
Search for an IMBE member
Meryem Aakairi
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
Laurence Affre
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
POE - Observatories and Experiments Unit
Cecile Albert
CR-Research charge
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Sandrine Alibert
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
Sandrine Amat
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
CHIPS-CHImiometry, Design of experiments, Expert systems
ACE-Service Analyses Chimiques pour l'Ecologie (Chemical Analysis for Ecology)
Karolina Argote Deluque
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Jacques Artaud
CHIPS-CHImiometry, Design of experiments, Expert systems
Celestine Aubouin
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
Pierre Baby
EECAR-Ecology, Ecotoxicology and Chemistry applied to Agroecology and Restoration
Clementine Baccati
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
Beatrice Baghdikian
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
Andrea Bagnon
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Virginie Baldy
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
Christine Ballini
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
Alex Baumel
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
BEEM - Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology
Coline Bedoret
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
NEMO-Nature, Marine and Ocean Ecology
Dahvya Belkacem-Doume
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
PAHIS-Paleoecology and Historical Ecology
MPH-Service Morphologie
Denise Bellan
DR-Research Director
NEMO-Nature, Marine and Ocean Ecology
Gerard Bellan
DR-Research Director
NEMO-Nature, Marine and Ocean Ecology
Sylvie Beltra
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
PA-Administrative Division
Karim Benbrahim
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
SANTES-SANté et Toxicologie EnvironnementaleS
TPE-Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology Department
Gabin Bernard
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
PA-Administrative Division
Marine Berro
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
PA-Administrative Division
Myriam Bertolotti
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
MSN - Metabolomics and Chemistry of Natural Substances Department
Celine Bertrand
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Isabelle Biegala
CR-Research charge
BEEM - Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology
Titouan Biré
NEMO-Nature, Marine and Ocean Ecology
Armin Bischoff
EECAR-Ecology, Ecotoxicology and Chemistry applied to Agroecology and Restoration
Romane Blaya
EECAR-Ecology, Ecotoxicology and Chemistry applied to Agroecology and Restoration
Olivier Blight
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
EECAR-Ecology, Ecotoxicology and Chemistry applied to Agroecology and Restoration
Isabelle Bombarda
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
CHIPS-CHImiometry, Design of experiments, Expert systems
ACE-Service Analyses Chimiques pour l'Ecologie (Chemical Analysis for Ecology)
Alberte Bondeau
CR-Research charge
PAHIS-Paleoecology and Historical Ecology
Carole Borchiellini
BEEM - Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology
Pauline Bosio
PAHIS-Paleoecology and Historical Ecology
Kheira Bouaka
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
PA-Administrative Division
Claire Bouchot
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Anne Bousquet-Melou
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
Solène Brasseur
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
Celia Breaud
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
Patricia Bremond
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
SANTES-SANté et Toxicologie EnvironnementaleS
TPE-Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology Department
Corinne Brouchoud
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
EECAR-Ecology, Ecotoxicology and Chemistry applied to Agroecology and Restoration
Lenka Brousset
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
POE - Observatories and Experiments Unit
Elise Buisson
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
EECAR-Ecology, Ecotoxicology and Chemistry applied to Agroecology and Restoration
Sok-siya Bun
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
Clément Cabioch
NEMO-Nature, Marine and Ocean Ecology
Loris Cagnacci
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
ACE-Service Analyses Chimiques pour l'Ecologie (Chemical Analysis for Ecology)
Virgile Calvert
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
POE - Observatories and Experiments Unit
Laura Cappellen
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
BEEM - Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology
Manuel Cartereau
PD-Post Doctorant
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Dominique Casanova
SANTES-SANté et Toxicologie EnvironnementaleS
Laurent Cavalli
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Marine Chambaud
