice
- Knowing how to position yourself and act in relation to a professional organisation
- Managing the coordination of a technical and regional development network
- Integrating agronomic concepts into agro-ecological techniques
- Develop a global approach to production systems in their environment
- Implementing the agro-ecological transition
Professional degree in environmental protection and management, Specialisation: Eco-RSE: corporate social responsibility - Aix-Marseille Université
The scientific and educational objectives of the course focus on acquiring a foundation of theoretical and technical knowledge in the field of sustainable development/ecological transition and eco-design.