Chemical Analysis for Ecology Department
Le Service Commun Analysis Cfor theEcology (ACE) is located on the Star campus (Saint-Jérôme). It was set up in 2018 to provide technical and logistical support to the unit's researchers in answering ecological questions such as the impact of the anthropisation of environments or the impact of stress on the environment.
In particular, this service uses chromatographic analysis to assess :
- the health status of environmental matrices such as water and soils by determining the ionic charge,
- the potential for decomposition of organic matter from elementary analysis (C, N),
- the effect of inputs (pollutants, amendments, etc.) on the activity of micro-organisms in soils by gas chromatography (respirometry),
- the consumption of sugars, or the production of acids and ethanol, for the characterisation of biostimulants by high-pressure liquid chromatography on a specific column.
This service also offers spectrophotometric assay methods (visible) chlorophylls (a, b and c) and pheopigments for monitoring algal biomass.
Various physico-chemical measurements (pH, conductimetry, water hardness) are also carried out by this service.
The ACE service team offers :
- advice on sampling, sample preparation and analytical protocols,
- the provision of equipment for carrying out routine environmental analyses,
- training in the use of analytical equipment,
- technology watch, with the development and optimisation of methods in line with research themes/programmes,
- preliminary assistance in setting up scientific projects (technical feasibility, costs, etc.).