ATER-Temporary Teaching and Research Assistant
EECAR-Ecology, Ecotoxicology and Chemistry applied to Agroecology and Restoration
Carl Charloto
CHIPS-CHImiometry, Design of experiments, Expert systems
Eliane Charrat
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
PAHIS-Paleoecology and Historical Ecology
PID - Information Technology and Data Centre
MPH-Service Morphologie
Milena Chateau
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Cyllene Chatellier
BEEM - Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology
Cécile Chemin
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
BMC-Molecular and Cellular Biology Department
Sandrine Chenesseau
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
MPH-Service Morphologie
POE - Observatories and Experiments Unit
Anne Chenuil-Maurel
CR-Research charge
BEEM - Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology
Pierre Chevaldonné
DR-Research Director
NEMO-Nature, Marine and Ocean Ecology
Pierre Christen
CR-Research charge
CHIPS-CHImiometry, Design of experiments, Expert systems
Magalie Claeys-Bruno
CHIPS-CHImiometry, Design of experiments, Expert systems
Danielle Clake
PD-Post Doctorant
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Cecile Claret
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Marie-christine Cochet
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
PA-Administrative Division
Salome Coquin
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
Emmanuel Corcket
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
Blandine Courbiere
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
SANTES-SANté et Toxicologie EnvironnementaleS
Amandine Coxe
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
PA-Administrative Division
Wolfgang Cramer
DR-Research Director
PAHIS-Paleoecology and Historical Ecology
Steven Criquet
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Gérald Culioli
EECAR-Ecology, Ecotoxicology and Chemistry applied to Agroecology and Restoration
Lola Czuckermand
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
Victor David
CR-Research charge
SANTES-SANté et Toxicologie EnvironnementaleS
Helene De Meringo
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
PID - Information Technology and Data Centre
Laetitia Dejong-Moreau
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
SANTES-SANté et Toxicologie EnvironnementaleS
Marion Delettre
BEEM - Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology
Victorine Demiralp
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Marie Derrien
PD-Post Doctorant
NEMO-Nature, Marine and Ocean Ecology
Carole Di Giorgio
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
SANTES-SANté et Toxicologie EnvironnementaleS
Alrick Dias
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
PID - Information Technology and Data Centre
Hazem Dib
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
EECAR-Ecology, Ecotoxicology and Chemistry applied to Agroecology and Restoration
Morteza Djamali
CR-Research charge
PAHIS-Paleoecology and Historical Ecology
Estelle Dumas
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Sylvie Dupouyet
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
POE - Observatories and Experiments Unit
Nathalie Dupuy
CHIPS-CHImiometry, Design of experiments, Expert systems
Thierry Dutoit
DR-Research Director
EECAR-Ecology, Ecotoxicology and Chemistry applied to Agroecology and Restoration
Regional-Environmentalchange Editorial Office
COLL-Collaborative researcher
PAHIS-Paleoecology and Historical Ecology
Alexander Ereskovskiy
DR-Research Director
NEMO-Nature, Marine and Ocean Ecology
MPH-Service Morphologie
Anne-marie Farnet Da Silva
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Stephanie Fayolle-Sanna
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Catherine Fernandez
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
MSN - Metabolomics and Chemistry of Natural Substances Department
Maximilien Fil
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
Lisa Foli
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
ACE-Service Analyses Chimiques pour l'Ecologie (Chemical Analysis for Ecology)
Helene Folzer
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
Evelyne Franquet
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Sophie Gachet
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Emma Gamba
PAHIS-Paleoecology and Historical Ecology
Emmanuel Gandouin
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
PAHIS-Paleoecology and Historical Ecology
Elnur Garayev
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
Amandine Gasc
CR-Research charge
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Thierry Gauquelin
ECE - Emeritus Research Teacher
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
Cheikhouna Gaye
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
Stephanie Gerard
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
PA-Administrative Division
Benoit Geslin
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Cléa Gillet
PAHIS-Paleoecology and Historical Ecology
Fabien Girard
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
