CHImiometry, Design of Experiments, Expert Systems team
The team "CHImiometry, Design of Experiments and Expert Systems (CHIPS) works at several scales on the ecology, evolution, dynamics and functioning of island and continental ecosystems, by processing data and designing optimal experimental strategies.
In the environmental context, chemometrics plays a crucial role in the characterisation and management of chemical compounds present in air, water, soil and other environmental matrices to solve problems related to pollution and the management of natural resources.
Key words chemometrics, experimental design, data processing, modelling, analytical chemistry, biotechnologies

Research topics
The Team
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ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
CR-Research charge
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
PD-Post Doctorant
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
DR-Research Director
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
International scientific collaboration
National scientific collaborations
Socio-economic partners (management, application of research)
Network management
International scientific collaboration
- University of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso - JEAI Jatro-Agro
- University of Saîda, Algeria - joint supervision
- ISSBAT, University of Tunis. Bokamed project
- Indio Hatuey Experimental Station (Cuba) - FEF CubaSystemAgrOH project
- PHC Maghreb project
- University of Burgos (Spain)
National scientific collaborations
- University of French Polynesia- HUILCORA project
- La Pugère Experimental Station, Bouches du Rhône - Arbriozome project
- University of Bordeaux
- University of Brest
- University of Lyon
Socio-economic partners (management, application of research)
- Company V. Mane Fils (Grasse)
- Atelier du fruit (Marseille)
- ADEME - GESIPOL (Marseille)
- PELLENCST (Pertuis)
- L'OREAL (Paris)
- GERFLOR Saint-Paul les trois Chateaux)
- SIFAC (Carpentras)
Network management
- French Chemometrics Group
- CoSav TerreSol (IRD)
- Biochar network (Ithaka Institute, Switzerland, Indio Hatuey Experimental Station, Cuba)
- Participatory research network "Agroecological farmer innovation: fermented forest litter" (Terre et Humanisme, Ardèche)
- Club d'Expertise Chimique de Méditerranée (CECM, Marseille)