PAHIS-Paleoecology and Historical Ecology
The PAHIS team aims to reconstruct the environments and communities of organisms at various chronological resolutionsto better understand the organisation of current ecological systems and their dynamics. To achieve this, PAHIS adopts a an approach based on the study of the long term and theanalysis of the time dimension to promote sustainable land management.
These approaches are deployed along a hydroclimatic transect stretching from the Mediterranean basin to the Central Asian mountains to include the study of the impact of global change on the diversity of local contexts.

Research topics
The Team
Search for a team member
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
CR-Research charge
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
DR-Research Director
CR-Research charge
COLL-Collaborative researcher
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
CR-Research charge
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
PD-Post Doctorant
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
CR-Research charge
CR-Research charge
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
CR-Research charge
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
AST-Astronomist or Physicist
International scientific collaboration
National scientific collaborations
Socio-economic partners (management, application of research)
Network management
International scientific collaboration
- University of Konstanz, Germany (Franco-German ANR project "CHARTAQ")
- University of Basel, Switzerland (SINERGIA "MITRA" Project)
- University of Bern, Switzerland (SINERGIA "MITRA" Project)
- University of Miami, USA
- California State University at Long Beach
- University of Kiel (DFG HighStepLands project)
- Iranian National Institute for Oceanography & Atmospheric Sciences
- National Botanical Research Institute of Namibia (ECCOREV "NAMIPOL" project)
- Gobabeb Namib Research Institute of Namibia (ECCOREV "NAMIPOL" project)
National scientific collaborations
- AASPE - Archaeozoology and Archaeobotany - Societies, Practices and Environments- (UMR 7209 MNHN-CNRS)
- CCJ - Centre Camille Julian (UMR 7299 AMU-CNRS)
Socio-economic partners (management, application of research)
In progress
Network management
- European Pollen Database (Vice-Chair and Data Manager)