CHIPS-CHImiometry, Design of experiments, Expert systems
Stephane Greff
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
MSN - Metabolomics and Chemistry of Natural Substances Department
Marie Grenier
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
NEMO-Nature, Marine and Ocean Ecology
Raphael Gros
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
Serge Gudin
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
BEEM - Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology
Clement Guenier
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Frederic Guibal
CR-Research charge
PAHIS-Paleoecology and Historical Ecology
Frederic Guiter
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
PAHIS-Paleoecology and Historical Ecology
POE - Observatories and Experiments Unit
François Hamonic
PD-Post Doctorant
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Raihan Hamrouni
PD-Post Doctorant
CHIPS-CHImiometry, Design of experiments, Expert systems
Laure Hannibal
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
Pascal Hingamp
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
BEEM - Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology
Elisabeth Holtzer
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Tal Idan
PD-Post Doctorant
NEMO-Nature, Marine and Ocean Ecology
Julien Issartel
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Francesca Jaroszynska
ATER-Temporary Teaching and Research Assistant
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Delphine Jaymond
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
EECAR-Ecology, Ecotoxicology and Chemistry applied to Agroecology and Restoration
Celine Joliot
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
EECAR-Ecology, Ecotoxicology and Chemistry applied to Agroecology and Restoration
MSN - Metabolomics and Chemistry of Natural Substances Department
Herve Jourdan
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Matthieu Jurado
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
POE - Observatories and Experiments Unit
Nicolas Kaldonski
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Blanche Krieguer
CHIPS-CHImiometry, Design of experiments, Expert systems
Petr Kuznetsov
NEMO-Nature, Marine and Ocean Ecology
Youssef Lamwati
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Cecile Latapy
PAHIS-Paleoecology and Historical Ecology
Emie Le Bonhomme
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
MSN - Metabolomics and Chemistry of Natural Substances Department
Manuel Le Bris
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
BEEM - Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology
Yveline Le Dreau
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
CHIPS-CHImiometry, Design of experiments, Expert systems
Alexandre Le Loarer
PD-Post Doctorant
NEMO-Nature, Marine and Ocean Ecology
Caroline Lecareux
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
MSN - Metabolomics and Chemistry of Natural Substances Department
Arnaud Lechvien
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
EECAR-Ecology, Ecotoxicology and Chemistry applied to Agroecology and Restoration
Laureline Leclerc
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
PAHIS-Paleoecology and Historical Ecology
Thibaud Legros
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
Christophe Lejeusne
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
NEMO-Nature, Marine and Ocean Ecology
POE - Observatories and Experiments Unit
Agathe Leriche
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Marion Lestienne
PD-Post Doctorant
PAHIS-Paleoecology and Historical Ecology
Michelle Leydet
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
PAHIS-Paleoecology and Historical Ecology
PID - Information Technology and Data Centre
MPH-Service Morphologie
Bérangère Leys
CR-Research charge
PAHIS-Paleoecology and Historical Ecology
Erwann Loret
CR-Research charge
SANTES-SANté et Toxicologie EnvironnementaleS
Marthe Lucas
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
EECAR-Ecology, Ecotoxicology and Chemistry applied to Agroecology and Restoration
Fathi Mabrouki
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
MSN - Metabolomics and Chemistry of Natural Substances Department
Herve Macarie
CR-Research charge
SANTES-SANté et Toxicologie EnvironnementaleS
Frederic Magnin
CR-Research charge
PAHIS-Paleoecology and Historical Ecology
Valerie Mahiou-Leddet
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
Christian Marschal
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
POE - Observatories and Experiments Unit
MPH-Service Morphologie
Martine Martinez
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
ACE-Service Analyses Chimiques pour l'Ecologie (Chemical Analysis for Ecology)
CHIPS-CHImiometry, Design of experiments, Expert systems
Lindsay Masnormand
EECAR-Ecology, Ecotoxicology and Chemistry applied to Agroecology and Restoration
Veronique Masotti
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
Joelle Massei
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
PA-Administrative Division
