EECAR-Ecology, Ecotoxicology & Chemistry applied to Agroecology and Restoration
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Faced with the erosion of biodiversity due to global changes (land use, climate, biological invasions, pollution), theEECAR - Ecology, Ecotoxicology & Chemistry applied to Agroecology and Restoration - team aims to (i) develop approaches for diagnosing the state of health of ecosystems, and (ii) produce original results and innovations for ecological restoration or the sustainable management of natural and cultural heritage, as well as assessing their effects and legal prospects.
The team relies on ecotoxicological approaches (development of biomarkers, in particular)Chemicals (chemomarker research) and ecological to characterise populations and communities (vegetation, terrestrial invertebrates), in order to identify bioindicators and pinpoint the relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning.
The approaches used stem from the ecological restorationtheecological engineeringtheagroecologythe nature protection law and the heritage chemistry. They enable EECAR to contribute to conservation-restoration of cultural heritagethe protecting and restoring ecosystems as well as the implementation of a sustainable management of agro-ecosystems and other socio-ecosystems. The team studies both the legal instruments for preventing damage to the natural environment and the systems for compensating for it.
Study areas : Mediterranean basin / Middle mountains - Causses / Prealps and southern Alps / Brazil / Central America
Key words Topics: Molecular archaeometry and heritage chemistry - chemical ecology - characterisation of natural chemodiversity - Agroecology - Global change - Plant ecology - Historical ecology - Animal ecology and ecophysiology - Biodiversity of arthropods and plants - Ecotoxicology - Nature protection and land-use planning law - Ecological engineering - Plant/insect interactions - Biological and integrated pest management - Ecological restoration.

Research topics
The Team
- University of Applied Sciences Anhalt (Germany)
- University of Tübingen (Germany)
- HBLFA Höhere Bundeslehr- und Forschungsanstalt Raumberg-Gumpenstein (Austria)
- University of Liège (Belgium)
- University of Louvain (Belgium)
- University of Campinas (Brazil)
- São Paulo State University, Jaboticabal (Brazil)
- Federal University of Porto Alegre (Brazil)
- Federal University of Minas Gerais (Brazil)
- University of Montreal (Canada)
- University of Castilla la Mancha / Toledo (Spain)
- ÖMKI Organic Agriculture Research Institute, Budapest (Hungary)
- University of the Azores (Portugal)
- BIOGECO - University of Bordeaux (Didier Alard, Marie-Lise Benot, Soizig Le Stradic)
- CEFE - Université P Valéry, Montpellier (William Perrin, Pierre Jay Robert, Bertrand Schatz, Alan Vergnes, Rumsais Blatrix)
- Citeres, University of Tours (Francis Isselin)
- CEREGE, Aix-Marseille University (T. Devièse)
- ECODIV - University of Rouen (Fabrice Bureau, Estelle Langlois, Estelle Forey)
- Emmah, INRAE and Avignon University (Annette Bérard, Claude Doussan, Stéphane Ruy, Celine Pelosi)
- GRAB (François Warlop, Maxime Jacquot)
- IEES Paris, INRAE de Versailles (Philippe Lucas)
- Tour du Valat Research Institute (Hugo Fontes, Antoine Gazaix)
- Institut Sophia Agrobiotech, INRAE (Nicolas Borowiec, Gaëlle Le Goff)
- IRBI, University of Tours (Joël Meunier, Charlotte Lécureuil)
- LESSEM - UGA, INRAE, Grenoble (Renaud Jaunatre, André Evette)
- LCE, Aix Marseille University (Pascale Prudent)
- LPED, Aix Marseille University (Didier Génin, Isabelle Laffont-Schwob)
- PSH, INRAE Avignon and Avignon University (Françoise Lescourret, Pierre Franck, Claire Lavigne, Bertrand Gauffre, Thomas Delattre, Myriam Siegwart, etc.).
- Associate Researcher Laurent TATIN Nature&sciences
- Association CEN-PACA - RNN des Coussouls de Crau (restoration and conservation of the Crau steppe)
- Pink Lady Association
- Takh Association for the preservation of Przewalski's horse
- Ecole Supérieure d'Art d'Avignon (ESAA)
- SID Initiative - Small Mediterranean Islands
- Koppert France
- The Conservatory Garden of Tinctorial Plants at Lauris
- National and regional museums
- OFB - French Office for Biodiversity
- Port Cros National Park
- Cévennes National Park
- Calanques National Park
- Aristot (design office)
- Société du Canal de Provence
- Société CDC Biodiversité (intensive orchard restoration)
- Société CNR (restoration of dykes on the banks of the Rhône)
- ECO-MED Ecology and Mediation
- Engie Green (Photovoltaic power stations)
- Société GPMM (Grand Port Maritime de Marseille)
- I3D (Ingénierie Dépollution Démolition Déchets)
- Société Marrenon (wine cellar cooperative)
- Naturalia Environnement
- Nexira Food (resins, food processing)
- SCLM (quarry restoration)
- Tara Rubia (natural dyes)
- Total Energies renouvelables (Photovoltaic power stations)
- La Pugère experimental station
- ECOVEG - Ecology of plant communities
- REVER - Network for Exchange and Valorisation in Restoration Ecology
- SER-Europe - Society for Ecological Restoration - Chapter Europe
- SFR Tersys