

The thematic axis Ecosystems aims to understand the functioning of ecological systems, to describe and understand the mechanisms underlying the biotic and abiotic functioning of ecosystems, and to characterise the spatial and temporal dynamics of ecosystems. These studies include taking into account the role of biodiversity in biological and ecosystem functioning and interactions, temporal dynamics, alternative stable equilibria and tipping points, as well as spatial effects, from local heterogeneity to regional fragmentation.

This area is divided into different Science Fronts:

  • Biodiversity and functioning. Understanding the links between biodiversity and
    functioning of ecological systems.
  • Biotic and ecological interactions. Highlighting the importance of
    biotic interactions and the architecture of networks of ecological interactions in the functioning and dynamics of ecosystems
  • Ecosystem trajectories. Analysing the trajectories of
    ecosystems to predict their future evolution, detect tipping points and understand non-linear trajectories.
  • Current space-time gradient. Identifying and ranking the spatial and temporal patterns affecting the functioning and dynamics of ecological systems
  •  Physico-chemical functioning of substrates. Study the importance of
    physico-chemical parameters, material flows and micro-organisms in the functioning of the soil and water compartments.


Ecosystems coordinator
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
Ecosystems coordinator


Paleoecology and Historical Ecology

Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology

Ecology, Ecotoxicology and Chemistry applied to Agroecology and Restoration

People, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation

Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules

CHImiometry, Design of experiments, Expert systems

Nature, Marine and Ocean Ecology

Photo gallery