Carole Mathe De Souza
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
EECAR-Ecology, Ecotoxicology and Chemistry applied to Agroecology and Restoration
Christophe Mazzia
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
EECAR-Ecology, Ecotoxicology and Chemistry applied to Agroecology and Restoration
Frederic Medail
PAHIS-Paleoecology and Historical Ecology
Emese Meglecz
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
BEEM - Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology
Eric Meineri
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
POE - Observatories and Experiments Unit
Emile Melloul
EECAR-Ecology, Ecotoxicology and Chemistry applied to Agroecology and Restoration
Claire Menival
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
Jean-yves Meunier
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
POE - Observatories and Experiments Unit
Jean-philippe Mevy
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
POE - Observatories and Experiments Unit
Elodie Mezzatesta
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
CHIPS-CHImiometry, Design of experiments, Expert systems
Lucie Miche
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
BEEM - Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology
Alexandre Millon
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Raphael Minguet
EECAR-Ecology, Ecotoxicology and Chemistry applied to Agroecology and Restoration
Cecile Miramont
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
PAHIS-Paleoecology and Historical Ecology
MPH-Service Morphologie
Pascal Mirleau
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
BEEM - Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology
Joffrey Moiroux
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
EECAR-Ecology, Ecotoxicology and Chemistry applied to Agroecology and Restoration
Sacha Molinari
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
NEMO-Nature, Marine and Ocean Ecology
MSN - Metabolomics and Chemistry of Natural Substances Department
Josiane Molinet
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
CHIPS-CHImiometry, Design of experiments, Expert systems
Romain Monassier
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Morgane Monteil
NEMO-Nature, Marine and Ocean Ecology
Xavier Moreau
SANTES-SANté et Toxicologie EnvironnementaleS
TPE-Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology Department
Clémentine Mutillod
ATER-Temporary Teaching and Research Assistant
EECAR-Ecology, Ecotoxicology and Chemistry applied to Agroecology and Restoration
Matthieu Ménager
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
EECAR-Ecology, Ecotoxicology and Chemistry applied to Agroecology and Restoration
Gabriel Neve
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Jerome Orgeas
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Elena Ormeno-Lafuente
DR-Research Director
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
POE - Observatories and Experiments Unit
Caroline Orneto
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
SANTES-SANté et Toxicologie EnvironnementaleS
TPE-Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology Department
Thierry Orsiere
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
SANTES-SANté et Toxicologie EnvironnementaleS
Jean-philippe Orts
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
POE - Observatories and Experiments Unit
Pauline Palmas
CR-Research charge
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Calli Paul
BEEM - Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology
SANTES-SANté et Toxicologie EnvironnementaleS
Daniel Pavon
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
POE - Observatories and Experiments Unit
Thierry Perez
DR-Research Director
NEMO-Nature, Marine and Ocean Ecology
Yvan Perez
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
BEEM - Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology
Jeanne Perrin
SANTES-SANté et Toxicologie EnvironnementaleS
Grégory Phina
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
PID - Information Technology and Data Centre
Yoann Pinguet
CR-Research charge
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Valérie Pique
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
SANTES-SANté et Toxicologie EnvironnementaleS
TPE-Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology Department
Philippe Ponel
CR-Research charge
PAHIS-Paleoecology and Historical Ecology
Mailys Queru
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Herve Ramone
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
EECAR-Ecology, Ecotoxicology and Chemistry applied to Agroecology and Restoration
POE - Observatories and Experiments Unit
Luc Rangon
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
POE - Observatories and Experiments Unit
Charlotte Rault
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Magali Rault
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
EECAR-Ecology, Ecotoxicology and Chemistry applied to Agroecology and Restoration
Catherine Rebufa
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
