Hélène De Méringo

Hélène De Méringo

Research engineer in animal population and community ecology


Biodiversity, Ecosystems

My main activities concern the monitoring of terrestrial animal populations on islands through fieldwork and data management.

FOLLOW-UP and FIELD MISSIONS Pacific and Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur zones:

  • Seabird breeding monitoring (counts, phenological monitoring)
  • Monitoring small mammal populations (camera trap, trapping, GPS tracking, diet, trophic analyses).
  • Study of the impact of invasive animal species (feral cats, rodents)



  • Creation and administration of relational databases (MySQL) associated with biodiversity monitoring programmes:
    - Island Biodiversity database: monitoring the distribution of seabirds on islands
    - Ecophony: bioacoustic recording data management, preparation of acoustic sequences, metadata management
  • Cartography, GIS.
  • 2012-2024 - Research Engineer in Animal Population and Community Ecology - IMBE, Aix Marseille University, CNRS, IRD, Avignon University Technopole Arbois, 13545 Aix-en-Provence, Bât. Villemin
  • Wildlife
  • Creation and management of relational databases
  • Island environment