ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
The Functional Ecology team aims to assess and understand the effects of environmental changes on biological processes (production, decomposition of organic matter, mineralisation, interactions, predation, local extinctions and/or changes in the distribution of certain species, etc.), the dynamics and functioning of ecosystems (adaptation, resilience, functional diversity, food webs) and the socio-ecological system (contributions of nature to man, cultural benefits, urban transition). Using integrated and interdisciplinary approaches, the EcoSoM team will explore the cultural, functional, biological, physiological and chemical responses of ecological systems and their biodiversity to changes in climate, land use, agroforestry practices, artificialisation and traditional uses. We will contribute to understanding the role of local knowledge (pastoralism, use of medicinal plants) and cultural variability in the evolution and distribution of biodiversity and on ecological processes, human health and the dynamics of socio-ecosystems. In the context of global change and environmental transition, the research carried out by the Functional Ecology team will integrate different levels of the continuum of biological organisations (from societies to metabolites and nutrients), types of ecosystem (European forests, agrosystems, mangroves, Mediterranean steppes, scrublands, alpine meadows), biological models (plants, animals, micro-organisms) and their interactions (trophic, allelopathic, etc.).
Based on a detailed understanding of processes and a description of biodiversity, we are developing nature-based solutions aimed at providing societies with tools for sustainable development (ecosystem conservation and restoration, phytoremediation, combating climate change, food security, health).
Research topics
The Team
In progress
In progress
In progress
In progress