CHIPS-CHImiometry, Design of experiments, Expert systems
Flor Regus
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Emmanuelle Renard
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
BEEM - Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology
Maxime Robin
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
SANTES-SANté et Toxicologie EnvironnementaleS
Manon Rocco
PD-Post Doctorant
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
Léo Rocher
EECAR-Ecology, Ecotoxicology and Chemistry applied to Agroecology and Restoration
Caroline Rocher
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
BMC-Molecular and Cellular Biology Department
BEEM - Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology
Valéria Romanodepaula
CR-Research charge
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Sevastianos Roussos
DR-Research Director
CHIPS-CHImiometry, Design of experiments, Expert systems
Arne Saatkamp
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
POE - Observatories and Experiments Unit
Léa Saby
EECAR-Ecology, Ecotoxicology and Chemistry applied to Agroecology and Restoration
Charifat Said Hassane
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
Cassandra Saignol
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
ACE-Service Analyses Chimiques pour l'Ecologie (Chemical Analysis for Ecology)
MSN - Metabolomics and Chemistry of Natural Substances Department
Marie-dominique Salducci
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
POE - Observatories and Experiments Unit
Mathieu Santonja
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
Irene Sari-Minodier
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
SANTES-SANté et Toxicologie EnvironnementaleS
Amélie Saunier
PD-Post Doctorant
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
Clementine Saunier
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
Christophe Sauzet
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
SANTES-SANté et Toxicologie EnvironnementaleS
TPE-Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology Department
Tonio Schaub
PD-Post Doctorant
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Quentin Schenkelaars
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
BEEM - Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology
BMC-Molecular and Cellular Biology Department
Michelle Sergent
CHIPS-CHImiometry, Design of experiments, Expert systems
Charlotte Simmler
CR-Research charge
NEMO-Nature, Marine and Ocean Ecology
MSN - Metabolomics and Chemistry of Natural Substances Department
Hugues Soumille
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
EECAR-Ecology, Ecotoxicology and Chemistry applied to Agroecology and Restoration
Séverine Suchail
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
EECAR-Ecology, Ecotoxicology and Chemistry applied to Agroecology and Restoration
Nadira Taieb-Largois
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
SANTES-SANté et Toxicologie EnvironnementaleS
Brigitte Talon
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
PAHIS-Paleoecology and Historical Ecology
Virginie Tassistro
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
SANTES-SANté et Toxicologie EnvironnementaleS
TPE-Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology Department
Thierry Tatoni
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Irene TeixidorToneu
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
Laureline Terlier
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
SANTES-SANté et Toxicologie EnvironnementaleS
TPE-Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology Department
Alain Thiery
EECAR-Ecology, Ecotoxicology and Chemistry applied to Agroecology and Restoration
Franck Torre
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Anouar Toumi
ITA-Engineer Administrative Technician
PID - Information Technology and Data Centre
Noelline Tsafack
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
EECAR-Ecology, Ecotoxicology and Chemistry applied to Agroecology and Restoration
Jean Vacelet
NEMO-Nature, Marine and Ocean Ecology
Pierre Vanloot
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
CHIPS-CHImiometry, Design of experiments, Expert systems
Ian Vedeau
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation
Robin Veyron
PAHIS-Paleoecology and Historical Ecology
Nardo Vicente
NEMO-Nature, Marine and Ocean Ecology
Christel Vidaller
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
EECAR-Ecology, Ecotoxicology and Chemistry applied to Agroecology and Restoration
Cathy Vieillescazes
EECAR-Ecology, Ecotoxicology and Chemistry applied to Agroecology and Restoration
Pierre-henri Villard
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
SANTES-SANté et Toxicologie EnvironnementaleS
Axel Viton
SANTES-SANté et Toxicologie EnvironnementaleS
Thierry Woignier
DR-Research Director
ECOSOM-Functional ecology: from socio-ecological systems to molecules
Irene Xueref-Remy
AST-Astronomist or Physicist
PAHIS-Paleoecology and Historical Ecology
Marie Zakardjian
MCF-Maitre de Conferences
POPCO-Populations, Landscapes, Communities & Conservation