coviability of social-ecological systems


The thematic axis coviability of social-ecological systems aims to develop solutions based on nature and knowledge (academic as well as local and other stakeholders) for socio-ecological coviability. Socio-ecological coviability is the mutual sustainability between human and non-human systems that results from the interdependence of these systems. Studies into coviability require the development of (1) biological and ecological engineering approaches, (2) a better understanding of the knowledge, representations, uses and management of ecosystems by societies, (3) human activities and uses of natural resources that are compatible with human and environmental health, and (4) scientific communication, training and mediation.

This area is divided into different Science Fronts:

  • Using engineer species to conserve ecosystems. To gain a better understanding of their biology and ecology so that they can be better used in management and restoration.
  • Interactions between humans and biodiversity. (Re)reconciling human activities and ecosystem conservation through ecological engineering and management practices.
  • Socio-ecological approaches. Integrating sociological, anthropological and legal approaches and players to assess the dynamics and management of ecological systems.
  • Using and developing natural and agricultural products. Developing methods and knowledge for assessing the quality of biological resources and their use by humans.
  • Biodiversity and nature's contribution to society. Studying biological and ecological functions to optimise the services provided to society.
  • Towards socio-ecological co-viability. Communicating and promoting the work of the IMBE in order to work towards an ecological transition in the regions.


Co-ordinator of the Socio-ecological Socio-ecological
Co-ordinator of the Socio-ecological Socio-ecological
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
Co-ordinator of the Socio-ecological Socio-ecological
CR-Research charge


Paleoecology and Historical Ecology

Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology

Ecology, Ecotoxicology and Chemistry applied to Agroecology and Restoration

People, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation

Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules

SANté et Toxicologie EnvironnementaleS

CHImiometry, Design of experiments, Expert systems

Nature, Marine and Ocean Ecology

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